The Way You Talk to Me Quotes

Words are so powerful and they carry so much weight. Words can help to heal a broken person and it can also bring down a cheerful and lively person.

Heartfelt conversations have a way of relieving one of so much pent-up tension and anxiety. If conversations were always a heart-to-heart display of trust, I wouldn’t have to selectively pick who I listen to but just like you, we all are picky with matters like this.

If you had a teardrop for every time someone spoke to you wrongly, you’d probably have a jar of tears decorating your work table but I can totally relate to the bliss that comes with having someone talk to you properly. I recommend that you freely choose from any of these the way you talk to me quotes.

Those who address you maturely and unconfrontationally deserve every form of appreciation, it’s okay to let them know that the way they spoke to you meant a whole lot. Use these messages to effectively pass your message of gratitude.

Although repeated, the things you say about me never get stale, the more you talk about me, the easier I catch a glimpse of what picture the world has painted of me. I love how your face lightens up when you say my name, you help me become a better person, thank you!

1. The way you talk to me is different, and so much more than friends.

2. The way you treat me is different, and I’m so surprised and touched by all that you do.

3. The way we talk to each other is unique; it’s more than a friendship. It’s more like two best friends who are ready to take on anything life can throw at us.

4. You are the best listener I know. You talk to me like no one else, and when I need a shoulder to lean on, you offer your whole arm.

5. You talk to me like a person, not an object. You respect my opinions. You believe me.

6. Your enthusiasm is contagious. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever known and all I want to do is spend time to talk with you.

7. You’re really important to me. You’re always a friend with whom I can confide. Thanks for talking to me awesomely.

8. You don’t talk about politics, football or work for two hours every night. You save that for the rest of us. You talk about feelings and your dreams and aspirations. That’s what you save for me.

9. Thank you for not leaving when things got hard. You stick around through the tears and laughter, and I’m so grateful that you’re my friend and you talk to me in an amazing way.

10. When you talk to me, you’ll get a friendly and fast response from a real person because you do it in an amazing way.

11. The way you talk to me informs me of your favor and warm feelings for me.

12. The way you talk to me is the way I want to be loved. It’s the fear that kept me holding on for so long. But you love me in a way that makes my heart race and scribble my mind out.”

13. The way you talk to me is the way I want to fall in love. It’s the fear that kept me holding on for so long. But you made me feel like I can be myself and can fall in love with you.”

14. You talk to me in a way that makes me want to grow old with you, and that’s something I never knew I wanted.”

15. It’s the little things you do for me, like talking calmly to me that make me so crazy about you. I never thought I would find someone who loves me this much. I was too afraid to admit how much I care about you.”

16. It’s been a rough few nights and days without you here. I’ve tried my hardest to be still and quiet, but the anxiety is wild, and you’re all I really have. Come and talk to me again.

17. Depending on the tone of your voice, the things you say to me can mean so many different things.”

18. When you talk to me, the way you do. The way you look at me, the things you say. You have awakened my soul and inspired my heart. I have only felt this way once before.

19. When you talk to me, the way you do. The way you look at me, the things you say. You have awakened my soul and inspired my heart. I have only felt this way once before. However, I’m not sure what it is about our relationship that feels different from the way we were together.

20. When I talk to you, the way you do. The way you look at me, the things you say. It’s as if I can see your soul and feel your heart. I don’t explain it – but I know it has something to do with this strange yet beautiful feeling that is stirring inside of me.

21. I’ll never forget the day we met. I saw that adorable smile and I knew right away, it was meant to be. When we talked, you told me about your adventures and I felt a connection that would never be broken. You remind me of my family.

22. I’ll never forget the moment I first laid eyes on you, my friend. You walked in the door with a smile that would take me away from this world. When we talked, you told me about your hobbies and I knew I had found someone who would always be around. You remind me of my family.

23. The day we talked, it reminded me exactly of home. You told me about your adventures, and you made me see the world in a whole new way. You reminded me of my family, and I knew right away, you were meant to stay part of my life.

24. I’ll never forget the day we met. You told me about your love of adventure and it felt like we were soulmates, as if our lives had been entwined since the beginning of time.

25. We met three years ago, and you had me at hello. When we talked, it felt like old times; you had that spirit that reminded me of my sister.

26. I’m just a dreamer who’s in love with the way you talk. After our first date, I knew you were special. Since then, we’ve shared so much together and grown so close that I feel like I know you better than anyone else. It means the world to me when you say I remind you of someone you love because that means the person thinks highly of me too.

27. The moment I saw your picture, I knew you were the one. Over time and through all the ups and downs, we’ve gone from two to a family of four. There are so many things that I love about you., especially the way you talk.

