Tired of Explaining Myself Quotes

“Explain yourself!” These 2 words, shouted by parents when a child does something unacceptable or that breaks a house rule are not uncommon. While this phrase doesn’t have to be just for children, it can feel like it at times. We feel compelled to explain ourselves or our actions because we don’t want to be self-centred, selfish, or just plain dumb.

But at a point, it becomes tiring whether you are a child or a wife or husband whose spouse doesn’t seem to understand. When you get to this point, it’s high time you used the tired of explaining myself quotes to express yourself.

These quotes will help you gain back your confidence and be firm in what you believe in and not what the world thinks of you.

All you have to do right now is find the one quote or two that resonates with you the most from this comprehensive collection below.

My personality is such that people imagine me as someone I’m not, but this means I don’t have to talk about myself. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t say a lot about themselves, and in fact, you don’t need to know much about me. If you want to know something, ask! I am tired of explaining myself.

1. I’m tired of explaining myself. It sounds like a lot of work and I don’t really have time for it anyway.

2. I guess I’m not being told to explain myself. I have been trying to explain myself for years. But I don’t have to explain myself. They’re not the first person with an opinion about me and they won’t be the last.

3. Sometimes I wonder how the people who said I was crazy for doing what I’m doing now look back on their lives. Especially those who threw me under the bus when the going got tough. I won’t explain myself anymore cause I am tired of it.

4. I’m a work in progress. I’m trying to be a better version of myself all the time. But I am tired of explaining myself.

5. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’ve no problem with you not understanding me but don’t stand there and judge me.

6. This year is so bittersweet. I’ve never been so tired of explaining myself, but with you by my side, I’m not worried about explaining myself at all.

7. I don’t like this job. I don’t know why I have to explain myself. I won’t do it anymore because it makes me sick in my stomach.

8. I don’t like to explain myself, it’s hard to explain things and make them clear. But if you try I’ll tell you that I’m a confident person regardless of what you think.

9. You can’t change what you don’t understand. Every time I tell someone something, it causes them to ask questions and look for reasons behind my words. And I am so tired of explaining myself.

10. Explaining myself to someone as if they were 5 years old. Makes me have a good laugh. Honestly, it is tiring and I won’t do it again.

11. The only thing that can be truly said about me is that I’m an introvert. And I’m tired of explaining who I am to the rest of the world.

12. I’m tired of explaining myself. It’s time you understood me. And if you don’t, I really cannot help you. Life goes on for me.

13. Why do I keep explaining myself? It’s exhausting. I won’t let anyone put me in that situation again. I am confident in my actions and intentions.

14. I’ve never understood those who try to explain themselves cause that would never be me. Just love them anyway.

15. Why do I bother to explain myself when you all think I’m confused? I am tired of doing so therefore, I won’t explain myself anymore. I don’t care who you are. You do not deserve that explanation.

16. I’m tired of explaining myself. I know who I am and what I want, and people that get it.

17. I’m tired of explaining myself. I just want to be me. Nobody deserves that huge privilege from me. Because if you love me, you will understand me.

18. I’m tired of explaining myself. Let’s just say I’m an introvert and leave it at that. Every time I explain myself, I look like a child. I’m tired of being so serious about everything; so exhausted from holding in what I think, from trying to make sense of it all. So let’s just have fun and ignore all the old rules that keep us bound.

19. I don’t want to be the one to explain myself, I don’t want to spend all my time defending myself—I want to be able to just live my life.

20. I’ve been explaining myself since I was 14. Now that I am older, I am tired of it and won’t expend any energy doing that again. Let those who worry, continue to.

21. Do you ever have that feeling, your words don’t come out the way you wanted them and it’s frustrating as hell? You can’t seem to get yourself together and you’re starting to worry. Well, I am tired of explaining myself for being that person.

22. I’m tired of explaining myself. I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you want to know about me, just watch me.

23. I’m tired of explaining myself. I just want to be weird and this is my way of being weird.

24. I’m tired of explaining myself. The very thought exhausts me like a siren song cajoling sailors in a storm wrecked at sea.

25. I’m so tired of explaining myself. I just want to be left alone and have someone understand me.

26. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m tired of people asking me why I look one way, talk another way, act a different way, or think a different way. So just sit back and listen to the music you’ve been playing for so long.

27. If I’ve exhausted all the ways to explain, and you still don’t understand my point of view, then I’m no longer speaking your language.

