THE TIDE IS TURNING – Text: Genesis 41: 8-16, 33, 38-42

What is a tide? A tide is a rise and fall of the ocean, an inflow or outflow of the ocean. Putting it more succinctly, a tide is the cyclic rise and fall of the sea as a result of gravitational force. This in turn, brings a noticeable change (Ecl 10:5-7). A change can be positive or negative. For instance, in (EX 14: 14-30), my prayer for you is that you shall come up higher as the tide turns, in the name of Jesus. For a change very significant and positive to occur in your life and my life, the tide has to turn. It happened in Josephs’ life (Gen 41: 8).The bible said Pharaohs’ spirit was troubled. People of God, whosoever

that is sitting on your promotion will be troubled for your sake and whatsoever that is against your progress will be disturbed and all that concerns you will be perfected in the name of Jesus.

 In Jn 5:4 an angel came to trouble the water and the sick got in and got healed. As the tide is turning, your unpalatable situation must change; your trouble must be troubled; your oppressor must be oppressed; and it shall be well with you in the name of Jesus. Why should the tide turn for you? It is partly because you are a peculiar person (1 Peter 2:9), and a peculiar person must occupy a peculiar position. The position God has prepared for you is peculiar. Receive it, in Jesus name. It is also because you are a king and a priest at the same time and your power is not limited (Matt 28 18).  As a king, you have the authority (Mk 1 22)(Luke 4 36) , as a priest, you have a heavenly backing to achieve whatever your God designed for you. You are a winner, and as a winner begin to possess the attributes of winners. Let your expectation be high and let your faith be firm.

There are things that can happen when the tide turns, like witnessed in the past:

1.Freedom will come from an unexpected quarter. A prisoner became a prime minister (Gen 41:14)- Ordinarily, nobody would have pleaded a case for Joseph, but when the tide turned(Gen 41:40).  Someone that slept a prisoner woke up a prime minister. In vs 43 he rode in a spare chariot.

2. Transformation is very rapid. A slave girl can become a queen. (Esth. 2:7). Describing slavery, think of the type that existed between Mephibosheth and Ziba  2 sam 9:9-10.

3. Glory over shadows storm. You may not realise, it was because God had perfected plans to make Esther a queen that all the drama took place in Esth 1. Every effort of victimization against you shall be thwarted by a drama from God. You will not need other longer leg than that which you already possess to access your blessings as your qualification will not determine your elevation.

4. The unwanted becomes the wanted i.e he can be sought after (2 King 7:1-10).  Vs 3 when there is life there is hope. There is always a better option in every situation, but it takes the right attitude for a better grasp of the available options.  Someone said, it is better to die for something than to live for nothing. It is very risky not to take risk for God, except you want to bargain for the devils’ alternative.

In conclusion, in Esth 6:1-12 Haman counselled the king and Mordecai was decorated and in Gen 41:33-44 Joseph counselled the king and was decorated. Because you are here in this meeting, head or tail you shall be decorated. Every godly risk attracts a miracle and selfishness ends in self destruction.


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