Tired of Being Alone Quotes

Humans and their need for connection is not a strange concept. As much as many people want to deny it, companionship is still quite important in our everyday lives. In simpler terms, we need people. Whether in form of family, friends, or partners, having people in your life makes you feel loved.

So, of course, it is understandable that some people begin to feel a certain way when they do not have the type of companionship and closeness that they crave from their family, friends, and partners. Feeling alone when you are not being loved right is not strange.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong when you let it out when you feel alone. In fact, it is always advisable that you let things out when you feel alone. With these tired of being alone quotes, you can easily do that.

I am tired of being alone. I hate being alone. Even though I enjoy spending time with myself, there are times when I wish to have someone to share my life with and time with, or at least, someone to compare quotes with.

1. I am tired of being alone in life, who will be my partner in this journey of life

2. I am tired of being alone, tired of the uncertainty and worry that I have to face every day. I want someone in my life who will be my friend and lover, who wants to spend their time with me not just because they have to. But because they want to.

3. Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re brokenhearted about the person you’ve lost and want to be something else than being alone, this is the right place for you.

4. I am tired of being alone in life, but I also know that loneliness is nature’s way of telling you that you are strong enough to survive and not.

5. I am tired of being alone in my room, I am tired of being alone with my thoughts, I am tired of being away from my friends and family

6. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with the person I love. I am tired of being lonely because you are the someone I want, so please be mine!

7. I am tired of being alone because I have been there for too long. So, I think it’s time to change my ways.

8. I am tired of being alone because I can see myself with you. I am so tired of being alone because I never know where life will take me.

9. I am tired of being alone because I have been there for so long. Even though it is hard, I know that it is time to move on.

10. I am tired of being alone I would like to be a part of a group or share experiences. I am tired of being alone because I don’t know how to change it.

11. I am tired of being alone because I never know What it’s like to be loved, what it’s like to have a friend. I am tired of being alone because I want to meet new people to spend time with.

12. I’m tired of being alone. I’m ready to be with someone who will love me for exactly who I am. I’m tired of being alone because I want to be loved.

13. I am tired of being alone. I want to be with you. I am tired of being alone. There’s got to be more to life than that.

14. I’m tired of being alone because everyone is better in groups. I feel like I have been alone for such a long time. It’s time to break the pattern and start living life with someone new.

15. I am so tired of being alone, I thought I’d meet someone new. I just want to be single, but I don’t want it to be because there’s something wrong with me.

16. I am tired of being alone because I have so many people in my life. I’m excited because today is a new day and tomorrow could be beautiful.

17. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with you more than anything else I’m tired of being alone because I’m tired of not being with you.

18. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with you. I am tired of being alone because I want something more, I want to feel something more.

19. I am tired of being alone because there is nothing I can do about it. I am tired of being alone, it’s time to make a change. I am so tired of being alone. I’m going to take a nap and then go buy some flowers.

20. I’m tired of being alone because I have all the time in this world to be myself.

21. I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to be in a relationship either. If you feel alone, but you are not alone. everyone suffers from loneliness, sometimes you need to tell them so.

22. I am tired of being alone because I want to be loved and felt. I want someone who loves me for who I am, not who they want me to be.

23. I am tired of being alone because I like being with friends, but most of all because I want to be liked.

24. I’m tired of being alone because I want to be with someone who makes me happy. I’m tired of being alone because I know one day you will come to me and love me more than I could ever imagine.

25. I’m tired of being alone because I want someone to come home to. I am tired of being alone. I want a partner who can pick me up and make me feel good again.

26. I am tired of being alone because I am a human being and humans need love too. I am tired of being alone because there is always someone better out there for me.

27. I am tired of being alone because I have met you. I am tired of being alone. I need someone to talk to, who knows me and loves me for who I am.

28. I’m tired of being alone because I don’t trust anyone else around me. I don’t want to be alone. I want someone who shares the same dreams with me, Someone who loves me for who I am.

29. I’m tired of being alone. I want to be happy, but I don’t know how to make it happen.

30. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of the quiet. I’m tired of feeling like I’m missing out on something important. I don’t know what it is, but I want to feel something again for a change.

31. I’m tired of being alone. I don’t want to be lonely—but I enjoy it sometimes. It’s a special feeling, with my headphones on and the lights off, just me and my music.

32. I’ve been homesick for you. I’ve been sick of being alone, but now that you’re here, I’m not lonely anymore.

33. It’s not me, it’s you. If you’re not ready to be loved don’t play games with me. Tell me if it’s been real or if we are just pretending.

