Tired of Being Nice Quotes

Being nice means always putting others first and avoiding confrontation at all costs. It means smiling at everyone even though they might not deserve it and saying “thank you” even though they didn’t really do anything for you. Sometimes it means doing things that make us feel uncomfortable or unhappy just because we are afraid of upsetting someone else or making them mad at us if we don’t do what they want us to do.

When you are not being nice, you don’t have to worry about hurting other people’s feelings. You don’t have to worry about offending someone or being offensive. You can say whatever you want, whenever you want to. You are free to be yourself without worrying about what others think of you.

You have to be nice. It’s one of the unwritten rules of life. You smile at people, even when they’re rude to you. You let other people cut in front of you in line and don’t complain about it. You don’t say anything when someone does something stupid or wrong because you’d rather just not deal with it. Are you tired of being nice then go through these tired of being nice quotes.

You always have to be nice, but who said being nice was bad? You can be yourself and still care about others. Let people know that you don’t have to be nice if you are tired of it!

1. I am tired of being nice. I am ready to get on with my life and be happy.

2. I am tired of being polite because it does nothing to change the world.

3. I am tired of being nice. I am sick of being liked or having people tell me how great a person I am. I want to be good. And when I am good, I will be loved.

4. I am tired of being nice. I have been nice for so long that it is now my default setting, and yes it can be good but also pretty exhausting.

5. I am so sick of being nice. It’s time to get real, honest and forward.

6. I’m tired of being nice. I’m just not that into it anymore.

7. I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of saying yes when I really want to say no. I’m tired of pretending to be happy when I’m really hurt and sad. Being nice has never made me happy, and it won’t now.

8. I’m tired of being nice, I’m tired of being the good girl. I want to be wild and free.

9. I’m tired of being nice, so why should I be? I’m tired of people being nice to me. So why should they be?

10. I’ve been nice for long enough. It’s time for me to get real.

11. I will be mad if you try to be nice at me. Good day.

12. Being nice isn’t the same as being thoughtful.

13. People don’t know what they have until it’s gone.

14. I am tired of being nice. I want to be herself.

15. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of doing the right thing because I want to be liked. I am tired of being told that “I am always at my best when you smile”

16. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of letting people treat me like shit and not saying anything back.

17. I am tired of being nice. I have had it with the fake smile and the please-say-please.

18. I am tired of being nice because it is never going to make a difference in the world. I’m done being polite.

19. I am tired of being nice. I want to be pissed off and loud, I want to be a rockstar in the room. And so do you.

20. I am tired of being nice, of doing things behind people’s backs. I’m trying to communicate and I hope that you understand.

21. I am tired of being nice to people who make me feel invisible, unimportant and unimportant. I am tired of being nice to people that have no faith in me and don’t even try to see the good in me.

22. I’m tired of being nice. I want to be heard and respected for who I am.

23. I’m tired of being a nice little girl, so I’m going to dress like a bad girl and drink like one too.

24. If you’re nice to me, why should I be nice back? Just because I’m polite doesn’t mean I want to spend the rest of my life nice.

25. Being Nice isn’t an end goal, it’s a means to an end. Why do people keep trying to be nice when it does nothing for them or their situation?

26. Sometimes being nice gets on my nerves, but it’s always better than getting upset.

27. It’s time to embrace our true selves. This is how society acts, how I act and how we all should act.

28. I am tired of being nice because I want to be seen for who I really am.

29. I am tired of being nice because I want people to see me for who I am. I want them to know what I’m about and how genuine my love is.

30. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of seeing people post pictures of themselves in the most fabulous dresses and make-up, or in pictures with their best friends and having no one to talk to about it. I am tired of caring too much about what others think and how they feel.

31. I am tired of being nice. I need to vent!

32. I am tired of being nice. I’m tired of being a good friend. I’m tired of being 50% of someone else’s life.

33. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being well-mannered and polite. I am tired of pretending that everything is okay when it’s not. I am sick of people shunning those who are different but still doing the same to those who are different from themselves—the oppressed minorities.

