The Woman I Want to Marry Quotes

At a particular stage in life, we search for the kind of person we can spend the rest of our lives with. This isn’t an easy task, mainly because there are so many different qualities that you’re looking for in a partner.

Although no one is perfect, and there are many different kinds of women that you can fall in love with, you need to be careful to only choose those with the right type of qualities.

So, here is a beautiful collection of the woman I want to marry quotes. These are heart-touching and wise words that inspire everyone to live happily, fall in love with the right person, and enjoy bliss in life.

As a wise man, you need to read something about the kind of woman that you want. These inspiring quotes about the woman I want to marry will motivate your desires and be a reminder of the kind of woman you desire in your life.

I want to meet a woman who is caring and sensitive for intimacy. A woman who makes sacrifices for me, whom I can trust in something. I want to meet someone who will be a friend and inspirer. I’m looking forward to meeting my second half, my missing piece.

1. I want to marry a woman who cooks, gives me massages, teaches me to love and nurture myself. She will be my Princess, my Queen, and all the other good words I can think of.

2. I want to marry a woman who is sensitive and caring. She’s my heart and soul, my other half. My best friend.

3. I want to marry a woman who is sweet, tender, and loving. She’s my heart and soul, my other half. My best friend.

4. The woman I marry will make me weak in the knees and crazy about her. She’ll be the cause of an instant smile that never goes away because she’s so much fun to be around; she’ll inspire me to reach for the stars because she believes in me and I can do anything when I’m with her.

5. I want to marry a woman who brings out the best in me. I know this is cliché but it’s true.

6. I want to marry a woman who will love me with every molecule of her being. A woman whose smile is so beautiful that it sets my very soul on fire.

7. I want to marry a woman who understands that my work will demand time and attention, but she will know that I will always make time for her.

8. I want to marry someone who is sweet, kind and caring. Someone who will love me despite my flaws. A girl that I can grow old with. You.

9. I want to marry someone who is warm, loving and romantic. A girl that I can spend the rest of my life with and can grow old together as well. You.

10. I want to marry a woman who wants to be with me but also have her own place in the world.

11. I want the woman I want to marry to be my love. To be like a rainbow, I want her to shine through my life until the end of time.

12. I want the woman I want to marry to be a woman who will be with me forever, who will love me and care about me, my best partner for the rest of my life. I want a woman who will love and respect me, who won’t throw my feelings away and she will listen to my sincere and real words.

13. I just want to marry a woman who’s going to treat me right, who won’t play games with my heart. I’m tired of pretenders, I just want to find someone sincere and real.

14. I want a woman who will always be by my side and never leave me, a girl who will love me, cherish me and hold our relationship more important than anything else. I want a woman who will complete my life and spend the rest of her life with me.

15. I want a good, wise and loving woman, who will be with me in sharing my happy and sad moments. I want a woman who is going to listen to my sincere words. I want a woman who is going to be my best friend forever and ever.

16. I want a woman who will be a friend, a business partner and a lover, all in one. I want to share my goals and dreams with someone who will protect them and respect them.

17. I want to marry a woman who makes me feel like the king of the world and add sweetness to my life!

18. I want to marry a wise and loving woman who is not offended by my addiction and will support me as I pursue my dreams.

19. I’m looking for a sweet, smart woman to share my life with. Someone with a quirky sense of humour and a passion for the perfect latte.

20. I’m looking for someone to spend my life with. I want a woman whom I can trust, who will support my endeavours, who will love me with all her heart.

21. I’m looking for a woman that loves me during the best and worst of times. Someone I can smile with, laugh with, and have fun with. The one that challenges me to be the best version of myself. You.

22. I am looking for a woman, who I can call my best friend. She will bring out the best in me and fill my heart with happiness.

23. I’m looking for a woman who is sweet and sensitive. She’s my soulmate, my other half. My best friend.

24. I’m looking for a one of a kind woman who knows how to treat people right. I want a woman who will hold me tight and won’t let go, A romance that can withstand the test of time.

25. I’m looking for a kind, faithful, loving and optimistic woman. She should be a calm, decent and affectionate woman. She likes to carry out joint trips to the theatre, concerts, exhibitions with me.

26. Looking for my soul mate, to have a happy marriage with her somewhere in the future.

27. I’m looking for an educated woman with a sense of humour whose goals and dreams are similar to mine.

28. I’d like someone who wants to spend time with me, even when we’re not dating, and I’d like to feel like a priority in her life.

29. I’m looking for a beautiful and clever woman who will be my best friend forever

30. I’m looking for a soul mate who can take my breath away and be there for me when I need her most. Someone who will listen to my thoughts and understands how seriously I mean everything I say.

