Tired but Thankful Quotes – Motivation and Love

After a long, and hard day, it is understandable that you are tired and desire to rest. You may be frustrated if the day has not brought you any form of success regardless of the hard work. However, being weary when the result of your hard work is excellent comes in a different form entirely.

Imagine studying day, and night for an exam for the longest time; You get to eventually write the exam and you ace your paper. How do you think this would make you feel? I reckon you would feel joyous even when the long days and nights will take a toll on your physical health.

Save to say; we can be extremely tired, and experience unspeakable joy simultaneously. And of course, these feelings often overlap when our plans and work align. With these tired but thankful quotes, you should learn more about being comfortable managing these seemingly contradicting feelings.

I am tired but thankful when I open my eyes and see the sunshine through the window. I am tired but thankful when I think of all the things that I have to be thankful for. I am tired but thankful for the day that has passed, the people I’ve met, and my health.

1. I am tired but thankful for this day, for you, and for the possibilities ahead.

2. I am tired, but I am grateful for this day. I am tired, but I am thankful when I wake up in the morning. I am tired and hungry but happy to be alive.

3. I am tired but thankful for all the blessings God has provided me and my family.

4. I’m tired, but I’m grateful. I’m worn out, but I’m thankful. I just went to bed but tomorrow is a new day and I love it!

5. I am tired but thankful when I wake up in the morning, especially when I can spend the day relaxing and taking a break from the hustle and bustle of my daily life.

6. I am tired but thankful when I can nap a little late, walk my dog a little extra, or kiss my sweetie on the cheek instead of the forehead.

7. I am tired but thankful when I wake up in the morning, even if it’s a little before dawn. I still have the energy to go and do some work or go on a walk. I feel relaxed and refreshed as soon as my alarm goes off, even when it’s still dark outside. What a feeling!

8. I am tired but thankful when I think about the things that keep my soul alive and help me get through this week.

9. I am tired but thankful that I have great people who love me and support me. I am tired but thankful that I can spend time with my family and friends.

10. I am tired but thankful for the good days and the bad days. I am tired but thankful for the many things that made me smile today.

11. I am tired, but I’m thankful. Now go do something else!

12. I’m a little tired but I’m so thankful for everything this week has brought.

13. I’m not saying I’m grateful for everything that happened, but I am thankful for my family and friends when things get tough.

14. I am tired but thankful when I wake up in the morning, not because of my job but because I get to see you.

15. I am tired but thankful when I sleep on the floor. It’s the best mattress you can buy, and it comes with a pillow.

16. I am tired but thankful when I wake up at the crack of dawn to ride my bike to the bakeries and coffee shops instead of driving through the yellow lights while trying to avoid the potholes.

17. I’m tired. I’m so thankful for your goodness and kindness. I am tired but thankful when you smile at me.

18. I am tired but thankful for all that I have. When I woke up this morning, it felt like a big deal. But after I took care of little things, I decided to go out and do something big with my day. And that’s exactly what happened. I made myself a cup of coffee. I did some work on my laptop and then went for a walk in the park. And then I came home, had lunch, and relaxed with a book before heading back out to the

19. I am tired but thankful for the people that helped me to get this far. I am tired but thankful because I worked hard and my mind is clear.

20. I am tired but thankful for the opportunity to be healthy, happy, and whole.

21. I am tired but thankful for the people who have helped me through this week. I love you guys! I am tired, but I’m thankful for everything that life brings me.

22. I am tired but thankful when I look around and realize how much I have been given. I am tired but thankful when it is the end of a long day and the sun is coming up.

23. I am tired but thankful when I wake up knowing that no matter how many times I fall, I will get up and try again. I am happy with my mistakes because they make me who I am today.

24. I am tired but thankful when you tell me I’m pretty and smart. But more than that, I love when you tell me that I’m your friend.

25. I am tired but thankful for all the blessings in my life. I’m tired but thankful for all the things that made my day better.

26. I’m tired but thankful for all of the things that make me smile today.

27. I am tired but thankful to be alive and feeling this way. Thank you for the opportunity to experience life, whether it is good or bad.

28. I am tired, but I am thankful for every minute of each day. I’m so tired, but I’m still thankful because this is my life. Today was a good day.

29. I am thankful for the peace of my day-to-day life, the comfort of my place, and the strength it takes to appreciate what is good in a world that rarely gives us so much as a second glance.

30. I am tired but thankful to u when I get time to rest and sleep. I am tired but thankful when there is time to relax and take a break.

31. I am tired but thankful when I wake up when I go to bed, and when it’s time to put out the morning paper.

32. I am tired but thankful when dreaming is like an escape from reality, and when sleep becomes a part of the routine.

33. I am tired, but thankful when I wake up in the morning. I am tired, but thankful when I go to sleep at night.

34. I am tired but thankful when I wake up on a Sunday morning and see that it’s still light outside. It’s been one of those long weekends, but I’m glad that God gave me the strength to enjoy each moment while it lasted.

