The Shining Light of My Life Quotes

There are always people that will make us smile and those who will not. Some come into our lives to help us grow stronger and others just to offer that one dose of comfort we need while on our journey. We all have a person or two in our lives who is like the shining light of our lives because they are there no matter what journey we are on. It could be a bright light or an overwhelming dark one; it is still light.

As humans, we all need to love and be loved. We need to feel safe, cherished and mentally stable. That feeling of hopelessness could be called off when we have one who lights up our world and loves us unconditionally, our shining lights!

For those who have had some experiences, there are many people who are considered to be shining lights. These could be spouses, a parent, a friend, an elder relative, or even a pet.

However, having someone or something you refer to as a shining light is one thing, letting them know what they mean to you is another thing. You’ve got to let them know where you place them in your life because every person’s life is a story, and every story deserves to be told.

To get the best quotes to convey your thoughts, the following collection of the shining light of my life quotes will help. Check them below.

You are the shining light of my life. Everything about you inspires me and I can’t imagine someone that makes me live a happier and more fulfilled life. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ask for. I love you!

1. You are the shining light of my life. You are my rock, my compass, always pointing North even when I lose my way. Thank you for being you and thank you for everything. I love you always.

2. Hi love! I love You so much! You are the shining light of my life, I love talking with you and spending time with you. You’re a wonderful person, you’re sweet and kind. You are gorgeous, and it would be an honour to be able to meet you in person one day.

3. I love you. I don’t say it often enough because I’m afraid that it’s not enough. You are the shining light of my life. My world would fall apart without you. You attract good things: love, joy, light, happiness, and positive energy. I can’t wait to spend another year with you!

4. I don’t tell you enough, but you are the shining light of my life. I appreciate everything you do for me, and yes, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be. You do many things for me that aren’t expected of you, and for that, I will always be grateful.

5. You are my sunshine and I am thankful every day that you came into my life. You are the foundation on which our love stands, the driving force behind why I fight. I love you more than ever before and hope you know how happy you make me.

6. I’d be lost without your love and guidance. Thank you for being my best friend, there is nothing special I wouldn’t do for you. I want to make you happy in every way possible. I am thankful we are a part of each other’s life. You are like the shining light in my world and always will be!

7. The best part of every day is coming home and finding yourself there. You are my other half and I love you, not just because you are my boyfriend but because you are an amazing person and friend. You make me laugh and bring out the best in me. You are the sunshine in my life.

8. My beautiful wife and soul mate. The one who completes me; without you, I would be lost. Thank you for your love, understanding, loyalty and support during our wonderful life together. Without you, I could never imagine what my life would be like. You are the shining light of my life.

9. Always think of you and it just makes me happy. You are the shining light of my life.

10. I am so thankful to have found you. You bring me peace that I didn’t know was possible. I love the way you laugh, the way you play, how much you care and how much attention you pay to me. You are there to comfort me and hold me tight through anything…Thank you so much for being such the shining light of my life.

11. you are the shining light of my life. You always know how to make me feel better when I’m down. you always know what to say when I’m sad, and you are always there for me. I love you so much!

12. You are the shining light of my life. Every day I am thankful for the opportunity to share it with you and give you a much-needed hug. Sending you love!

13. I just wanted to say that you are the shining light of my life. You make me happy in so many different ways. I love the way we can talk for hours, and the way you always go out of your way to help me. Thank you for being there when I need it most!

14. There are not enough words in the world to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. You are the shining light of my life.

15. There’s only one thing I need right now: YOU. You are the shining light of my life. Without you, there are no stars in the sky and without you, everything is dull. So here I am to make your day brighter, letting you know that I love you!

16. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You bring joy to my life and make it so much better. My heart leaps with happiness whenever I see your text or hear your voice. Love you so much!

17. You are so much more to me than words could ever express. I am sure that I have said it a million times, but there isn’t a single day where I don’t think about you and how much I love you. Just thinking about you makes me smile and brightens up my entire day. You are the best thing in my life, the one person that means everything to me. The shining light of my life.

18. Life is full of ups and downs…though I’m not sad anymore. Maybe it’s because you are in my arms, holding me tight. I just realized that everything is okay now. You always make me happy, even when we are miles apart, or when I just feel down, there you are with your smile, to cheer me up. Baby, you mean the world to me!

19. I’ve never met someone as loving, sweet, caring and genuine as before. You have made such a huge impact on my life and will continue to do so. I could never thank you enough for being such a wonderful person. You are the shining light of my life.

20. Hey, I just wanted to take the time to tell you how happy you make me. Here recently we have been together and there is no place else I would rather be. I hope things are well with you and that your trip went great. You are the shining light of my life.

21. I am glad to know you because you bring happiness and joy into my life. Thanks for being there for me. I’m lucky to have someone like you in my life.

22. I love you, babe. You are the shining light of my life. I am so grateful to have met you and to spend every day by your side. The thought of us being apart is dreadful and I wish we could live in a land where we would never be apart. As long as I have you, I am home.

