The Top 30 World’s Biggest Spiders 2022 Update

– World’s Biggest Spiders –

Looking for the world’s biggest spiders right? Do you know that Spiders have been alive for 350 million years? You will get to see photos of the biggest spider in the Guinness world records.

Scientists have actually agreed that humans would face , without them feasting on crops.

Spiders benefit humans as well because fewer insects imply fewer bites and disease transmission.

With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the 11 largest spiders on the planet, complete with a photo and description, and sorted by leg span.

Key Notes About World’s Biggest Spiders

1. The tarantula family is home to the majority of the world’s largest spiders.

2. Small birds, lizards, frogs, and fish are all prey for the largest spiders.

3. Giant spiders are not by nature, but they will bite to protect themselves or their egg sacs.

4. The majority of huge spiders are not venomous. There are exceptions to this rule.

5. The sounds produced by the largest spiders (stridulation) are loud enough for humans to hear.

List of Top 30 Worlds biggest spiders

Below are the top 30 world’s biggest spiders for 2022.

1. Goliath Birdeater: 12 Inches

Theraphosa blondi (Goliath birdeater) is the world’s biggest spiders by mass, weighing roughly 6.2 oz (175 g). It’s a tarantula species.

The spider may bite and has that is similar to that of a wasp sting.

Its barbed hairs are more dangerous since they can cause itching and irritation for days.

This spider, as its name says, eats birds on occasion.

Humans that live in its ecosystem catch and cook it; therefore, it’s probably more terrified of you than you are of it (tastes like shrimp).

It lives in in the northern South American jungles and wetlands. You can keep one as a pet if you like.

2. Giant Huntsman Spider: 12 Inches

The Goliath birdeater is also one of the second world’s biggest spiders.

However, the gigantic huntsman (Heteropoda maxima) has longer legs and a larger look.

Their twisted leg configuration, which gives them a crab-like stride can identify huntsman spiders.

A deadly bite from one of these spiders can result in hospitalization.

If you reside in a warm environment, listen for the males’ rhythmic ticking sound, which sounds like a quartz clock.

3. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater: 11 Inches

The Brazilian salmon pink birdeater (Lasiodora parahybana), the third largest spider, is only an inch smaller than the largest spider.

Although men have longer legs than females, females are heavier (over 100 grams).

When disturbed, however, the salmon pink birdeater can deliver a bite that rivals that of a cat.

Where It Lives: we can find this species in the Brazilian forests in the wild.

It is, however, a popular captive pet, so you may see one in a pet store or at your neighbor’s house.

The Brazilian salmon pink birdeater has made the list of the world’s biggest spiders here in number three.

4. Grammostola Anthracina: 10+ Inches

If you’re looking for huge spiders, head to South America. Another huge species is Grammastola Anthracina.

It’s a common pet tarantula that won’t bite you unless you don’t feed it mice or crickets.

They can live for up to 20 years.

Easily seen in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina.

5. Colombian Giant Tarantula: 6-8 Inches

They are also called Colombian big redleg. This specie feeds on mice, lizards, and huge insects.

Thus you may keep one as a house pest management.

You don’t have to be concerned about the bite.

Threats (real or imagined) may drive the spider to whirl and strike out with its spiked back legs.

Location: Brazil and Colombia rain forest.

6. Face-Sized Tarantula: 8 Inches

In Sri Lanka, the face-sized tarantula (Poecilotheria rajaei) has adapted to deforestation by settling in abandoned structures.

The common name for the spider is self-explanatory. Poecilotheria is its scientific name, which means “spotted wild beast” in Greek.

Birds, lizards, rodents, and even snakes are among its favorite foods.

It can be found in Sri Lanka and India, where it lives in old growth trees or old buildings.

7. Hercules Baboon Spider: 8 Inches

The Hercules baboon spider’s only known specimen was taken in Nigeria around a century ago and is currently housed at the Natural History Museum in London.

It gets its name from the fact that it eats baboons (not really).

It gets its name from the likeness between its legs and the fingers of a baboon.

Location: East Africa.

Harpactirinae is another spider subfamily known as baboon spiders.

They are venomous tarantulas native to Africa.

Where It Lives: The Hercules baboon spider may (or may not) be extinct, although smaller baboon spiders can be kept as pets (often inaccurately identified as the Hercules baboon).

This tarantula, on the other hand, appears to be continuously angry and is not a smart choice for a beginning.


