There’s Always Darkness Before the Dawn Quotes

There’s always darkness before the dawn. Darkness before dawn is a time when hope starts to shine again. Sometimes, it can be so dark that we feel that nothing will ever change. We lose hope and think that things will always be this way — dark and terrible, with no bright future on the horizon. But someday, the darkness will break, and light will shine through.

Yes, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You may not see it right now, but somewhere on the horizon is a beautiful sunrise or sunset just waiting for you to witness it after a long dark night. In the life of every human being, no matter the success and the happiness they attain, there will always be hard times — times when they feel alone, times that they don’t know if they can go on.

When it is your time to go through one of those periods, you need someone who has been in your position, going through a similar situation as yours, to show you the right path. You can get through this darkness by looking up with hope and confidence in God’s promise that you’ll be stronger for it.

Also, below are some there’s always darkness before the dawn quotes for the purpose of having confidence in all situations.

This is your last chance to change. It’s never too late to turn around. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but there’s also light. And you can choose what you want to see no matter the darkness. Life’s good no matter what.

1. There is always darkness before dawn, and this is to make you stronger.

2. There’s always darkness before dawn. The light is on its way.

3. It’s always darkest just before the dawn—and this is our time to shine.

4. There is always darkness before the dawn. And while the lights are out, we must be prepared to handle this darkness and find a way through it.

5. There is always darkness before dawn. The task is to make the dawn come sooner rather than later.

6. The dark season may be hard, but the dawn will be dazzling.

7. There’s always darkness before the dawn. The moment when everything feels hopeless, and you’re ready to give up, then someone comes along and gives you a reason to fight again.

8. There’s always darkness before dawn. And we’ve been through the night, but we won’t break.

9. There’s always darkness before the dawn. But, remember that the sun will rise in the end.

10. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but there’s never really too dark to light a candle.

11. There’s always darkness before the dawn. Don’t let your dark season last forever. It will be beautiful in the end.

12. When you think you can’t go on, when everything seems so hopeless, remember this — There’s always darkness before the dawn.

13. If you’ve been through a dark season, know that there’s always darkness before dawn.

14. When the world feels like it’s falling apart, remember there’s always darkness before dawn.

15. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but it won’t last forever. You’ll emerge stronger, more clear-eyed, and more determined than ever to live your best life.

16. There’s no light without dark, but it won’t last forever. You’ll emerge stronger, more clear-eyed and more determined than ever to live your best life.

17. The darkest things happen before the dawn. But it will all be okay in the end.

18. No matter how bad things get, remember always that there will always be dawn after the dark.

19. The darkest night is just before the dawn, and I’m here to tell you that it will be alright.

20. If you are facing a dark time, don’t worry. There is always dawn before it.

21. May our darkest days someday become the dawn of a beautiful tomorrow.

22. We have to face the darkness before dawn, but we will be blessed to see it again.

23. You’ll have to walk through the darkness, but the path will light up when you come out on the other side. You’ve got this.

24. There’s always darkness before the dawn. Our darkest fears make us stronger and more resilient. We will get through this together.

25. There’s always darkness before dawn, but you can make it beautiful.

26. There’s always darkness before dawn, and sometimes the dawn is not enough to get you out of bed. It takes a lot of work to be a star.

27. Don’t give up. It doesn’t matter what you have to go through, and it’s always darkest before the dawn.

28. Don’t give up. There’s always darkness before the dawn.

29. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but there is no time like the present.

30. The darkest times are just before dawn. Cheer up and keep moving forward. Everything is going to be okay.

31. Whether you’re down in the dumps or struggling through a difficult time, there’s always a silver lining. Times may get dark, but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

32. Don’t give up on your dreams. There’s always darkness before dawn, and if you keep going, you’ll reach the light.

33. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but darkness does not last forever. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

34. There’s always darkness before dawn so do not ever see yourself as a failure.

35. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but we have to keep pushing until the sun comes up.

36. Always remember, your darkest hour is just before dawn.

37. It’s going to be a long, dark road. But it gets lighter with each sunrise and brighter with each new day. Hold on tight because the dawn is coming.

38. There’s always darkness before the dawn. The only way to make this brighter and better is to get up, be strong and have hope.

39. One day, you’ll look back on this moment and realize how far you’ve come. And you will be proud of yourself. Keep pushing forward, and remember that there’s always darkness before dawn. It helps keep you strong!

40. When life feels like it is going to drag on forever, keep that faith and remember: There is always darkness before the dawn.

41. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but there’s always hope at its end. Keep your head up and keep going.

42. There’s always darkness before dawn, and there’s a brighter day to come.

43. There’s always darkness before dawn; it’s the time when everything dies and goes to sleep. But there’s also a new day waiting to be born.

44. There’s always darkness before dawn, but the sun is going to rise.

45. Don’t give up. Don’t let the darkness get you down. You are so strong and amazing! Keep believing in yourself. There’s always morning coming.