34. I’m tired of being nice. I’m done—for good this time.

35. I don’t want to deal with your shit anymore. I am sick of being nice.

36. Tired of being nice. Tired of always saying yes, even when I don’t want to. Tired of playing the role that people expect from me.

37. If nice people are the winners and selfish people are the losers in this world, then I want to be selfish one day.

38. You don’t have to be nice to someone. You are who you are and you make your own decisions

39. You can’t be nice or pretty forever. You’ve got to be yourself, and then watch what happens.

40. What’s wrong with being a little bit mean today?

41. Nice is not a virtue, it’s the easy way out. Let’s be honest with ourselves and admit that being nice is often just another form of self-centeredness.

42. I am tired of being nice because it never gets me what I want.

43. I am tired of being nice. I want to be angry and make changes. You never said anything about the problem, only my feelings

44. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being silent when things are not right. I am tired of feeling like a victim or a bystander all the time.

45. I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of being a good girl, doing what’s expected of me. I don’t want to be that girl anymore.

46. I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of being a friend. I want to be more than that.

47. I’m tired of being nice, I just want to be. So if you need to talk about something that isn’t going well in your life, let’s do it.

48. I’m sick of being nice. I want to do something…so I’m going to start doing it!

49. I’m sick of being nice. I’m sick of being polite. I’m sick of being perfect—all the time.

50. I’m tired of being nice. I want to be someone better. This is what evolution looks like and it’s a process that won’t be quick or easy because sometimes, your path isn’t the one you should have taken. But, here you are now, about to do something great for yourself so stop being afraid of the unknown and stop holding back from the life you deserve.

51. I’ve been so nice to my friends for too long. I am tired of being a doormat, or just not being there when they need me.

52. I don’t want to be nice anymore. I’m done being nice.

53. I am sick of pretending to be good enough. I am tired of being nice. I am not weak because I am angry, bitter, or sad, or frustrated. It is time that I start acting like it.

54. Come on, stop being nice. Be kind. Be honest. Be your own person.

55. Be Nice because Nice is boring. Be kind because Kindness feels good. Be patient because Patience is the key to happiness.

56. I am tired of being nice. I am sick of doing what others want me to do so that they will like me.

57. I am tired of being nice—like a good little girl or boy. I want to be wild and free, like the wind.

58. I am tired of being nice…i just don’t have time to be nice anymore.

59. I’m tired of being nice and acting as I care. I have been too nice and it’s time to stop.

60. I’m done being nice. I am tired of all the BS. I am tired of being put on a pedestal where people want to worship me for doing nothing but being myself.

61. I am not here to keep score, only to make space for myself. I am tired of being nice while people walk all over me.

62. I’m tired of being nice. I want to be heard, and I don’t appreciate your condescending tone

63. I am sick of being nice. I want to be noticed for who I am and not for what I do for other people.

64. I am not nice. I am a human, and it’s time for me to be treated like one.

65. Tired of being nice. Being polite. Being polite doesn’t help people out of the pits of hell. It just gets them in them to a whole stack deeper

66. I’ve been nice, but it’s time to be real.

67. being nice is a waste of time. being nice will get you nowhere.

68. Not everyone is going to like you, but that’s life. We are all human so let’s stop pretending we are perfect and embrace it.

69. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of people asking me to be their friend, I am tired of saying “thanks” when it’s not deserved and I am tired of pretending that things are okay when they aren’t. I want more for myself than just being a nice girl. Let’s go for it together.

70. I am tired of being nice, I hate it! I’m sick of this!

71. I am tired of being nice to people who aren’t nice. I’m tired of people not being nice back to me. I’m done with the passive-aggressive people, the people who don’t enjoy what they have, and the people who don’t know how to handle stress.

72. I’m tired of being nice. I don’t feel like a nice person anymore.

73. I’m so sick of being nice. I want to be honest, real and authentic with the people I love—all while remaining vulnerable and transparent. So here I am.