8. Camel Spider: 6 Inches

In Morocco, a wild black camel spider hunts at night. Getty Images/Kristian Bell

This spider’s name comes from the fact that it eats camels for breakfast (not really).

It looks like a hybrid between a scorpion and a spider, and it has two massive chelicerae (fangs) for biting and generating eerie spider sounds (stridulation).

With a top speed of around 10 mph (16 km/h), this spider can chase and catch you unless you’re a sprinter.

Take solace in the fact that it is non-venomous.

Location: Australia.

If that helps, it has never been seen in Antarctica.

9. Brazilian Wandering Spider: 5.9 Inches

It may not be the largest spider on the list, but it certainly the most terrifying.

Although the Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria fera), sometimes known as the banana spider, resembles a tarantula, it is not one.

That’s unfortunate because tarantulas aren’t especially venomous and aren’t out to get you.

The Brazilian wandering spider was named the world’s most venomous spider by the Guinness World Record Book of Records in 2010.

If Guinness had an aggressiveness category, this spider would almost certainly be at the top of it.

This spider feeds mice, lizards, and huge insects when it’s at home relaxing.

It goes around looking for food, as its name suggests. It has visited a Whole Foods in Oklahoma and a Tesco in Essex throughout its travels.

The spider is highly poisonous in nature.

While it’s native to South America, you might find it in the produce area of your local supermarket.

10. Cerbalus Aravaensis: 5.5 Inches

If you find yourself among the sweltering sand dunes of Israel and Jordan, dehydration and sunburn aren’t the only dangers you’ll face.

Keep an eye out for the Middle East’s largest huntsman spider.

This spider builds its den under the shifting sand, but comes out at night to celebrate.

Scientists believe it isn’t very poisonous, but no one has tested this theory.

Where It Lives: You should visit the Sands of Samar before they go, but be careful of spiders. They usually show up at night, mostly.

11. New Giant Tarantula – 8-Inch Leg Span

The leg spread of a New Giant Tarantula is around 8 inches.

This spider, which may be found in Sri Lanka and India, prefers to reside in old structures and decaying wood.

Birds, lizards, rodents, and snakes that are often larger than this animal’s length make up its diet.

This tarantula has a pink band across its body and daffodil-yellow banding on its legs.

It was first discovered in 2012, and experts believe there may be even more unknown arthropod species dwelling in Sri Lanka’s northern region.

Nonetheless, due of the ongoing fighting, it is perilous for them to explore there. 12.

12. Brazilian Giant Tawny Red Tarantula – 10-Inch Leg Span

Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina are home to the Brazilian enormous tawny red tarantula.

This brown spider’s fourth leg can be up to 2.3 inches long, although its entire body is only 2.5 inches long.

13. Goliath Bird Eating Spider – 11-Inch Leg Span

Goliath Bird Eating Spider is the thirteen world’s biggest spiders on our list.

Note, the leg span of the goliath bird-eating spider is 11 inches.

Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela, and Brazil are all home to this brown-to-light-brown arthropod.

The Amazon jungle is home to this nocturnal arthropod.

It is between 5 and 6 ounces in weight.

While some of the larger ones have been recorded devouring small birds such as hummingbirds.

The majority of their diet consists of insects and small terrestrial vertebrates.

Because they drag their prey back to their secret nests before eating, you will seldom see one eating.

14. Mexican Red-Knee Tarantulas 5.5 Inches

Mexican red-knee tarantulas are actually two separate spider species found along Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Both Brachypelma hamorii and Brachypelma smithi feature bright reddish-orange “knees,” or the central region of their legs, which contrast with their black bodies.

The beauty, relatively gentle disposition, and long lifetime of these spiders make them popular as pets.

For first-time spider owners, they make excellent pets.

Furthermore, their living quarters take very little room, and their food is simple.

15. Caballus Arava Ensis 5.5

Cerbalus aravaensis is a huntsman spider found in Israel and Jordan’s southern Arava Valley.

Gershom Levy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem first described the species in 2007.

Although news outlets later reported it as a new discovery (with a slightly different spelling) by a team of scientists from the University of Haifa in 2010.

The spider is the largest member of the Sparassidae family in the Middle East, with a leg span of 14 centimetres (5.5 in).

Males measure 1.85–2.40 centimetres (0.73–0.94 in) in length, while females measure 2.20–2.65 centimetres (0.87–1.04 in).


16. Honduran Curly Haired Tarantula 5.5 Inches

A huge kind of spider, the Honduran curly hair tarantula is found in Honduras.

