There Are Far Better Things Ahead Quotes

There are times when we all find ourselves feeling down, questioning whether the future has anything for us. At these moments, hopefully, our friends and loved ones can cheer us up with encouraging words.

After a tough start, especially in the new year, it is easy to remain disheartened and discouraged. If you are one of those people who need a positive word or more to motivate you in these times or who need them for someone, I’ve got you covered.

Since the focus is on creating hope for better things, it is appropriate to have some great quotes about better things. Here, you will find some of the most noteworthy there are far better things ahead quotes you can always make use of.

At times the smallest step in the right direction ends up becoming the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you should, but take the step and leave the past behind. There are far better things ahead.

1. There are better things ahead – focus on the positive side of your life and see dreams becoming a reality step by step.

2. We are blessed to be surrounded by better things ahead. Don’t hold on to what has been left in the past.

3. When you feel like there is no hope when the loneliness seems overwhelming when the pain of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow become too much, remember there are far better things ahead.

4. Put your everyday problems behind you and focus on what’s ahead. There are better things ahead.

5. Things are always darkest before they go pitch black. Good things come to those who wait. Wait for there are better things ahead.

6. Whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. There are better things ahead.

7. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart for there are far better things ahead.

8. In this world with so much to see, you have to focus on what’s important because there are far better things ahead.

9. Sometimes you need to look back to realize how far you’ve come and tell yourself there are better things ahead.

10. You can find the path for your life in the stars if you know where to look. And, who knows, maybe those stars are inside of you! Hold on to them knowing there are better things ahead.

11. Spring into a new season of adventure. Find your charge. There are better things ahead

12. Life is not made of chapters, but books. The chapters in our lives are short and the time we spend on each one depends on our effort and attitude towards it. Look towards the next chapter knowing there are better things ahead.

13. There are heroes in every story, but bigger ones exist outside of stories. Look beyond for there are better things ahead.

14. There are far better things ahead. Don’t stop. Don’t quit. Better things are yet to come.

15. There are better things ahead than anything we leave behind.

16. If you got it wrong this time, there are far better things ahead.

17. It’s hard to forget pain, but harder to remember sweetness because there is no scar to show for happiness. We should forget the pain knowing there are far better things ahead.

18. Set your focus on the things you want and use your talents to make it happen. There are far better things ahead.

19. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. There are far better things ahead. Boldness has power and magic in it.

20. There are far better things ahead. It always seems impossible until it’s done.

21. Fall seven times and stand up eight times for there are far better things ahead.

22. Good thing that the best is always yet to come.

23. There are better things ahead, so keep going.

24. Don’t stop until you feel proud of yourself. There are far better things ahead.

25. There are far better things ahead. There’s always something to look forward to.

26. No matter how long you have been stuck in a situation, if it is not healthy for growth, it is time to let it go. There are far better things ahead.

27. There are better things ahead. So keep focusing on the positive, and hold your head up high.

28. Keep the focus on your goal, and always keep striving, there are better things ahead.

29. Better things ahead. Do not be scared and do not let uncertainty stop you.

30. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed and frustrated, remember that there are always better things ahead.

31. Better things are coming. Keep believing and don’t get weary.

32. Goodbye, Good riddance. Time to leave your troubles behind and start anew. Life is too short to be anything but happy for there are far better things ahead.

33. Life is about learning, growing, and meeting new challenges. Do not feel sorry for yourself, instead grow from the experience, there are far better things ahead.

34. There are far better things ahead. With a little magic, all of your dreams can come true.

35. Better things are ahead of you. The best is yet to come. Stay positive, keep moving forward, and always believe in yourself.

36. Better things are coming. Don’t give up. Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.

37. There are far better things ahead. Every moment may not be good, but there’s something good in every moment.

38. There are far better things ahead. If you are making mistakes, you are making new things, changing yourself and your world.

39. There are far better things ahead. Get inspired to see the world from a different perspective and continue your life’s journey with a fresh, new outlook.

40. There are better things ahead but the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.

41. There are far better things ahead, it only takes the courage to see it.

42. The best is yet to come. Work hard now so you can enjoy it later.

43. Life is better when we dream bigger—about our careers, the world we live in and our community. There are far better things ahead.

44. There are far better things ahead though there will always be bumps in the road. So keep going. Don’t give up, and don’t give in.

45. You will overcome all obstacles, see all of your dreams become a reality, and achieve greatness . . . even when you think it may not be possible. There are far better things ahead.