28. I don’t have time for you. I don’t have time to explain myself to you to satiate your ego. I have a lot of other things going on in my life.

29. I’m always being asked the same questions over and over again. If you want to get to know me, ask me something new every day.

30. Tired of explaining myself. I am not a poet. I just keep writing these things down until I get them right.

31. I’m tired of explaining myself to the world. I have learnt that whoever does not understand you, does not deserve you or your explanations.

32. I am a person who is good at explaining myself. I guess that’s why I’m so bored of doing it. But not anymore.

33. You don’t need to tell someone how they should feel or what they should want. Just be you and let them take from that what they will.

34. I thought I should put these down here so you know where I stand; I am tired of explaining myself and won’t do it anymore.

35. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m tired of rethinking my plans every time I want to do something different. I just want to live my life. Live it how I choose, and not how others try to make me be.

36. I’m tired of explaining myself. I would rather be misunderstood. Life goes on still. And that is a better choice than worrying about what others think of you.

37. They always say it’s your last chance to make a great impression. I’ve got the impression of a lifetime spent explaining myself to everyone.

38. Sometimes you have to explain yourself because others don’t understand. But then again, sometimes you don’t have to explain yourself because you’re as great as they’ve always said you are.

39. I don’t have to explain myself to you. It is better you believe what you want of me. I really do not care that much about opinions.

40. “You’re always so busy,” says the person who doesn’t do anything but talk. I am tired of explaining myself.

41. What’s wrong with being a little different? I’m tired of explaining myself. I believe the world would come around someday.

42. I don’t want to talk about myself. I want to talk about my feelings, about what we’re all going through, about our despair and dissatisfaction with the status quo. I’m tired of explaining myself.

43. I hate explaining myself. It’s exhausting, it’s the same old thing, blah blah blah. I won’t do that again. Let’s just all mind the business that pays.

44. I’m lost in translation. You know how much I love you but I really don’t know the words to describe my feelings. I am tired of explaining myself.

45. I’m not good with words. It’s easier to just say what I mean and hopes the other person understands. I am tired of explaining myself.

46. I need to learn how to love myself. I am not so bad, but sometimes I feel like a loser. I am so tired of explaining myself.

47. I’m tired of explaining myself. I just want to believe in the things that are good and right in this world.

48. I’m tired of explaining myself. I don’t want another person to make me feel small. I don’t want to hear you tell me how great I am all the time, because I know it’s just a tool used by people who want you to think they’re awesome.

49. I’m tired of explaining myself. So I’m just going to let my music speak for itself. I am leaving it at that.

50. Explaining yourself is like painting a picture. You have to keep changing your brush because you never know what’s going to happen when you get to the other side. I am tired of doing that.

51. I don’t mind explaining myself, but I hate having to do it. Why should I? I don’t owe anyone an explanation for my choices. It’s my life I’m living not yours.

52. Being different requires a certain kind of strength. It’s hard to be yourself all the time. I am tired of explaining myself.

53. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m tired of trying to figure out what’s right and wrong. I’m just trying to live my life, be happy and enjoy life.

54. I am tired of explaining myself. But I won’t conform. I will just go on and do me and let the world adjust.

55. You don’t have to explain yourself. You just have to be who you are. And that is what I am doing now. I am tired of explaining myself.

56. The more I explain myself, the less I’m understood. So what is the point? I am tired of explaining myself.

57. Sometimes I just want to wear a sign that says ‘Don’t talk to me.’ I am tired of explaining why I want to be this way.

58. Every time I talk about myself, it’s as if I am trying to convince you that I exist. But you’ve got to realize that I’m just trying to prove my own existence.

59. I don’t have time to explain myself better. I am too busy trying to change the world.

60. Haters be hating. I don’t need to justify myself to anyone but God. I am truly tired of explaining myself at this point.

61. I’m not perfect. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve hurt people’s feelings, and I’ve said things I regretted, but I’m trying to change that. It’s not easy, but I want to be a better person and make people proud of me. But I am tired of explaining this.

62. I learned my lesson when I tried to explain myself yesterday. It didn’t go well at all. I am tired of explaining myself.

63. I’m not in a place where I can explain myself. So keep your opinions to yourself as I keep my explanation to myself.

64. I don’t know why you keep asking me about me. You should be asking about the things I do for you.

65. You see, I’m not a compulsive liar. I’m just an honest guy who tells the truth when he’s uncomfortable with the lies. I hope I won’t have to explain this over and over again. Cause I am tired.