Due to the long golden hairs that coat the body, this spider has a dark (brown to dark blue) colored body with a golden-bronze sheen.

17. Brazilian Wandering Spider 5.9 Inches

The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria fera) is a dangerous and venomous spider native to Brazil.

It got its name from the fact that it was discovered in Brazil.

This genus, however, is known to exist in other parts of South and Central America.

The Ctenidae family of wandering spiders includes the Brazilian Wandering Spider.

18. Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula 6in/15.24cm

Due to the large number of wild-caught specimens exported cheaply into the pet trade from their native Chile.

The Chilean rose tarantula (Grammostola rosea), also known as the rose hair tarantula, the Chilean fire tarantula.

Or the Chilean red-haired tarantula (depending on the color morph), is probably the most common species of tarantula available in American and European pet stores today.

Bolivia and Argentina are also home to the species.Tarantula hobbyists commonly keep G. rosea as a pet.

Females have been known to survive up to 20 years.

But owing to the short amount of time they have been on the market (and thus subject to much research).

They may live much longer.

There is a lot of confusion about this species and Grammostola porteri, with some people claiming that many “G. rosea” in the pet trade are actually G. porteri.

19. Trinidad Chevron Tarantula 7in/17.8cm

The Trinidad chevron tarantula, Psalmopoeus cambridgei, is a spider species in the Theraphosidae family that is unique to Trinidad.

Psalmotoxin and vanillotoxin, which are inhibitor cystine knot proteins, are found in its venom.

Psalmotoxin may be beneficial to those who have had a stroke.

20. Mysore Aornamental Tranche Low 7in/17.8cm

The Mysore decorative tarantula, or Poecilotheria striata, is a big arboreal tarantula of the Theraphosidae family.

Location: India.

The species can be found in both dry and damp deciduous forests at elevations of 500 to 1000 meters.

It appears to be found in only ten extremely fragmented places.

21. Goliath Pink Toe Tarantula 7in/17.8cm

With a diagonal leg width of 6″ to 7″, the Avicularia braunshauseni (Goliath Pink Toe) is the largest species in the pink-toed family.

The tarantula’s overall hue is black, with green iridescence on the hard-shell upper body and pink coloration at the tips of each leg.

Because the tarantula’s fangs fold under its body, it must hit its victim downwards to impale it.

Tarantulas have four pairs of legs in total, for a total of eight legs.

They also have chelicerae and pedipalps, which are four appendages around the mouth.

The chelicerae have fangs and venom, while the pedipalps have feelers and claws that help with feeding.

The male uses the pedipalps in the process of reproduction.

22. Columbian Giant Tarantula 8in/20.32

Megaphobema robustum, often known as the Colombian gigantic tarantula or Colombian giant redleg, measures 6 to 8 inches in length.

Feeding Process: It eats crickets, and other large insects.

Location: Colombia and Brazil.

It is well-known for its combative nature.

This tarantula is a very enormous piece of eye-candy, with its dark colors contrasted with various hues of bright browns and reds.

They are opportunistic burrowers who prefer rearranging things whenever they get the chance.

23. Poecilotheria Rajaei

The spider has a limb span of up to 20 centimetres (8 in) and a pink abdomen band with vibrant yellow and gray piping on the first and fourth legs.

It prefers to liv
e in old-growth trees, but because of deforestation in its war-torn habitat, it is now considered rare.

Not only that it has taken to residing in abandoned houses.

Rajaei venom isn’t deadly to people, although it can kill small rodents, birds, lizards, and snakes.

Although it is unknown how rare the newly discovered tarantula is, there is fear that habitat degradation is causing its population to decline.

Michael Rajakumar Purajah, a local police inspector who guided the research team while looking for living specimens, was given the name of the species.

The name was called Tarantula Tarantul as one of the world’s biggest spiders.

24. Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula 8.5 In/21.59cm

The Chaco golden knee tarantula is a big spider that lives in Chaco, New Mexico.

It features yellow marks around the knee joints and is black or dark brown in hue.

Chaco golden knee tarantulas have a 7-inch leg span as adults.

25. Giant Baboon Spider

This burrowing spider is rusty orange/brown in color and ranges from a dull black and gray to a rusty orange/brown in color.

When it is just moulted (post-moult), it is black, and it turns brown immediately before a moult (pre-moult).

It has small, feeble eyes that can only judge light levels.

It has an oval abdomen with a diameter of up to 4 inches (10 cm).

