The Role of Public Relation as a Corporate Tool for Change Management in Organizations

 – The Role of Public Relation as a Corporate Tool for Change Management in Organizations –

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This research study examined the role of public relations as a corporate tool for change management in Fidelity Bank Plc Enugu.

The objectives of the study are to examine the role public relations play as a corporate tool for change management in organization.

To ascertain the major organizational changes Fidelity bank has undergone. To determine if Fidelity bank has employed public relations as a tool in managing these changes.

Determine the public relations strategies that were employed by Fidelity Bank Plc in managing these changes. Determine if public relations was an effective tool in the management of Fidelity banks organizational changes.

The study adopted the survey research design to examine the role of public relations as a cooporate tool for change management in organization (Fidelity Bank Plc).

A total population of 5000 were used, and a sample size of 370.37 from the population using Yaro Yamane sample size determinant formular.

The test instrument used for the study was the questionnaire. Among the major organizational changes the bank has undergone include Bank capitalization, bank merging, computerization of banking system, online process/activities, training of staff to be computer literate and reduction of staff strength due to banking system computerization.

Also, some of the public relation tools employed in managing organizational changes include communicating the idea of change to the workers, using press releases to make the information on change trustworthy.


Background of Study

From the beginning of the 20th century, our world has witnessed tremendous and dramatic changes and advancement in all factors of human endeavour.

The society is dynamic and has been undergoing development in technology, managerial capabilities, social advancement and legal revolution which impact directly on the economic, physical and spiritual well being and the way of life of the generality of the people (Boddy, 2008),

Change is inevitable in a dynamic and highly competitive environment where we find ourselves. As often said, nothing is permanent in life except change, individuals and organizations alike must device ways of introducing, managing and coping with change.

According to Connor, 2005, Allen, 2001, Jick, 1991, Kotler, 1996. Changes in the banking sector ranges from new policies, new technologies, merging banks, acquisition of banks, institutionalized system of operations, market capitalization to electronic/ Internet banking.

The speed with which trade and industry experience change in new products and innovations is unimaginable. This demands increase in capacity and capability to manage these changes. (Robbins and Judge, 2007).

Fidelity Bank Plc today operates under an ever changing environment which necessitate an increasing demand for change management.

The environment rapidly changes due to globalization, strong competition, technical development and a customer driven market (Senior and Flemming, 2006).


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