74. I’m tired of being nice, I want to feel. Being a bitch is fun.

75. I’m tired of being nice, It’s time to be real.

76. I’m tired of being nice and I’m tired of being mean. It’s time to stop being nice and start being honest.

77. Tired of being nice. Being a nice person has gotten me nowhere. Being honest and speaking up for myself gets me further every time.

78. It’s time to stop being nice and push away the people trying to steal my light.

79. I’m too hard on myself, I just want to stop being nice and start being honest.

80. Be honest. Be brutal. Be kind. Be mean. Be real. Just make it stop . . .

81. I want to be mean, I want to scream and yell. But I just can’t do it.

82. The biggest problem with being nice is that it’s not a solution. It’s just a way to avoid conflict and have relationships.

83. I have seen the best of me. I am tired of Being Nice because it’s not working. I have to stop with this victim mentality and take back my power, take back my life.

84. I am tired of being nice. I want to be seen and heard.

85. I am tired of being nice. I’m tired of smiling when I don’t feel it or pretending to care when I don’t think they do either.

86. I am tired of being nice for the sake of being nice. I am tired of being kind to someone just so they’ll be kind to me in return. I am ready to say no, I am ready to stand up for myself and my beliefs. I’m tired of feeling bad about who I am and what I feel because others don’t agree with me.

87. I am tired of being nice, I am so over it. I mean sweet talkin’ and “yes ma’am” ing and smiling all the time. You can be your own person and not everyone needs to know you by your title.

88. I’m tired of being nice. I’m done pretending to be someone else because it doesn’t feel like me.

89. Being nice is boring. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of not being myself. And I don’t know how to be that person again.

90. I’m tired of being nice. I’ve been taking care of so many people for so long, and if it wasn’t for me, they would be lost and alone instead of with their loved ones.

91. I am going to stop being nice and speak the truth.

92. I’ve been nice for so long and doing nothing is much worse.

93. It’s exhausting to be nice, you know? It’s nice to want and sometimes the best thing is not to wait for someone else to make that decision for you.

94. Nothing good ever happens when you’re nice all the time!

95. You do not get to decide what is good for me, and you are not entitled to guilt me into doing things I don’t want to do.

96. I am tired of being nice because it is not real. I am sick of being polite and restrained. I am fed up with pretending that everything is all right when it’s really not.

97. I am tired of being nice. I want to be loved, liked and appreciated for who I am.

98. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of making excuses, I am tired of not speaking up, I am tired of giving the benefit of the doubt to those who don’t deserve it, and most importantly I am tired of being afraid.

99. I am tired of being nice to people. I am tired of being a good person. I want to be me, the worst and most selfish version of myself.

100. I am tired of being nice. I am going to be selfish and start doing things that benefit me.

101. I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being your friend, I am tired of being polite, I am tired of being patient, I am tired of being understanding, I am tired of listening to your problems and trying to solve them.

102. I’m tired of being nice. I’m not trying to be mean, but it’s really starting to get me down. I don’t know how else to communicate except through sarcasm and passive aggression, because it feels like the only way I can get anyone to take me seriously (or at least stop ignoring me) is to make them uncomfortable.

103. I’ll spare you the smiley face. I’m tired of being nice. I just want to be PISSED.

104. Being nice is not the same as being kind, and I am so over being nice.

105. Being nice is not enough. We need to stop being nice to each other and start being kind.

106. I’m sick of pretending that I don’t mind when people treat me like shit. If you can’t be nice to me, then I’m not going to waste my time being nice to you.

107. Being nice is not enough. There are plenty of people who will be nice to you, will like you and help you with your problems but won’t go the extra mile for you. So next time when someone is being too nice around you, tell him/her that it’s not enough and that he/she should do something more for you.

108. Being nice is not enough to win the battle. You have to be willing to get down and dirty when the time comes.

109. Let’s face it, this world is really hard. But let’s not allow ourselves to get too worn down. Let’s stop holding our tongues and start speaking up when we see something that needs to be done or someone who deserves a little more love.

110. Be honest with yourself and others. Life will be easier that way.

I hope that you found these tired of being nice quotes to be useful. Please leave any feedback you might have below the post. I would love to hear from you!

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