This tarantula is an Old World species with no urticating hairs on its abdomen, despite its hairy legs.

(Urticating hairs are barbed hairs that can be shed in defense by most new world species (those from North and South America).

They can cause severe itching.)

It can also have a leg span of up to 8 inches (20 cm).

Like the rest of the family, this tarantula possesses downward-facing, parallel fangs that are utilized like pickaxes rather than pincers.

Males have smaller abdomens than females as adults.

Male pedipalp are club-shaped, but because the normal male lifespan is around 4 years and the male leg spread is roughly 5 inches.

Distinctions between male and female pedipalps may take up to 4 years to show (13 cm).

These tarantulas produce relatively little silk, and what they do spin is utilized to line their burrows or for egg sacs; they do not build webs.

These tarantulas, in particular, construct elaborate burrows.

26. Lambpropelma Violaceopes (Singapore Blue) 10in/25.2cm

The Singapore blue tarantula (Omothymus violaceopes) is a big, arboreal tarantula native to Malaysia and Singapore.

These spiders have been observed to reach lengths of more than 9 inches (23 cm). With a brown or gold carapace, the legs are a deep blue.

The male is frequently less vivid than the female, indicating that the animal has sexual dimorphism.

The species’ generic placement has been called into question, and specimens labeled as males of this species could potentially be from another species.

27. Brazilian Firered Tarantulas (Lasiodora Difficilis) 10in/25.4cm

Brazilian Firered Tarantulas spider is also known to be one of the world’s biggest spiders that we have.

This is one of the largest tarantulas in the hobby, with a leg span of up to 10″.

It has a large body and a black carapace with red hairs on the belly.

It is hardy and easy to care for, similar to Lasiodora parahybana.

This is a stunning show spider that is fascinating to watch grow.

28. Grammostola Anthracina

Grammostola anthracina is a spider species belonging to the Theraphosidae family (tarantulas). Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina are all home to this species.

The entire body of Grammostola anthracina is brown, and females have lengthy spermathecae with a rounded apex.

A female’s body is roughly 45 mm long overall, with the fourth (final) leg being about 60 mm long.

The first leg’s coxa has stridulatory hairs on the forward-facing side.


29. Bahia Scarlet (Lasiodoraklugi) 12in/30.48cm

The species is similar to Lasiodora parahybana and grows to be 8 to 10 inches long.

klugi, on the other hand, has a bigger and thicker body than L. parahybana and has deeper red hairs on its belly.

parahybana is more shy and tolerant than L. klugi, which is more defensive and aggressive.

klugi, like L. prohibition, is a fast-growing, energetic tarantula that feeds on a range of insects and reptiles.

Location: Brazil.

30. Eucteniza Relata

Eucteniza Relata is also one of the world’s biggest spiders.

The southwestern trapdoor spider, Eucteniza relata, belongs to the Euctenizidae family of wafer-lid trapdoor spiders.

Location: US and Mexico.

Eucteniza (/juktnaz/ yook-t-NY-z) is a genus of trapdoor spiders in the Euctenizidae family.

And it includes at least 14 species that may be found in Mexico and the southern United States.

A softened rear section of the carapace distinguishes species. Males have enormous spines on the first two pairs of walking legs that are used to grip females during mating.

They dig burrows with a hinged lid, similar to other trapdoor spiders, and wait for passing insects and other arthropods to feast on.

Many species have only one or two known locations, or only male individuals.

Eucteniza spiders are closely related to Entychides and Neoapachella spiders.

Frequently Asked Questions on The Top 30 World’s Biggest Spiders 2022

What is the biggest spider in the world 2022?

The biggest spider in the world is “Goliath Birdeater Spider”: 11-inch leg span

What is the largest spider on earth?

the goliath bird-eater is the largest spider on earth

What’s the creepiest spider?

1. The leggiest spider
2. The giant camel spider
3. Black widow
4. Jumping spiders
5. Six-eyed sand spider
6. Goliath bird-eating spider
7. Eyeless Kauai cave wolf spider 

Is there a spider bigger than the Goliath Birdeater?

Yes! Popular opinion has it that the giant huntsman spider, which has a larger leg span, is bigger than the birdeater. 

 What is the largest spider that is not a tarantula?

Giant Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda maxima)

Is there a spider bigger than a tarantula?

Yes! The Goliath birdeater (Theraphosa blondi).

That’s the length we can go for today on the top 30 world’s biggest spiders 2022.

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