Time Management Strategies that has Been Proven Very Effective

– Time Management Strategies –

Different people need different time management strategies so that they can get to make the most of their day, accomplishing tasks more quickly and scheduling events that will create the most impact. You may choose to manage your time in several ways using our following proven strategies here.

To most of us, it appears as if there has never been an enough time in the day. Notwithstanding, Everyone has 24 hrs in a day to fulfil their tasks, while some people are exceptionally good at it, others will still struggle to accomplish their tasks. 

Tips for Time Management

To explain time management strategies, it is imperative to understand what is time management.

In simple words, we defined time management as organizing and planning the time someone would want to divide between specific activities. Effective time management is all about allocating the right time to the right activity that ought to be done. 

It allows individuals to make the best use of their time by placing priority tasks according to their importance and the estimated time taken to complete them. Failing to manage time can cause negative effects in both your professional and personal life. 

Why is it that some people use their time more efficiently than others? The answer lies in the proven and effective time management strategies given below:

1. Know How You Spend Your Time

The basic time management strategies lie in being aware of how long you would take to do whatever is on your list. Considering that you have 10 things to do, would you be able to cover up everything in the number of hours you have for the whole day?

When you clearly state how you spend your time, you will better be able to keep a record of how you spend your time or analyze your free time.

For instance, at StudentsandScholarship, the teams track their time using time tracking software to manage how much time they are currently spending on their work. Despite that, it makes their job much easier, thus sparing them some free time doing other things as well.

2. Prioritization

Managing your time will help you achieve your goals and be successful. Managing time also simply implies that you must spend time on things that are the most important to you from any other thing.

You are not to waste your time on things that are not relevant. You can get to know your priorities by asking yourself these questions below:

➛ Identify urgent vs. important

➛ What are your values?

➛ What are your goals?

➛ What is the result of the activity?

➛ When you know how to prioritize your goals, you will probably be successful in your endeavours.

3. Make a To-Do List at the End of Each Day

To-do lists are very motivating because it gives people a better understanding of what they would accomplish each day.

The best time to make a to-do list is always at the end of each day so that you will get to know where to resume work the following day. You can easily do that using project management software like StudentsandScholarship to:

➛ Create tasks 

➛ Break them into smaller, manageable tasks

➛ Assign them

➛ Set start dates and due dates

➛ Set estimates and track time spent

4. Focus without Distractions

Time management strategies can be very successful for you when you push yourself out of the distractive circle. It’s difficult to stay on task when you want to be doing millions of tasks.

Although getting distracted is normal. To stay on track with what you want to get, always have in mind your end goals.

Focus on only one part of your work at a time. Staying focused will restrict you not responding to texts or browsing the web.

5. Elon Musk’s Time Blocking Method

Elon Musk is possibly one of the busiest men on the earth. His secret to his effective time management is the method of time blocking.

He follows the “superhuman” ability to focus without distractions. Time blocking is actually the method of committing a certain number of hours to just one task and blocking off time for other tasks.

Kevin Kruse in his book has suggested that many top performers organize their day through time blocks. You are much more likely to be productive with a plan of action if you as well give an insight into it.

6. Decision-Making

There are certain jobs to work seamlessly at your comfort without making a prior decision or giving a thought to how you are going to plan all your work. There are several things to think about, such as:

➛ Which task is of high-priority

➛ When a task is to be completed

➛ Which resources are available to do the task

➛ Which task need to be done later

All such decisions are to be made before setting for work without one task affecting another task. This is one time management strategy that can bring a zero outcome for the day if done wrong.

Therefore, be certain to decide what will improve the way you have to work.

7. Tony Robbins Rapid Planning Method

Tony Robbins, the rapid planning method, is a results-focused planning system that will change your mindset to focus more on the outcome.

The rapid planning method (RPM) stands for a result-oriented, purpose-driven, massive action plan. These three portions serve as time management strategies that will help in getting a better answer to focus one’s effort in a better way.