66. Hey, I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m just a normal girl with a normal life who likes to hang out and have fun. And if you don’t like my style then you can just keep your comments to yourself.

67. When you need to explain yourself, you’ve poorly communicated. And if you don’t have time to explain it, then maybe it should’ve been better explained in the first place.

68. People always ask me how I’m doing. And I say I’m tired. But really, I’m just fine. I have a hard enough time explaining myself.

69. I’m tired of explaining myself. Just come and get it if you’re ready to have a good time, Come and get me!

70. I am tired of explaining myself. I am tired of having to justify my actions. I have done nothing wrong.

71. I’m tired of explaining myself. I just want to be me. And I do not need anyone’s permission. From today, I choose to live my life to the fullest. No apologies.

72. I’m tired of explaining myself. You clearly don’t get it, so why should I keep repeating myself?

73. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m tired of being told how much better I am than everyone else. So let me just say, “I don’t care what you think, because the only thing that matters is what I think.”

74. I don’t need to explain myself; I just need to be me. And that is my peace and your problem.

75. I will never be the person who can say, “You don’t understand.” Because there’s always a chance that you do. Don’t you think it would be better to let them figure out things for themselves if they are able?

76. I think a lot of people who are known to be misunderstood as introverts actually aren’t. They’re just people who don’t want to talk. They just want to be seen and heard, but they can’t find the words to say it. I am tired of explaining myself.

77. I get it—I’m not perfect. I’m human, but that doesn’t mean I need to explain myself all the time.

78. People who have a problem with me are the same people who are always around when they need me but are never there for me.

79. I know I should be working to be better, but it’s hard when you have a lot of people telling you how you should be doing something. I am tired of explaining myself.

80. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m just a flawed human being trying to get by in the world, caring for my family, and doing the best I can.

81. The more you explain, the fewer people seem to understand. I am tired of explaining myself.

82. Life is going to happen. You are going to make mistakes, it’s not always the sun that rises in the east.

83. Do you know how much I hate trying to explain myself? I don’t want to do it, but I just feel like it’s important for me to be honest with my fans.

84. Tired of explaining myself. Your opinions do not count. I will do me and succeed at it.

85. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’m a good person and have nothing to hide, but it’s tiring to justify myself every single time people call me out on something.

86. I’m not good at explaining myself. I just get frustrated because I don’t have answers for every question asked or for every problem encountered.

87. I hate when people ask me about myself. I’m not going to tell you that I hate you. But trust me, if I were going through a bad time I wouldn’t be looking this good.

88. I always say more than I should, so I need to stop and think before I speak. Then there’s the possibility of me saying something wrong, that makes the entire situation worse. I am tired of explaining myself.

89. Either you hate it or you love it, either way, you have to deal with it. I won’t explain myself to anyone anymore. It’s a free world.

90. I’m so tired of explaining myself. I don’t want to be defined by who I am or what I do. If it’s not important to you, then why are you talking about me?

91. I don’t mind having a go at explaining myself, but it’s the endless explaining that wears me out. “What do you mean?”

92. I’m annoyed when people try to explain themselves to me. My eyes glaze over and I just go on about my day.

93. I love being alone, but I hate being misunderstood. And I am also tired of explaining myself. No one truly deserves it.

94. I don’t care about your feelings. I have my own. I am tired of explaining myself to a hot mess; I’m a no-messing queen.

95. I’m tired of explaining myself. I’ve lived too long, done too much, and seen too much to keep on explaining.

96. Thinking: I wish people would stop asking me why I hate them so much. Then I read my words and they make sense. Maybe they’re not asking out of genuine curiosity, but to just fit in or be a hipster. Either way, it is exhausting and pointless to justify myself. I’m tired of explaining myself because I think people already know everything they need to know.

97. I don’t think I’ve ever been this tired of explaining myself. I don’t want to explain myself. I am enough without you and your opinions.

98. I don’t need to explain myself to you. It’s not that hard to understand me. The problem is you think I’m a complicated person when I’m really just a simple one.

99. I don’t need you to understand. I just need to keep doing what I’m doing. But if you want to talk, I’ll listen.

100. I’m tired of explaining myself, so here’s how it’s going to be. You can’t control me. I don’t want to be controlled and neither do you.

In conclusion, you have the right to tell the world how you feel about explaining yourself and I believe these tired of explaining myself quotes have helped you all the way. Please comment if that is true. Also, share this post to help others know that their feelings are valid and not the opinion of anyone else. 

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