46. There are far better things ahead but the future is made by those who are passionate and determined.

47. Life is a gift, open it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream come true, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is love, enjoy it. There are good things to come.

48. There are far better things ahead. You’ll feel good knowing you’re not just roughing it—you’re choosing to rough it in style.

49. There are better things ahead, keep faith, hope and love.

50. There are far better things ahead. What lies behind them are small compared to what lies ahead.

51. There are far better things ahead but we should never stop dreaming. Someday, you will reach your dreams and follow what you’ve always wanted to do.

52. There are far better things ahead but the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

53. If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on. There are far better things ahead.

54. There are far better things ahead. Don’t forget that you are the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

55. There are far better things ahead. When you find yourself doubting how far you can go in life, remind yourself how far you have come.

56. There are far better things ahead but there is no way to reach the top of the ladder if you are not ready to climb.

57. when life gets tough, remember: there are better things ahead.

58. Don’t look behind you, there are better things ahead.

59. There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.

60. Better things are coming in your way. Keep up the good work and do well to cheer up!

61. We are moving; we are becoming, but don’t despair. What is coming is far better than what is gone.

62. There are far better things ahead. Some of the greatest things in life take some time. They can’t be rushed.

63. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. There are far better things ahead.

64. A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but its persistence. There are far better things ahead.

65. While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated for there are far better things ahead to be strong for.

66. There are far better things ahead. Don’t hasten life; what grows fast withers fast too; that which grows slowly endures.

67. For those who think they have nothing left to look forward to, there are better things ahead.

68. It may be tough to remember now, but there are better things ahead—things that will make a lasting difference.

70. All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost. There’s much more ahead. As the shadows fall behind us.

71. Happiness doesn’t depend on who you are or what you have. It solely relies on what you think. Think positive, there are better things ahead.

72. There will always be things that take you by surprise, but after a while, you learn that some things are actually surprises in disguise.

73. The nights seem long but the days seem short. It will soon be over, there are far better things ahead.

74. There are far better things ahead. When dark clouds cover the sky, look for rainbows to appear.

75. There are far better things ahead. Find your direction then lower your sails. The best is yet to come!

76. There’s something magical about that moment when you know your life is about to change for the better.

78. Your past does not define your future. You have the ability to write your own story and create a life full of better, brighter days.

79. I hope you always have a soft place to land and flowers that remind you spring will come. There are far better things ahead.

80. Don’t forget to take time out to appreciate and celebrate all the small things in life because there are far better things ahead.

81. There’s always time; find time for what really matters for there are far better things ahead.

82. There are far better things ahead in life. Don’t go through life, grow through life.

83. There are far better things ahead to look forward to in life. When life closes a door, open a window and keep moving.

84. We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. better things to come.

85. Something is coming. Something better! There are far better things ahead.

86. There are far better things ahead but what are you doing today to make tomorrow better than yesterday?

87. Almost there. Don’t stop now. Keep pushing, keep striving. Good things are in front of you and behind you.

88. You can’t live on memories alone. It’s time to start making some new ones for there are far better things ahead.

89. It’s always darkest before the dawn so be prepared to rise. There are far better things ahead.

90. There are far better things ahead. Life begins at the end of where you think it ends.

91. There is hope for tomorrow. Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul, sings the tunes without the words, and never stops at all.

92. One of life’s greatest pleasures is doing what people say you can’t do.

93. Some people dream of great accomplishments and waking up to the lives they imagined. For others, those accomplishments begin with a firm resolution and quiet determination.

94. You’re not where you want to be. But you’re also not where you were yesterday. Stay hungry, stay humble, and keep going. There are far better things ahead.

95. Don’t be afraid of life. There is always a better thing ahead.

96. Even when things seem like they can’t get any better, there is always something on the horizon that will make your life even better.

97. Today is the new beginning. Today is the day to start over! There are far better things ahead.

98. You’re faced with a decision. You’re hungry for new ideas and new opportunities. That’s great! Bring it on. There are far better things ahead.

99. You have to remember that you are here in this very moment, in this great life that you are alive. There are far better things ahead.

100. There are far better things ahead. Set your intentions, and the universe will line up around you.

They say that knowledge is power, but in reality, it’s motivation. An idea or a thought can be just enough to push you forward through the harsh quagmire of an imperfect reality. In any journey, thoughts and ideas are essential; they keep us going when we’re down or discouraged. And when we look beyond it all, there are things much better than what we have now. So much why there are far better things ahead quotes here will always be relevant.

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