8. Record your Daily Routine

One of these time management strategies will make it clear to find out which activities you are wasting your time on. With it, you can begin by tracking your activities at work using time tracking apps and productivity apps.

When you have recorded your daily routines for a week, you will get to spot all the time-wasting activities and further keep a conscious effort to cut them out of your day.

9. Automate your Workflow

While we are talking about time management strategies, automating recurring tasks is one effective time strategy to opt into.

Here, you can get to create recurring tasks if it needs to be done regularly. Also, this will help to save the time that was spent on manually creating such tasks. 

By using a top project management software, you can create automated recurring tasks daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. 


10. Get Organized

As often said that super achievers are super-organized. It can be quite overwhelming when there are many tasks to focus on that can diffuse productivity.

Notwithstanding, a good project management system having built-in task management software will certainly help you divide bigger tasks into smaller and manageable sub-tasks.

This time management strategy will organize all your tasks into something that can be manageable. With the chunks of work, you can always do your work in a manageable way.

This will offer easy categories to handle and get important goals to be accomplished first. It will also get to help you to share your workload. 

11. Spend Your Mornings on MITs

Do you want to be productive with your time? We guess your answer is yes. Therefore, get to identify the most important tasks (MITs) from your to-do list and also get them completed first thing in the morning.

You don’t need to have the most amount of energy or enthusiasm in the morning before you can opt in to one of these time management strategies. So, use it to tackle the biggest and the most challenging tasks ever.

Also, when you accomplish the most important tasks, it will be much easier for you to get along with other tasks left for the rest of the day.

12. Batch Similar Tasks Together

Different tasks require team members to invest several amounts of time and effort. But since most of the tasks that teams get today are a similitude to each other, the best way to handle them is for you to batch them together. 

This stems from the reason that it allows teams to cut out time and deliver projects much faster. You can also get to add custom labels in order to filter tasks under one label. 

13. Stop being Perfectionist

A major reason so many people put off tasks or constantly get to delay the delivery of a project or products is that they are running after perfection, looking at making the tasks to be the best.

It’s a great idea to always be the best on whatever task you are doing, but here’s is an important question for one of these time management strategies – Is it only one task that you have on your to-do list? Obviously, the answer is “no”.

Since there are other tasks on your to-do list that need to be completed on the same day, stop running after perfection and focus more on getting almost every task to be completed.

14. Just Say “NO”

It is quite certain if you don’t want to upset anyone but only agree to deadlines that you think you can handle in reality.

Peradventure, having your to-do list to be full and you receive a request to complete an additional one task on that same day, you can decline it.

Don’t agree to work on a task or help a colleague until you have some spare time. Always try to keep your priorities straight and simple.

15. Learn the 80-20 Rule

By now, everyone in the business world knows what the “20/80 rule” is. It basically tells us that 80% of the results we achieve are from 20% of our actions.

Now, for effective time management strategies, this rule suggests that you look at your to-do list and determine the ways to keep it simple.

According to this principle, you should always get down to the most important tasks and focus on accomplishing them first.

17. Leave Buffer-Time between Tasks

You want to make the most effective use of your time within a day and that’s why you jump from one task to the next wasting no time in between.

Now, this might seem like a good use of your time from the onset, but unfortunately, it proves to be the exact opposite of what you had thought of.

Keep in mind that all human brain needs a break after every 90 minutes in order to be focused more and motivated.

Therefore, schedule buffer-time (10-15 minutes’ break) between the interval of completing a task and starting the next one.

To make this easier for you, just go for a walk or get a book and read something that will inspire you to recharge your mind before you get back to work.

17. Overcome Half-Work

In this age of constant interruption, it’s very easy to get lost between what we should do and what others would want us to do.

For instance, if you may work on a task from your to-do list, but suddenly or later stop randomly to work on a report that your boss asked for.

This is what we call “half-work”. Irrespective of how or where you encounter half-work, the result of it is often the same.

Now, the best way to overcome this half-work is to block a significant amount of time for the task at hand and eliminate everything else.