35. I am tired but thankful today. It’s been a long day, but I am still here. I am grateful for this moment and the amazing people in my life.

36. I am tired but thankful for all the moments that have led me to where I am today.

37. I am thankful for the days, hours, and minutes. These small moments have taught me so much about life and myself. I am tired but thankful for the small things in life like laughter, family, friends, and love.

38. I am so tired but thankful when I see those who care about me, even though they might not show it all the time.

39. I am tired but thankful when I wake up early in the morning to watch the sunrise. I am tired but thankful that I can say ‘I love you to my family every night. I am tired, but thanks to having these things and being loved by my friends and family.

40. I am tired but thankful for this day that finally came. I am tired but thankful for all the beautiful moments I get to share with those I love.

41. I am tired, but I’m thankful for the smiles and the delicious meals. I am so exhausted but I’m thankful. 

42. I am not complaining but I am just saying I am tired, but today I will be thankful for all the blessings. 

43. I’m tired but thankful when I wake up to see another beautiful day. I am tired but thankful for the opportunity to get up, go to work and make it a positive day.

44. I am tired but thankful for everything. It was a long day, but I am happy that I was able to enjoy it with my family and friends.

45. I am tired but thankful that I have seen so much and accomplished so much in my life. I am happy that I get to keep going, meet new people, and explore the world.

46. I am tired but thankful for the opportunity to live out my dreams and make them a reality.  I am tired and I’m ready for bed, but I’m also thankful for all of the great things that have happened to me today.

47. I am grateful for the many things I have, yet tired of being told to be thankful for what I have. I am thankful that I can be lazy, yet still, find ways to make myself hard at work.

48. I am tired but thankful when I wake up when my coffee is hot when there’s a Starbucks nearby, and when I can take a nap.

49. I am tired but thankful when I look back at the past year and see how much I’ve accomplished. I am tired but thankful that I get to do what I love, every day.

50. I’m tired but I’m thankful when I wake up to see the sunlight, smell the freshness of the air, and hear that sweet whistle of a bird.

51. I am tired but thankful for the days that inspire and encourage me. I am tired, but I am thankful. It was a long week and a little bit of rain doesn’t come between this family.

52. I am tired but thankful when my skin looks less dry, my hair is soft and manageable, and I can finally wear a pair of pants without having to unknot them every time I sit down.

53. I am tired but thankful when I wake up and see the sun shining through my window.

54. I am tired but thankful when I wake up tomorrow and realize how fortunate I am to have gotten a full night of sleep during the weekend.

55. I am tired but thankful when my friends and family show me how caring they are, even when I am not in the best mood.

56. I am tired but thankful, and grateful that I get to do what I love every day. Thankful for a job that allows me to live my dreams while spending time with the people I love most

57. I am tired but thankful for those who have followed me, supported me, and encouraged me when I was down. You guys rock! Thanks

58. I am tired but thankful today. I am ready to take a break, recharge my batteries and get back to being happy.

59. I am tired but thankful for the last minute of sunlight on my face, and all that time I spent with my beautiful friends.

60. I’m tired but thankful. This little trip has been exhausting, but I’m glad that I got to see the beautiful sights of Germany again.

61. I am tired but thankful when I get to see the sunrise. I am tired but thankful for everything I have and everyone around me.

62. I am tired but thankful that I have been able to see so many things and do so many things. I am tired but thankful that I have had the opportunity to walk on this earth and experience so much this year.

63. I’m tired but thankful for the strength that comes with being brave enough to be vulnerable. I am tired but thankful to have made it through those rough days. I am tired but thankful when my legs won’t stop moving. I am tired but thankful when I don’t have to think anymore. I am tired but thankful when I can fall asleep and wake up to the sound of birds outside my window.

64. I am tired but thankful when I remember that I am always blessed, no matter how many sleepless nights I have or how much work I have to do. I am tired, but thankful when I realize that there are many GOOD things in my life.

65. I am tired but thankful for this day and all that it has to offer. Even though it’s filled with hard work and long hours, I am thankful because. I am tired but thankful. To be tired sometimes is a sign that the world isn’t trying to kill me.

66. I am tired but thankful for being able to get up in the morning and see this beautiful world. I am tired, but I am thankful that I am still able to appreciate the little things in life.

67. I am thankful for every day when I get up and go to work because it means I get to spend time with my family. Also, sweating in the gym is a good way to fight off depression.

68. I am tired but thankful for the time I had with my grandma. And also for the day that I spent with my bestie.

69. It’s a beautiful day. But at night when I would much rather be asleep, it is a wonderful thing that I can sleep in. I am tired but thankful for this nap.

70. I am tired but thankful for this moment. I am tired and willing to let go but I am grateful, to those who have brought me so far and always encourage me.

Now that you know these two feelings can co-exist and are very common for go-getters to experience now and then, you can now learn more about how it works from these tired but thankful quotes that have been carefully curated for people like you.

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