34. I am tired of being alone because I have no one to talk to. I am tired of being alone because when I have someone to share everything with, I feel so much better. I am tired of being alone because I like company.

35. I am tired of being alone because if I stay there all the rest is just more pain.

36. I’m so tired of being alone. I am ready for love! I’m tired of being alone because I’m not used to it. -Iris

37. I’m tired of being alone. Can’t you see I need someone to lean on?

38. I am tired of being alone because I want to tell you that I love you.

39. I am tired of being alone because it breaks my heart. But I am happy to be with you if you are ready, too. I’m tired of being alone because I don’t like feeling lonely

40. I am tired of being alone. It’s time for me to find someone who knows how to treat me like the queen I am inside. I’m tired of being alone because I really want to be happy with someone.

41. I am tired of being alone because I have been sad for so long.

42. I’m tired of being alone, my friends are only friends with me . . . I’m tired of being alone, there’s so much for me to do!

43. I’m tired of being alone, but I can’t bring myself to reach out for help. I don’t want to be alone. I want you to be here with me.

44. I love being alone because then I can be rough and tumble, be strong, and take no crap.

45. I’m tired of being alone because I want someone to share my life with. I’m tired of being lonely because I want to be loved. – Unknown

46. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with someone who wants me to be. I am tired of being alone because I want someone to come home to

47. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with someone. I am so tired of being alone because I am so lonely, and I could use some company

48. I am tired of being alone. I want someone to love, someone to laugh with, and I want to feel loved and wanted again.

49. I’m tired of being alone because it’s been so long since I found someone to love.

50. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with someone new. I am tired of being alone because I am more comfortable with people than I am with myself.

51. I’m tired of being alone! I’m tired of being the only one around, but I will never be lonely again because today I found you.

52. I am tired of being alone. Too many days, I just want to sit by the window and watch things go by.

53. I am tired of being alone because I have tried everything to make someone fall in love with me, but every single person I’ve met has broken my heart.

54. I’m tired of being alone because I am tired of spending all of my free time in my bed.

55. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with someone who makes me happy, not jealous.

56. I am tired of being alone because it’s not healthy. But I don’t want to be with anyone right now, I just need a little time to myself.

57. I am tired of being alone because I want to be loved again. I am tired of being alone because I know I can’t be.

58. I am tired of being alone, I want someone to share my days with me. I’m tired of being alone and I want to find someone who makes me feel like no one else does.

59. I’m tired of being alone because I am not a sign of failure, but a sign of success if it takes time to find you.

60. I’m tired of being alone because in this world there is so much more to be shared. I am tired of being alone because I want to make a difference in someone else’s life.

61. I am tired of being alone. I am ready for love and adventure in my life.

62. I’m tired of being alone because I have been there for so long, but no one has ever come to find me. I’m tired of being alone. I want to be with you.

63. I’m tired of being alone. I’m ready to find you. I am tired of being lonely and I am tired of being alone.

64. I’m tired of being alone. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I’m tired of being alone, but I am not tired of you.

65. No more thinking about being alone. I’m tired of being alone, so get ready to socialize. I am tired of being alone. I wish to have someone to spend my time with because I feel lonely when I am not with someone who loves me.

66. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with you. I’m tired of being alone because I want to be loved. I want to let myself go completely so that all of me belongs to someone else, and no one else. When someone loves you they don’t want you any more than they have to. They want your soul and they don’t stop until they get it back.

67. I am tired of being alone. I’m so lonely and depressed, why? Because I have no one to talk to. I am tired of being alone. Every day I spend so much time on my own, and it gets me down. I need someone to share my thoughts with.

68. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of pretending I’m okay when I’m not. It’s that time of the month again when I look in the mirror and see a woman who is not good enough.

69. I’m tired of being alone. I’d like to be in your arms tonight. I am tired of being alone.

70. If you’re tired of being alone, I can help you get through the day. I’d rather be alone than lonely, and to be honest, I’m pretty tired of being alone.

71. I’m tired of being alone, it feels like I’m in hell. I am tired of being alone because I am so much more than just a person.

72. I am tired of being alone because I have been waiting for the one to finally call. I am tired of being alone because even when I am with you I feel like an impostor.

73. I’m tired of being lonely. I have the power to say “yes” to all the things that make me happy and loved. I’m tired of being alone because I’ve been doing it for too long.