18. Consider Delegating/Outsourcing

Delegation and outsourcing are tricky, agreed. But this will not change the fact that they are a vital aspect of the modern workplace.

We’ve also got to understand that it’s always difficult to let someone else complete certain tasks, but recall, you’ve got limited time to complete certain tasks and delegating can be a real time-saver though.

Just ensure that you hand over the roles to the right person with the desired skills and strategies. Moreso, if you do that, you won’t have anything to worry about.

19. Just STOP Multitasking

Managing two or many tasks at once often results in loss of productivity. According to research studies, people who prefer to practise the attitude of multitasking are finding it very difficult to maintain a focus on work when needed.

Most people believe that routine multitasking help to save time and accomplish more in a day, yet in reality, the opposite is always true.

20. Rethink Your Time Management Strategy

If you’re here and you’re going via these easy time management strategies, then it’s very obvious that you are looking for ways to achieve the best in a day.

Now, if you see yourself struggling with time management strategies, it simply means that your current strategy isn’t working pretty well for you. Therefore, you need to change your schedule around.

Spend just 5 minutes at the end of each day just to review the targets you have achieved alongside the performance you have delivered.

Also, use this information to find out your peak performance hours for the day, as well as the improvements that you would need to succeed in the long run.

22. Use an Online Calendar

Congratulations! if you are so brilliant. But don’t you think it would be much better if you have all your crucial events, tasks, and milestones marked on an online calendar. An excellent record of calendar keeping in time management is always important to consider.

The good news is that there are digital calendars made available now to employ the efficiency of time management strategies and scheduling to the next level.

With an online project scheduling calendar, you can always schedule meetings, set reminders, create events, and check your availability for a particular date from almost any device.

You will also get to see all calendar data across all projects in one place by using one project calendar.

22. Don’t Waste Time Waiting

Let us be sincere. The time you stand waiting on a project is the time wasted. We’re not suggesting you should be impatient.

It is just that every project actually needs to be completed within a particular timeframe, yet the time you wasted waiting can be used much better for something profitable elsewhere.

If you’re seeking ideas, consider listening to a podcast or reading through helpful blog posts while you are waiting for important information or advice on a project.

Having done that, you will reignite the fire within you and also get motivated to be back-on-track.

Benefits of Time Management

Time management strategies are about valuing your time. It is noteworthy that the more you manage your time properly, the better you will become perfect, as it will help to increase productivity in every area of your life. The following are the importance of time management strategies:

1. Doing More in Less Time:

You will be certain of what you want to do alongside how long you would probably give to a thing.

Time management strategies are such that enable tasks to be completed on time with a steady and efficient workflow. Also, note that failing to manage your time damages effectiveness and causes stress too.

One of the biggest advantages of time management is that it allows us to be more efficient by being in control of how we spend our time. We can focus better on important tasks, and better focus leads to better efficiency.

For instance, imagine a vehicle being driven slowly by someone busy talking on the phone and looking out of the window repeatedly.

Now think of another vehicle being driven by someone focused on driving at an optimal speed to reach their destination faster. That’s what time management can do for you.

2. Better Decision-Making

A person well-versed in the importance of time management strategies is likely to make better and productive decisions.

Poor time management strategies will leave you with little time to understand fully and predict the impact of your decisions, though this is not otherwise.

You may feel pressed for time and hurriedly decide whatever proves to be the best option. Although you get to absorb the better option, yet you still lose out in the long run.

Good time management strategies will give you the ability to evaluate your options and choose wisely the one that will produce the best outcome.

3. Success

From the benefits of time management, the most profitable one is that it will enable you to achieve greater success in all your endeavours.

You will perform better frequently, thus taking more effective decisions, and differentiating between important and meaningless tasks.

This capability to identify and focus more on important areas will certainly lead you to greater success in life.

4. Superior Quality of Life

Life has become fast-paced, more competitive, and very stressful today. Days seem to fly by, and sequel to our quest for success, the quality of life seems to be the biggest sufferer.

We eat often, spend insane hours at work, and miss out on hobbies and time to be spending with our families. In simple words, we trade the excitement of living, bonding, relaxation, and health for certain material accomplishments.