23. You are the shining light of my life. Your smile, laugh and cheerful demeanour always manages to bring cheer and excitement into my life. I love you and look forward to many more years together!

24. You are the shining light of my life. I love you baby, and will always and forever!

25. You are my shining light, the reason behind my happiness. You make me want to be a better person every day. I hope that I can give back all that you give to me.

26. I don’t know where I would be without you. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I am glad we found each other and you’ve made me the happiest man alive. I love you!

27. You make my days brighter, you make me laugh more than anyone in the world. Thank you for coming into my life and for spending every day with me. I couldn’t be luckier!

28. You are the best! I’m so happy to have you in my life. I am totally honoured to call you my friend, my comforter, my husband and my lover. I wouldn’t trade you for the world – nor would I want to. You are all I need and more than I deserve, the shining light of my life I love you. All my love, forever, always and a day!

29. I can’t believe that you have been in my life for almost 10 years! It is so wonderful to see where we have gone from where we started. You came into my life at the perfect time when I needed someone to love me in my darkest hours. I will forever be grateful for you and your love. Live long, stay strong and always know that I love you!

30. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my friend and for always making me smile. Without you, I don’t know where I would be in life, but I know that it wouldn’t be nearly as bright as it is now. You are the shining light of my life.

31. I am so glad I met you. I love chatting with you, laughing with you and just being a friend to you. You really brighten my life and have made me such a happy person.

32. My dearest friend, you are the shining light of my life, I’m so glad that I found someone as wonderful as you. Our love will last throughout eternity, and nothing can stop it. Looking forward, with excitement and joy to the future that we have together!

33. You are the shining light of my life, the star that fills my world with hope and light. I love you because you are strong, confident and compassionate. You are loyal to a fault, always there in my time of need. I love how you make me laugh and how your touch makes me feel. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.

34. You are the shining light of my life, the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. You have taught me so much about love and happiness and I thank God every day that I have you in my life. I love you more every day!

35. I could never thank you enough for coming into my life. You are the love of my life and I feel blessed each and every day that we were put together by fate. Your smile and your laughter are what make me happy, and I will never forget how you came into my life and showed me an amazing world of dancing. You are the shining light of my life.

36. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I’m your girl. You bring so much love and happiness into my life, you are the reason my smile never fades. You are the whole world to me, and there is nobody that I would rather call my dearest friend.

37. You are my everything, my life and soul. I love you with each beat of my heart and I can’t bear to be apart from you. You are the love of my life and no one will ever fill that place. I just want to hold you close and never let go, because if I do another day without you will be a cold lonely blur.

38. To say that I love you is an understatement. I can’t imagine my life without you, the one who sees things in me that no one else does. You brighten up my day with just a text and make my whole week when we’re together. Your smile is my favourite thing on earth. You are the shining light of my life.

39. There have been many times in my life when I was surrounded by darkness that I didn’t know if I could go on. Then you appeared to save me like a shining beacon of light, and now I couldn’t imagine life without you. You are the shining light of my life.

40. The path to your door was long and arduous but it was worth every minute! You are dear to my heart and I’m so glad that we found each other. I love you more than words could ever say, as my thoughts circle around you, like the moon and the stars above.

41. You are the shining light of my life. I will always love you. You are the one for me and I hope you always believe that. We make an amazing team and no matter what happens, we’ll always be there for each other. I know that we are going to have some hard times ahead of us, but as long as we have each other we can get through anything.

42. You are one of a kind! You are the shining light of my life. You always know how to make me feel like the only girl in the world.

43. The shining light of my life. It’s been a year and the memories we made together are more precious to me than anything I own. I feel truly blessed to have you in my life, from one of your best friends.

44. You are the shining light of my life. All my love to you today and every day!

45. You are the shining light of my life. A smile on your face has a way of brightening up even the darkest days. Thank you for sharing yourself with me, for all the love and joy you have, and for all the wonderful memories we have made together, I could never ask for anything more.

46. Hello, there! Just wanted to send you a little note to let you know how much I love you and how special you are. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing it is to wake up every day and know that I will spend the day with such a special person. You are the shining light of my life!

47. To my best friend, I can’t even begin to put into words how much you mean to me. You are always there and you always make me smile. You’re my shining light. Thank you for your support and love over the years.

48. You are the brightest light in my universe. I thank you, Lord, every day for bringing you into my life and allowing me to bask in your presence.

49. You are the greatest and most loyal friend I have ever had. You always do your best to help me with any problem and you never give up no matter what. I hate being away from you for too long because I miss your smiling face so much!

50. You are my dearest friend, the shining light of my life. You have been there for me when I needed you the most. You are always there when I have something to say, a shoulder to cry upon or just a listening ear. I am so thankful you are part of my life and always will be, you mean that much to me!

The shining light of your life is something or someone that is very special in your life. On the other hand, you need to do something to keep them. That’s why you can’t go wrong expressing your feelings with the shining light of my life quotes in this post.

Want to let me know which of these the shining light of my life quotes best captures your thoughts? It would be great to hear from you. Kindly use the comment box below. You could also share this post with loved ones. Thanks.

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