74. I am tired of being alone because it’s so hard to find a good, nice guy that likes kids and animals.

75. I am tired of being alone because I am a fighter, but for now, I’m just a woman who needs to be loved.

76. I am tired of being alone because I want to be with you. I am tired of being alone because I want to share a laugh with someone.

77. I am tired of being alone because I want to be loved. I’m tired of being alone. I want a partner, a friend, and someone to share my life with

78. I am tired of being alone because nobody understands me. I am tired of being alone because I want so much more than this.

79. I’ve had enough of being alone. I want to find someone who makes me feel good and who’s willing to share their life with me.

80. I’ve been alone for too long. I need someone to help me put myself out there again.

81. It’s time to move on from the boredom of being alone and start living. I am tired of being alone because I don’t want to be lonely anymore, I need love.

82. I am tired of being alone because I want someone to spend time with, laugh with, and love. I am tired of being alone because I want a life with someone.

83. I am tired of being alone because I have been looking for someone who will make me feel more alive. I am tired of being alone because it’s hard to be by yourself when you really want to be with someone.

84. I am tired of being alone because I want to do things with you but I don’t know if you feel the same way. I am tired of being alone because I want a companion with whom I can share myself.

85. I am tired of being alone because I don’t like being with myself. I am tired of being alone. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

86. I’m tired of being alone, I can’t keep going through this shit. I am tired of being alone because I know there is someone out there waiting for me.

87. I am tired of being alone because I need someone to talk to.

88. I am tired of being alone because I don’t want to be alone. I want to find someone who wants to be with me and have a relationship with me.

89. I am tired of being alone because I was never put on this earth for just one person. I am tired of being alone because I see in you a part of myself, and only by being together can we find a way to stay together.

90. I’m tired of being alone because I’m doing nothing with my life. I’m tired of being by myself. I need someone to hold my hand and walk beside me through the good and bad days.

91. I am tired of being alone because life is so much better when you have someone to share it with.

92. I’m tired of being alone because I don’t like being lonely. I want someone who will make me happy, somebody to share my life with.

93. I am tired of being alone because I’m tired of being lonely. I am tired of being alone because there is no one who could ever make me feel right again.

94. I am tired of being alone because I know that if I were to die now, it’s a waste of an opportunity to make friends. I am tired of being alone because I am tired of having no one to talk to.

95. I am so tired of being alone. I don’t know how long I have waited for you to tell me that you love me and now that you have, I’m scared that you will leave again.

96. I don’t feel like being alone anymore, because I am tired of being lonely. I am kind of tired of being alone because I know that I am capable of more than I ever thought I could.

97. I am tired of being alone because it makes me feel lonely and fearful. I’m tired of being alone. I want to be with someone who makes me feel good every day.

98. I’m tired of being lonely because it’s an urge that’s always right there. But it drives me crazy to be around all the wrong people, who are trying to be nice, but in fact never really want me. And that makes me feel like I don’t matter anymore and I can’t do anything right. So I need to get out of here, find somewhere where I can be alright. Maybe even make some new friends—if that

99. I’m tired of being alone. I am all by myself. I want to be happy again. Just like when I was a child, in my happy place with the people around me.

100. I’m tired of being alone, it’s something I just can’t deal with anymore. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of being alone and trying to find someone who is like me. Someone who has the same interests knows what I mean when I tell them that something is funny or sad, someone who wants to go out with me because they actually want to, not because we are best friends and they have no one else.

101. We are tired of being alone because we want to be with someone, who makes us feel unique and special.

102. We are tired of being alone because we can’t find the right person to click with. We want to feel wanted, loved, and needed by someone.

103. We are tired of being alone because we are better together. We are tired of being alone because we want to be loved. We want to feel the warm touch of someone’s hand in ours.

104. We are tired of being alone because we are full of life, we are living in a world of our own. We are tired of being alone because we have always been together.

105. We are tired of being alone. We don’t want to be alone anymore, we want to find people who will love us and make our lives beautiful.

106. We’re tired of being alone because we don’t want to be lonely anymore. It’s time to get out of the city, be with your friends and family, and have a blast. We are tired of being alone.

107. When you are tired of being alone, let us help you find the person who will make you feel like a real person again. We’re sick of being alone. We’re tired of being apart. Let’s be together.

108. How boring it is to be alone. This is why we are here. If you’re tired of being alone, live comfortably with a friend. I can’t get enough of a good thing. I want more friends, more sleep, and more love.

If you have never had a taste of loneliness, you may find it difficult to relate to these tired of being alone quotes.

However, if you are alone, and would like to let things out, these tired of being alone quotes are just perfect. They will definitely do the magic for you.

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