We all want success and material wealth. But by understanding the importance of time management and making it a part of our lives, we can get things of much more importance.

Employing time management strategies won’t give you extra hours. It will, however, get to teach you how to achieve more from the same number of hours.

Time management can help you free up time you can spend on things that make you happy. Thus, many feel less stressed and experience fulfilment in life.

Implications of Poor Time Management

We know somehow that it seems not to be enough time in the day, and that things fall to the wayside.

Because this happens to everyone at least once in a while, students who struggle with time management strategies regularly don’t do themselves any favour.

Here are some of the serious consequences that can happen to anyone or students who don’t manage their time properly.

1. Procrastination

Procrastination is the most obvious result of poor time management. Students who don’t have control over their time end up accumulating tasks until the last minute.

Here, they feel a lot of stress when trying to catch up with the tasks. If you’ve allowed too many tasks to wait, you might miss deadlines entirely.

2. Lower Grades and Test Scores

If you’re having trouble balancing the requirements of your course load and test prep with internships or clubs, however, you’ll probably find out that both your academics and test performance will take a hit.

When you don’t keep up with your studies, you’re incapable to understand or engage with new material. Therefore, your lack of time management can create a destructive cycle for your academic performance.

3. Chronic Lack of Sleep

Constantly staying up late to finish assignments you should have done days ago will certainly cut into your sleeping time.

We all know how important sleep means so much to college students, but poor time management will move this sleep to where you will struggle with your top priorities. The result of this can cause fatigue and illness.

4. Unhealthy Eating Habits

When you sleep through breakfast because you had stayed up too late in the night before trying to meet an assignment deadline, you probably won’t get three meals that day.

Missing a meal will basically prompt you to reach for snacks to make up for it and which would not provide you with the best nutrients needed in your body.

5. Lack of Punctuality

If you can’t manage your time, you’re likely always late for most things, including your classes, your professors’ office hours, and scheduled appointments. Going to events late won’t make you look professional or polished.

Keep in mind that people’s impressions of you really matter a lot. These people will always notice when you’re consistently unable to show up on time.

6. Lack of Priorities and Focus

The biggest single time-management challenge for most people is their lack of priorities and focus. It’s even worse when there aren’t clear goals to follow.

If the creative or small business owner gives themselves to be distracted by many unnecessary tasks, they can end up wasting their time. For instance, getting distracted by almost every new email or starting one task after another without finishing the first.

Most creatives have more work to do than they could complete in one day or even in one week. If you don’t know how to manage your time properly, you will rapidly feel overwhelmed.

If that’s happening to you, the best thing you can do is to concentrate on the one most important task. Then, you can feel you have achieved something great and met a deadline.

Notwithstanding, you’ll most likely need to leap straight into the next crisis just to meet another deadline, never having enough time to get ahead of the curve. Being proactive about your tasks can help you meet all your deadlines early.

Many times, the issue is that many creatives and small business owners won’t delegate other tasks that they really should. They want to do everything by themselves.

Small business owners can be guilty of this. In his case, you must delegate when appropriate. Then you can concentrate on the tasks where you can add the most value. This results in higher quality work from everyone involved.


7. Unprofessionalism

Missed deadlines show that there is a serious lack of respect and professionalism. This will surely affect the career of the person in question.

It can also act as a barrier to the team because no one wants to put the work in, only to fail because of someone else. This effect can grow worst if the person with poor time management strategies is their manager.

Also, unprofessionalism can lower the excellent reputation of the organization. Here, any client will get upset if you missed a deadline related to their project.

8. Financial Implications

Deadlines being missed can come at an enormous cost for the company. Without proper time management strategies training, deadlines will end.

For instance, if you create products for a shipment leaving the next day, the shipment goes whether you’ve filled it up. The cost of this can be massive.

These conflicts can make your client relationships suffer as well as you have to lose out on profit.

