The Role of Political Parties in Democratic Government In Nigeria, The Fourth Republic

 – The Role of Political Parties in Democratic Government In Nigeria, The Fourth Republic –

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Democratic governance with its ideal of elective representation, freedom of choice of leaders, role of law, freedom of expression, accountability e.t.c has become the acceptable system of government all over the world.

It is a form a government in which the supreme power of a political community rest on popular sovereignty.

According to Oyovbaire (1987) democracy as a system of government seeks to realize a generally recongised common good through a coolective initiation and discussion of policy questions concerning public affairs and which delegate authority to agent to implement the broads decisions made by the people through majority vote.

Thus, in contemporary times, democracy has been referred to as the expression of popular will of the political community through elected representative.

The contemporary democracy according to Rapheal (1976) rest on representatives government. Democratic governance in Nigeria has been a different things when compared to what is obtainable in other part of the world.

The respect for human right and rule of law which are the main features of democracy are not visible especially between 1999 and 2007; election rigging and gangsterism is the order of the day that one can hardly differentiate between democratic government and autocracy.

In modern societics, political parties are very essential to political process. They have become veritable instrument or adjunct of democracy in any democratic system.


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