The Role of Business Communication in Decision Making Process


This study aims at investigating the effect of business communication on the decision-making process in FBN by examining the role of Modern Communication Technologies (MCTs), business communication methods, and employees’ communication skills in the decision-making process.

The research population consists of all employees in the low-level management, middle level xiii , and top-level management (446 in number).

A stratified random according to managerial level was utilized in order to ensure that particular managerial levels within the study population are adequately represented in the sample.

Three hundred and forty employees participated in the survey. A total of 279 were returned for a response rate of 82.1%, and seven of them were not valid.

The results of this study revealed that there is a significant correlation between MCTs and the decision-making process.

MCTs were found to make attaining information easier and increase efficiency through teamwork and effective decision-making.

MCTs also motivate employees to participate with their ideas. In addition, this study revealed that there is a significant correlation between business communication methods and the decision-making process.

Employees were receptive to the use of oral communication methods for complex tasks.

This study also found out that written communication methods are utilized to easily identify the problems encountered.


In a world where speed and adaptability can make or break a business, organization increasing is how companies win and keep on winning (Cook and Macaulay, 2004).

What separates the winners is the ability to make the rest of the important decisions well and then to make them happen.

The key is not structure but rather an integrated system. Decisions, if you can’t make them; you won’t be an effective manager.

It requires getting the right people focused on those decisions at the right time. That’s true whether the decisions involve the largest issues that a company faces (what’s our strategy?) or more tactical, day-to-day concerns (should we buy more components now or next month? Should we accept this customer’s return?)(Batemanand Snell, 2004).

Survival and long-term success will often depend on finding the right solution.

To take the right decision is typically not a simple matter, as most decision problems are highly complex in nature. A key issue for all managers is how far they should share decisions with their team or colleagues (Adair, 2007).

Integral to decision-making is the management and creation of shared meaning, focusing on the mastery of communication is inseparable from effective decision-making.

Communication is a vital aspect of human existence. As long as life exists, the human race is perpetually seeking to hear and understood.

is the lifeblood of every organization (Nelson and Economy, 2005). It is the medium through which an organization’s vision and goals are interpreted and understood by both its internal and external . 


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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