28. From the first day we talked, I knew you were someone special. Over the years I’ve watched you grow up and mature into a wonderful young man. You’re family-orientated, loyal, and honest—a reflection of my values as a father.

29. I remember that day, standing there as we talked can still bring a smile to my face. I felt a spark in our conversation and in your eyes. As we walked away, my mind started to wander on the possibilities of what could be.

30. I remember the first day we talked. I could see that you liked me and were flirting with me. When we chatted, I loved the sound of your voice and thought you were the most amazing woman I had ever seen. [Name] is so pretty.

31. When we talked, I felt like I’d known you forever. Your warm smile put me at ease and your caring eyes told me what we had was special. You are kind and thoughtful and as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.

32. It began with a smile, then gradually the attraction took hold. The way you laughed and looked at me shone through. I could tell that you were different from others; you are special. You are kind and funny. You talk in an amazing way. I’m lucky to call you mine.

33. I remember when we first started talking. I knew that you had feelings for me and I was so nervous to ask you out. When we had our first date, I felt so excited. You are the most wonderful and kind girl that anyone could ever meet. I am glad that we got to know each other!

34. Every time I see you, I feel a refreshing, positive energy. With you, all of my worries melt away. You always smile and are so confident that I know things are going to be alright. You’ve become a great friend and I’m looking forward to what the future holds.

35. It has been 4 years since we started talking. We started off as friends, and now we are engaged. I can’t imagine a better partner than you in my life. When you talk, you bring out the best in me, and I want to give you the world. When I see you every day, it’s just me and you, and that’s how it will always be.

36. Whenever I think of the kindness and generosity you showed me when I was down, I want to find some way to repay you. I want to be the best person possible, because you made me believe that one day, I could be.

37. The way you talk to me, I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

38. When you talk to me, that little voice inside my head quiets down. I’m impressed by just how easy that is. It’s like we are the same wavelength, somehow. You are so beautiful – inside and out.

39. One day at a time, I fall deeper and deeper for you. Your kind words and warm smile could brighten anyone’s day.

40. It’s difficult to admit that I’m falling for you. You are kind and caring, and I can’t help but fall deeper in love with the way you talk to me.

41. The mischievous way you talk to me makes my heart skip a beat. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you, but allow me to thank the universe for bringing us together.

42. Each time you talk to me, my heart skips a beat. You make me feel like I’m your entire world.

43. When you talk to me, I fall in love with you a little more. When you say my name it sends shivers down my spine. You’re the sweetest guy I know and anyone would be lucky to have you.

44. My relationship with you grows, day by day. Everything we have experienced together and talked about has been wonderful. I’m so glad to have you in my life as my partner.

45. You’re the kind of girl that I’d like to wake up next to every morning. I don’t know why you even talked to me in the first place. Well, I thank God you did.

46. No matter how far away, my love for you will last. My every thought will be of you and nothing can replace how I feel about you when we talk.

47. This is a day in the life of the most amazing person I know. Her name is Lucy and every day she shows how generous she is to others with her kind words and warm smile.

48. You are important and I like the way you talk to me a lot.” “I want to impress you today, tomorrow and forever”

49. Thanks so much for the other night. It was fun talking to you and I’ve got a good feeling about us. I don’t want to push anything, but I’d love to get together again soon.

50. You inspire me to be a better person, to be more loving, kind, and compassionate.

I had never struggled to decipher your intentions towards me because the soothing words you constantly sing in my ears give me a certain type of encouragement. I truly appreciate the way you talk to me, it gives me a sense of hope.

51. When you hold me tight and tell me not to stray, I feel a loving warmth that only your embrace can bring.

52. I find joy in the little things, that most people will never know. A smile from a stranger, a stranger with seen sadness in his life. A speech from your heart.

53. When I’m with you, laughter seems to follow naturally. Our conversations are easy because we have so much in common. And the way you look at me makes me feel like a million bucks.

54. I remember the way you talk to me, an older sister tone that has always managed to make me feel good about myself.

55. I remember when you talked to me like a big sister. Your tone always made me feel good about myself.”

56. I talked to you recently and it felt like you were giving me advice. It was amazing.

57. Do you remember? Remember the way we talked when we were younger? We would play together and you could always manage to make me feel better about myself.

58. Do you remember? Remember how we fell in love with each other and talked to each other late into the night? We danced around like little kids until we fell asleep.

59. Remember when we used to play together? We would have so much fun, and now you have helped me by telling me about your experience with the product. You should let me try it.

60. Remember when we used to play? You always knew what to say to make me feel better.

61. We used to play, and you always knew what to say to help make me feel better.

62. As I grow older, things don’t seem to be the same. I can still remember when we used to play. You always knew what to say to make me feel better when I was down and out.