31. I’m looking for someone to share my life with. Someone who knows how to laugh and smile, as well as shed a tear from time to time. I believe that our friendship is the first step towards finding someone special. Although I have a busy life and work long hours, I’m very energetic and positive and it would be great if my future companion could share my vivacity. You are an incredibly beautiful person inside and out, I hope that you will allow me the chance to find out more about you!

32. I want to see your face when I wake up in the morning. I want to share my hopes, fears, and successes with you. I want you to know that no matter what life throws at me, you’ll be there by my side taking it all in stride.

33. I’m looking for someone to spend my life with. I want a woman who will smile when she sees me, who will hold my hand on the street and kiss me in the rain.

34. I’m looking for someone to spend my life with. Someone who will love me with all her heart and trust me completely.

35. I’m looking for a nice, loyal, caring lady. One who will make me laugh. A woman with whom I can spend the rest of my life doing exciting and fun things.

36. I’m looking for someone who will be my forever friend, who will enjoy and share my passions, who will laugh with me and be there when I need her.

37. I’m looking for someone who will be my best friend, with whom I can share my hopes and dreams. I hope you have an adventurous spirit because I plan to take us places.

38. I’m ready to meet the lady of my dreams. You are kind, caring, smart, and charming. I’d love to spend time with you and get to know you better.

39. I am looking for a woman who is ambitious, intelligent and fun. She will be my best friend and life partner while also urging me to reconsider some of my more follies and odd tendencies.

40. I am looking for a woman who can challenge me and keep me on my toes. I want a woman who is intelligent, and someone with her own personality.

41. I want a woman to see things through my eyes. A girl I can share my hopes, dreams and passions with. A lady I can go to a movie with or surprise her with a picnic in the park. A special someone to talk about our future together. That’s the one I’ve been praying for since years ago. Be the right one that God has made just for me.

42. If there’s one thing I know it’s that she’ll always be a good woman who loves me for me.

43. A woman who will love me with every molecule of her being. A woman whose smile is so beautiful that it sets my very soul on fire.

44. I want to find a woman who will love me with every letter of her love. Her smile is so beautiful that it warms my soul.

45. I’m looking for a woman who will adore me, a woman who will love me with everything in her. A woman whose face lights up with passion when she holds me.

46. I want to find a woman who melts my heart, and sets every nerve in my body on fire.

47. I want to find a woman who is intelligent, compassionate, and lovable. She must have glowing skin and a great sense of humour.

48. You are everything I’ve ever dreamed of and I love that you bring out the best in me. You challenge me to bring out my best. You make me feel like the person I want to be. You deserve to know how special you are and I want to spend forever telling you how lucky I am that you’re mine.

49. I want to find a woman with a big heart. A woman who will love me for me. I’m not looking for her to change my life; I want her to enhance it.

50. The woman I’m looking for is smart, kind and beautiful. She has a heart of gold and a smile that can light up a room. She’s kind to everyone, generous and selfless.

51. I’m searching for a strong and independent woman. Attraction, however, is an undeniable force. If we meet, we’ll see what happens.

52. When I met you, I knew it was something special. My life has never been better. I want to give you the world, and I will do anything to make you happy.

53. I remember the day I vowed to live a life true to myself and to always be there for my family. Living my values has made all the difference in the world.

54. I’d like to love someone who will keep my heart safe and warm. Every time we’re apart I’ll think of how our souls entwined and felt such a deep connection that we were both stunned.

55. I’m looking for someone to share my dreams with. In other words, someone with whom I can do some of the simple things in life, such as sharing a meal, laughing at jokes, walking in the moonlight and sharing quiet moments of companionship.

56. If I could be so lucky as to find a girl that would love me for my sense of humour, my love of reading, and my odd little quirks- maybe we’d make it work.

57. I would love to find a woman who loves me for me and my decisions, a woman who will support me no matter what.

58. Everyone wants that special someone who will love them unconditionally. A person who cares about their needs and looks out for their best interests first and foremost. A devoted life partner who will be by their side through thick or thin.

59. I’ll spend my days showing how much you mean to me by never being too far from your side and making you feel my love with every breath I take.

60. If there is anyone I can trust, rely on, indeed love with all my heart and soul, it’s this incredible woman here before me.

61. A desire for a soul mate is so common and universal, it’s probably innate. I want someone who will support me and encourage everything I pursue. I long for an equal partner with whom to share my life.

62. You are truly one of a kind. You are sweet, caring and thoughtful. You’re my best friend and I can’t wait to see where life takes us; to old age, to fatherhood, to motherhood.

63. I have said this to you a million times. I have never met a girl as sweet and caring as you. I could not have wished for a better wife. I love you so much.

