The Role of Industrial Training of Manpower Development in an Organization

The Role of Industrial Training of Manpower Development in an Organization.


The research work is all about the role of industrial training of manpower development in organization, A study of Anammco (Nig) Limited  and  Emenite  Limited.  A  sample  size  of  267  respondents  all randomly   selected   from   the   entire   staff   of   the   two   selected organizations.

The  secondary  data  were  obtained  from  libraries, journals   text   books,news   –   papers,   and   magazines   in   human resource   management.   The   data   collected   were   analyzed   using frequency  tables,  percentages  and  Chi-square  statistical  tools  in testing   the   hypothesis.

From   the   study,   it   was   discovered   that industrial  training  of  manpower  in  an  organization  is  achieving  the overall  objective  of  which  it  was  established  in  ANAMMCO  (Nig) Limited  Enugu  and  Emenite  Limited.

It  was  equally  observed  that ANAMMCO  (Nig)  limited  Enugu  and  Emenite  Limited  organizes  its training  and  manpower  development  programs  based  on  good result   oriented   training   principle   and   that   the   problem   facing industrial Training of manpower development in an organization are essentially    financial    problems.

It    is    recommended:    That    the performance of the trainees in the above named organization should be  monitored  in  other  to  detect  lapses  and  make  corrections,  also more  time  should  be  given  to  the  training  programs  that  are  been offered by both organizations to enable them achieve their goals.


Background of the Study

In any organization, the quality of its human resources determines its sources. Every manufacturing industry depends on the resources for attainment of its objective. However, the objective cannot be achieved unless the organization is made up of employees who have skills knowledge and abilities to work.

Employees may have abilities, skills, and knowledge but in the long run, they may find it very tedious to cope with their jobs due to many factors such as organizational changes, technological changes and so on, hence Industrial training of manpower development in an organization become paramount.

Akinku (1978:7), the concepts of training manpower developing were not clearly understood in most of our development countries. This was also supported in where he said “we are yet to find out what the four M’s in our mist are, all efforts to improve on our productivity yield no result” The four M’s means man, materials, machine and money.

With the change of events and increased awareness, both the developed and developing countries have come to appreciate the problem of employee development and training in many organizations.

Layemo (1995;2) mentioned in a lecture on supervisory Management Training Course, that “the basic problem of developing Countries is not lack of natural resources but the underdevelopment of their human resources”.

A similar perspective in Eze (1993:20:25), shows that manpower training in the third world countries are underdeveloped.

In a similar case also supported. Ashby (1959) showed that manpower resources in the third world countries were still developing. In this recommendation the National manpower board was established in 1962. As a follow up, the manpower board in 1963 undertook a comprehensive manpower survey which brought to governments the following notice.


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