46. Don’t let the darkness in, just as you won’t let it out. Help yourself to love, compassion and light!

47. Though the night has become my day, I will rise again when the morning comes.

48. The most important thing is to keep your head up and keep going because you’ll see the light.

49. The best thing about being alive is the fact that there’s always something new to wake up for.

50. The light comes from the darkest places and illuminates the brightest.

51. Your darkest days are just the beginning of a new day, there’s always darkness before dawn, and we’ve got your back.

52. You’ve got this, champ. We know you can work through whatever you’re struggling with right now.

53. This too shall pass. The real world waits for no one, and when this is all over, you’ll be ready to take it head-on.

54. You are strong. You are resilient. You will make it to the other side of these dark times.

55. Whatever you’re going through, know that the sun will rise again tomorrow. You’re stronger than you think.

56. You’re going to be great. You’re incredible. You’re awesome.

57. You can make it through this difficult time. Even in the darkness, you will find success.

58. You will thrive. You are not alone. Your strength and resilience will guide you through this darkness.

59. Turning your life around may feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right mindset and these simple strategies, you’ll be on your way to feeling better than ever.

60. When you feel like quitting, remember why you started. You’ll never regret working hard, but sometimes you’ll always look back and wish you had.

61. Life can be tough, but it won’t last forever. If you work hard, you will find that the sky’s the limit.

62. It’s going to be okay. It’s going to get better. The darkness before dawn will turn into light. Keep up and keep believing in yourself.

63. It’s all about how you look at the darkness before dawn.

64. There is always light before the dawn. It’s up to you to find it and conquer it.

65. You will face dark times, but light always follows darkness. You are here for a reason, and it’s up to you to find it and conquer it.

66. If you keep squinting and looking, the light before dawn is there. You just have to find it.

67. Things are hard now. But I believe in you. Just keep going, and success will come. Be proud of the progress you’ve made, and keep going!

68. Do not fear the dark. Use it to your advantage, then destroy it and revel in your triumph.

69. It’s easy to feel stuck, but the darkest times are always just before the sun shines through. See the big picture and don’t give up.

70. Do you have what it takes to turn your dreams into reality? It’s time to stop talking and start doing. The sky’s the limit – go do what you do best, and prove them wrong.

71. No matter what happens to you, you can overcome it and conquer the day.

72. It is never too late, and it is never too early to start your life. You can always find the strength to keep moving forward.

73. No matter how dark the night, there’s always new dawn to greet your eyes.

74. Even the darkest nights can be brightened with new hope.

75. There is always darkness before dawn. This is like a sad song to make you stronger.

76. Don’t let your dark season last forever. It will be beautiful in the end. Stay strong and always remember that God is with you, even during the darkest moments.

77. Stay strong. Stay hopeful. There’s always a light at the end of that tunnel.

78. You will have your dark moments, but the sun always rises.

79. You’re going to get through this. You’re stronger than you think.

80. The darkness will not last forever. The light will come again.

81. Hope doesn’t just grow in the morning. Sometimes, it grows all night. The darkness before dawn is saying thanks for your support and encouraging you to keep going.

82. There is always an ending, but it doesn’t mean the story has to end. There is always an end to every story. The question is how you will make one last beautiful memory out of the ending that came too soon.

83. Life is not always easy, but there’s always a light at its end.

84. Don’t give up. Remember all the dark nights with you that have led to this wonderful day.

85. The darkest part of the night is just before dawn.

86. There are moments in every day when darkness surrounds us, but we must not give up hope in the light.

87. Life for us is a chain of experiences. We will never know the time when the last experience will happen to us.

88. There’s always darkness before the dawn, but it’s easy to get lost in the gloom. Stay strong, stay focused and stay positive.

89. The further down you go, the harder it is to find hope. Stay strong, stay focused, and stay positive. The light is shining just up ahead.

90. The dark clouds are on the horizon but don’t lose your vision for tomorrow. Stay strong and remain positive.

91. When you’re feeling fragile, it’s easy to lose focus. But, light rises in darkness. It will all fall into place soon. Stay positive.

92. It’s easy to get lost in despair. Looking for a ray of hope. Don’t give up!

93. It’s easy to lose hope in tough times, but tough times don’t last. Don’t give up. Just keep going, and the sun will rise again, we promise!

94. The darkness will envelop you, but you must resist it, for the promise of the light is all that will keep you going.

95. Can you feel it? We can. And we are ready for the change. A new era is coming, the light will drive out the dark, and everything will be as it should.

96. It’s only when everything appears to be going wrong that you can see the first signs of things starting to go right.

97. Nobody enjoys pain. However, once you’ve gone through it and come out the other side, you will know exactly how bad it was. You’ll see that there’s always a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

98. In the darkest of times, hope is a flame. Be it from your loved ones, God and/or anything that joys you. Everyone has gone through a period of despair in their life. This will pass, and things will get better in the long run. Keep going strong!

99. We all have times in our lives where we feel like the darkness is all around us. But that’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s called life, and things are going to get better!

100. Not all who wander are lost. Not all those who seek are convinced that they have found it. Always a light before dawn, always a day of hope.

We know that it’s hard to believe, but this evil season is temporary. We also know that losing hope is easy when life feels so dark. But when you’re in the middle of the storm, it can be difficult to wrap your head around where you are headed. But take a deep breath, look up and tell yourself: I’ll get through this because there will be light before dawn—and I’ll be stronger for it.

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