9. Damaged Customer Relationships

One of the biggest time management problems is that when we produce low-quality work at the last minute, our clients are sure to notice. They will no longer be happy with the service and may choose to go with another provider.

This loses the company money but also tarnishes its reputation. It’s even worse when you have contracts with the client, but it includes a service level agreement. If you don’t meet this, you may have to pay.

10. Forever Rushing Around

This is a by-product of punctuality issues, but rushing everywhere in and out can place real mental pressure on you if you allow it to happen too frequently.

Being late for something triggers our ‘flight or fight response, our adrenaline kicks in, and our stress levels rise.

Whilst a little adrenaline can do us good, in certain circumstances, too much stress response can eventually weaken our immune system and put a strain on our vital organs. Not to mention that stress just doesn’t feel great!

11. Lacking Patience and Feeling Irritable

When our minds aren’t clear and focused, we have a tendency to become easily riled. Here’s an analogy. If you are in a supermarket, piling items into our basket until the handle snaps and the contents spill all over the floor, shooting in every direction.

Now imagine that a wife or husband or a friend comes and throws a couple more items on the floor for you to pick up. What would be your normal human reaction?

Verily, your reaction will be you becoming angry. More than likely! So the trick is not to load your baskets so full that you don’t have the facility in place to carry everything.

12. Hemorrhaging Energy

Constantly playing catch-up plunders our energy resources. This means that you end up falling even further behind because we don’t have enough “fuel in the tank” to keep the momentum going.

There’s only so long that anyone can keep up with the pressures of life once the tank is empty. And that’s where burnout happens.

13. Failing to Set Goals

An overstretched mind is chaotic. And the more you throw into the mix, the less you are clear about what’s important to you.

Prioritizing what needs to be done first becomes trickier than it should be.

Zoom out a little for several days, taking into consideration many other burdens that are added to your list, and it will certainly become much more difficult to make any kind of sense of the challenge in front of you.

This can make it impossible to work out what you want, or need, to achieve in the long run.

14. Finding it Hard to Decide

Time management is an exercise in prioritizing. And poor time management strategies are the blight of those who find it too hard to prioritize.

Ultimately, when you can’t determine what needs to happen next, you will get to reach a sort of mental stalemate.

It is noteworthy that indecision can end up placing the burden of judgement on others too often, leading to two problems.

First, you will end up giving figurative power of attorney to someone else. From the incidentals like; “where should we go for dinner?”, to the enormous stuff like; “should you move house?”. And once you are in the cycle, it becomes hard to break.

Second, you will risk straining relationships by asking the other person to do all things. Your friends and partners are always your friends and partners.

They’re not in any way your personal assistants and the only person who really knows what you probably want is you.

15. Failing to Perform

The rolling on from indecision is incompetence. However, when you stop taking accountability for your own choices, you will start dropping the ball.

To use an exaggerated scenario, consider the military. Military personnel have to make split-second judgements, often, as part of their role.

Indecision in a situation like this can mean the difference between life and death. Therefore, not knowing what to have for dinner will not get you killed.

Besides, if you can’t reach decisions at work or you can’t juggle your priorities at home so that you can spend a weekend with your family, you will certainly not deliver as a successful person.


16. Feeling that Nothing’s ever is quite good enough

They might seem juxtaposed, but poor time management and perfectionism share a deep link.

Because perfectionism sounds like a fabulous quality to have, it can also undermine your efforts when determined from the extremity, thus resulting in analysis-paralysis“.

According to Psychology Today, perfectionists “often get hung up on meaningless details.

This will allow you to spend more time on projects than is necessary. By comparison, those who can distinguish between what’s really important and what isn’t seem to be far more productive.

Outside of the office, perfectionism can become an insidious force for our close personal relationships.

Our loved ones will develop feelings of unappreciation and alienation when you constantly set too high an expectation of them.

That’s all you can get to know about time management strategies.

If this sounds like clarifying your doubts, now is the time to adjust to effective time management strategies so that you can yield more productivity and live a healthier and happier life.

You may let us know how you get to manage your time by writing to us in our comment section box below. 

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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