63. Times were hard, but you kept me going. The way you brightened my life then is how you brighten it now: by always knowing the right thing to say. You’ll always be my biggest cheerleader.

64. Good times, bad times. I know you’ll always be there when I need you to talk to me.

65. When we were young and you got hurt, I wanted to take on the world to make your pain go away. I talked to you constantly until you became better.

66. I want to constantly hear your laughter and see your happy smile. Thinking of talking to you, love you always.

67. Growing up is hard. But with your guidance and advise, we can be more focused and successful in our lives.

68. Life gets busy! Whether it’s remembering to send your mom a Mother’s Day present or planning your vacation – life can move faster than you think. But amidst them all, I love how you talk to me.

69. It’s like we’re kids again, sitting on the grass and our feet hurt. I was mean to you until you started crying. Then I would put my hand on your head and tell you it will be alright.

70. Remember when we were kids? You always were the one I could go to when things didn’t feel so great. You could always make me laugh and forget about all of my problems for a while.

71. What are you doing right now? I can’t sleep, so I thought I’d text you. Are you working all hours again? Hope you aren’t stressing out. I miss the way we used to talk..

72. Remember the days when we would be outside, just walking around and talking about random stuff? It’s moments like that that make me happy. We had a fun time together, and I wish things could go back to the way they were. But hey, life goes on, and it’s definitely exciting because it means there’s more to look forward to! Hope things are good with you, too.”

73. Childhood friends can be the best. I think it’s because we remember how much fun we used to have together and talk all day. We’re still as close as ever and probably will never change.

74. I remember it all. How we used to talk, I can still hear it all and remember how precious those memories are.

75. I’ve seen it all. Though I can’t remember much, I’m still able to feel the happiness and joy you once gave me when we talked.

76. We did a lot together. I’ve always been there for you and you’ve been there for me, especially when we talk.

77. As I change my clothes and walk out of the room, all I can think about is our past. I used to love our late night chats. I miss them.

78. These memories bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart, just thinking about them.

79. I heard her laughter and felt her warmth. I let myself get lost in the memories from yesterday’s talk.

80. When you want to make a great conference call, teamwork is everything. With me and my friends, now we even remember how much fun it was back in the day.

81. When we listen to music, our brains replay the events that happened during that song. When you remember the first time you heard someone’s voice, what their mannerisms were, or a funny story about them, your brain replays it all over again.

82. You make my life a little better when you talk to me and I appreciate it. We have a history. The kind of friendship I would take a bullet for.

83. We love helping our users feel better and more confident about themselves. I just wanted to thank you so much for the way that you talk to me. Every time that I see you, you make me feel better about myself than I did before I saw you.

84. I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend than you. You were always there for me, making me feel better.

85. You know how to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. You were always there for me, and I don’t think I could have asked for a better best friend.

86. You were always there for me, making me feel better when I was sad.

87. You’re my best friend. You were the first one I could call when I had a problem. You were always there to support me, and you’re always asking how I am.

88. You are truly the best friend I could have ever asked for. You’ve always been there for me, to give me a hug when I was sad, a smile when I was down… you’re truly the best.

89. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. You never failed to cheer me up when I was feeling down. I will always be grateful for everything that you have done for me.

90. Your friendship has been such a blessing to me. You have always been there for me, supporting me and making me feel better when I needed someone.

91. I’ll always be there for you. Just like you were there for me. As your friend, I value you and appreciate the way you make me feel when we talk.

92. I value our friendship and appreciate the way you make me feel.

93. I value your friendship and want you to know how much it means to me.

94. We value our friends and want to make sure they are comfortable. I’ve been told I am a very caring person, take the time to know you better and I would be honored to help in any way.

95. As your friend, I’d do just about anything for you because you always make me feel better when we talk.

96. I want to make sure that you always have the best. There’s no reason to settle and put up with poor quality items.

97. It’s been a pleasure serving you. You deserve respect. We can make it happen. Let’s talk as always.

98. I’m so lucky to have found a best friend who understands me and my mood swings. I appreciate you for spending your time talking to me.

99. You’ve made my life more amazing than I could have ever imagined. Thanks for the way you talk to me.

100. I’ll never forget how your nice words helped me to be free from depression. I can’t thank you enough.

A lot of people are only often showered with praises and sweet words during occasions of celebrations but I have a feeling you want to do something out of the ordinary, more reason why you’re reading this right now.

Feel free to pick out of these creatively written the way you talk to me quotes to appreciate that friend, partner, colleague, or lover who has impacted a part of your life with their manner of speech to and about you. They might be surprised but it is worth the shot.

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