64. You are a beautiful person and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

65. I want a wife whom I will always want to kiss, even when I’m eighty years old.

66. I’d prefer a wife who’s so attractive, I will want to kiss her when I’m eighty.

67. I don’t just want a wife. I want the most amazing, sweet, and beautiful woman in the world. She’s youthful and lively, but at the same time deep and soulful.

68. I want someone who I will be able to laugh with, cry with, and hold onto in bed.

69. If I’m lucky enough to find my soul mate, then I won’t be afraid to tell her just how much she means to me.

70. I want to grow old with someone I could always trust. Someone who will never age.

71. I don’t want someone to just play a part in my life; I want us to be connected on a deeper level.

72. I am looking for a beautiful, warm-hearted woman to be my other half and my best friend forever. I would like to find the woman of my dreams who will get along well with me and be the love of my life.

73. I want a woman I don’t want to change. I don’t want to have to work at it, to live up to her standards, or to be what she thinks I am. I want a person who sees me and loves me for exactly who I am right now.

74. I want to find a girl who likes computers as much as I do. But it turns out that girls don’t really like computers.

75. Someone that makes you want to be yourself and can remind you of your truest self. Someone who continues to surprise you, and will never stop inspiring you.

76. I want to marry you. You’re the one for me. I love your eyes, your voice, your smell. You’re my dream come true.

77. I love how you make me laugh. You are always smiling, no matter what we’re going through.

78. To be with a woman who keeps me strong and centred, who I can look up to as my Queen and turn to for comfort.

79. I want to marry a woman who is as independent as she is secure in my love.

80. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who is as independent as she is secure in my love.

81. I’m looking for a person who is confident in what she wants out of life. I want to marry a woman with her own interests, ideas and opinions. She should also encourage me to grow and develop as an individual.

82. I am looking to find a woman who has her own interests and passions while at the same time is willing to share my life with me.

83. I long to hold a woman who can stand on her own, and doesn’t mind if she has me in her corner or not.

84. I’m looking for a woman who is strong, independent and has a good sense of self-esteem.

85. I can be myself when I’m with you. We laugh at the same jokes, and you believe me when I say that was an accident (or was it?). You get my parents, and actually like them, which is pretty cool in my book. When I’m away from you I think about how happy we are together and how much more fun I have when we’re together. And I can’t wait to get home to you and see your beautiful smile that lights up a room

86. I’m looking for a soft-hearted, down-to-earth woman who knows what she wants out of life. Perhaps she is a touch awkward, but always endearing. She needs to be thoughtful and more than anything, a good friend. I’m not asking for perfection, but I’m looking for someone pretty close!

87. I want to take a woman who has overcome hardship to make it on her own. A woman who is comfortable being alone, but knows when she needs help. A woman who has ambitions that don’t include me. But when I return home at the end of the day, she’ll still be there waiting with open arms.

88. I want to find a girl who’s sweet, caring, and honest. A girl who loves movies and music, who I’ll be able to hold hands with while walking in the park.

89. There is nothing in this world that makes me happier than you make me. You are my true love, my best friend and now you’re my wife.

90. You’re the one I run to. You’re the one that makes me strong. And I wanna tell you, You’re the love of my life.

91. I’m looking for someone sweet, no not like a desert. I’m looking for someone who is wise and knows me better than myself.

92. I’m looking for someone great. Someone who I can see with my eyes closed. Someone who knows me better than I know myself.

93. I’m looking for someone that’s funny, smart, and I can trust with my whole heart.

94. I’m looking for a girl that is honest, genuine and faithful. A girl who knows how to make me laugh and texts me all throughout the day.

95. I’m looking for someone who is kind and understanding, with a good sense of humour. If you’re smart and kind, but can be silly sometimes, I’d love to meet you and definitely, marry you.

96. I’m hoping to find a companion who will share my interests and my points of view but won’t try to change me into someone else.

97. A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, communes with him at noon like a sister, and in the evening, recycles him as a friend.

98. I’m not looking for a partner. I’m looking for a unicorn. Someone who is my best friend, who makes me laugh and who just happens to be a woman.

99. It’s not hard to find someone you can talk to, but finding someone who will listen maybe a bit more difficult. If this is your kind of person, then we should definitely talk.

100. Love is a beautiful thing and I’m glad I’ve found beauty in the woman I want. You make having you a beautiful feeling.

When you set your heart to achieve something, you will surely succeed at it. That’s why you have this wonderful collection of the woman I want to marry. I want you to achieve your desires of getting the right woman to marry and I’m pretty excited you found these quotes. Remember to share your experience with me in the comments before you leave this page.


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