Tired of Getting Hurt Quotes

People hurt other people. It’s a fact of life that we accept but try to forget as soon as possible. We like to think that people are inherently good and decent, but there are situations when other people cheat, lie, and sow distrust…and you never see it coming. I was once an idealist that believed the world is a great place filled with wonderful people, that is, until I discovered they were not.

The problem with getting hurt by other people is you eventually become tired of it. The problem with being tired of getting hurt by other people is you stop caring about them altogether. The problem with not caring about other people is that you are cold and insensitive.

When someone hurts you, there is usually an aftershock, a physical and emotional reaction to the hurt you received. It can feel devastating, and you may even think your life is over. Do you ever feel like a doormat? Like you’re constantly being stepped on by other people? Well, I do…, and that’s why I have these tired of getting hurt quotes to let out the weariness of being hurt by people

How many more times do I have to be hurt? How long am I going to try to get back together with someone who doesn’t care about me or what happens to me?! I’m just not as strong as I think I am, and that’s a lesson that took me far too long to learn. 

1. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. I have a big heart and will not take punches from anyone anymore.

2. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. I’m going to let my guard down and be vulnerable until someone loves me enough to appreciate it.

3. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people, you know? I’m not a perfect person—I make mistakes. But if you are going to tell me I’m wrong and that I shouldn’t be who I am, then don’t bother trying to get close to me.

4. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who can’t see that I’m vulnerable. Why won’t you let me be? 

5. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who only see the worst in me. I get it, but you have to let me be human too. 

6. Like a lot of people, I’ve been hurt by people in my life. I don’t want to be that person anymore. 

7. I have been hurt too many times to trust anyone. 

8. I just want to be happy but always fall for the wrong people. 

9. I wanted to be yours; you wanted to be mine. But we were too young and immature and didn’t know it then. You hurt me. 

10. To be honest with me, I’ve had enough of people who don’t have respect.  

11. It’s good that I’m the one with the mace because you’ve been hitting and running a lot lately. 

12. I don’t want to be someone that gets hurt by other people again. I’m done. 

13. someone who will hurt my heart like you have done many times before, so I’m tired of getting hurt.

14. I can’t take being hurt by other people anymore.

15. I am tired of people taking advantage of me; I want to live a smart and empowered life without being hurt (by people or other things).

16. I’ve been hurt by people I thought were my friends, which is a horrible feeling.

17. I don’t need to be lied to. I don’t need to be hurt anymore.

18. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. I’ve had enough!

19. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. No more of it!

20. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who claim to love me. I’m too old for that shit.

21. I’m tired of being hurt by other people. I want to love someone and not lose them again.

22. I’m sick and tired of other people hurting me. So stop it.

23. I’ve had enough of people who try to hurt me. I don’t deserve it, and you should stop.

24. You know what sucks about being hurt? It doesn’t stop hurting when you get over it.

25. When it comes to relationships, don’t let anyone hurt you. Let them go and keep moving forward.

26. I can’t take it any longer. I’m done. I’m tired of getting hurt.

27. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. I’m ready to do things my way.

28. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who don’t know me. I need to get away from them and start over somewhere new.

29. I’m tired of being hurt by other people. I know they are just doing their best, but it never goes the way I want it to, and that’s rough. 

30. I’m tired of being hurt by the people around me. I’ll do it myself from now on. 

31. I’ve been hurt too many times. It’s time to protect myself. 

32. Please, no more. I don’t want to be hurt anymore. 

33. I don’t wanna wake up and feel like I’ve been through war again, with my heart and mind bruised.

34. I’m tired of being hurt by other people. I’m done with it!

35. Why do I keep getting hurt by people who should care about me?

36. I’ve been hurt so many times, and I’m sick of it.

37. I’m done being hurt by your words or actions. It’s time for you to make some changes. 

38. You know what’s worse than getting hurt? Not being there for those who needed you. You’ve always been there for me.

39. It’s time to get past the hurt. If you want to be happy, be honest. If you want everything to be fine, don’t settle for anything less than your best.

40. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who don’t deserve me, so I’m moving on.

41. I’m tired of being burned by people who don’t appreciate me. I deserve to make my own choices, and I would like to opt-out of this dating service. 

42. I’m tired of being treated second best, so I’ve decided to be alone until I meet someone who deserves my time.

43. I’ve trusted and been let down. I’ve loved and been betrayed. Too often have I been hurt when it was just not worth it. And I’m through with that. 

44. I’m tired of getting broken by other people. I’m done turning my heart on and off and back on again in a heartbeat.

45. I’m tired of being treated like a doormat. I’m done sharing my heart only to have it kicked around like a broken toy.

46. It’s not fair that I get hurt over and over again. I can’t keep being in love with someone who doesn’t love me back. How many times do I have to get hurt to realize it?

47. I feel like I’m invested in someone, and then I realize they’re not invested in me. My emotions are played with, and my heart is broken. 

48. I’m tired of getting hurt by the people I trust. I’m done with the drama and keeping my mouth shut. 

49. I’ve been bruised and broken so many times. But I’m tired of being hurt by others. 

50. For years, I’ve been hurt by other people. But one day, I realized that they were hurting me because they didn’t know how to love me. 

51. I’m tired of being hurt by others. I’m tired of being used. I’m tired of trying to understand what someone else wants from me when they never tell me. I’m tired of not having my own voice. And yes, I’m tired of being alone. But what can I do about it? How do I make things better? 

52. I’ve been there, done that. I want someone who will treat me with love, care and respect. I don’t want to be hurt again.

53. It’s time to end the cycle of hurt. Stop leaving yourself at the mercy of others and start taking care of yourself.

54. I hate how other people make me feel. I just want someone nice who doesn’t take everything so seriously.

55. For every beautiful day, there’s always a person ready to tear it apart.

56. Why do the people around you have to be so cruel? I’m tired of getting hurt by other people.

57. I’ve been hurt by other people time and time again. Do you think they ever realized what they did?

58. I don’t wanna be the one who gets hurt, and I dont want to get played by anyone.

59. I’m not willing to get hurt anymore.

60. I get it. Nobody wants to be around someone who’s always hurt and crying. But dealing with the consequences of others’ actions is my job. So, if you don’t want to get hurt, go away—and don’t ever come back.

61. Don’t be hurt by people that don’t deserve you.

62. I’m tired of people breaking my heart. I’m tired of being alone. I’ve had enough of feeling like you don’t care about me anymore.

63. I’m done with all the hurt in this world. I want to feel your love and make you mine.

64. Coming for you, the people that hurt me! I don’t need you!

65. I can’t help you if I don’t know what you want from me. Show me what you want without hurting me again, and I promise to be there for you.

66. I’m going to be myself, and if I get hurt, I’ll learn from it.

67. I’m tired of being told to smile and be happy when I’m sad. I want to let people know that I can feel bad, too.

68. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. I refuse to let anyone take any more from me than they already have.

69. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who tell me I’m not worth the time.

70. I’m tired of being hurt by other people. I don’t know what to do anymore, but I know that I’m not giving up on myself and my hopes and dreams.

71. Tired of being hurt by people who don’t know how to treat others.

72. I’m tired of being hurt by people who don’t understand how to treat you.

73. I’ve tried to be a good person, but I just can’t take it anymore.

74. I’m tired of being made to feel small, worthless and invisible. I want a different life.

75. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who don’t know what love really is.

76. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who don’t understand me. I’m just not interested in being the open book everyone else wants to read.

77. It’s time to stop being hurt by other people.

78. It’s time to stop getting hurt by people who don’t even know you

79. I don’t want anyone else to hurt me, but I’m tired of being hurt by others too.

80. I’m tired of other people taking advantage of me.

81. I’m tired of being hurt by people, so I’m turning off all my emotions until they leave me alone.

82. I don’t want to be hurt again. I don’t want to feel like I’m not enough anymore.

83. when you care, people don’t always treat you right

84. I’m tired of getting hurt by other people. I know the world is a cage, but I want to be the one who breaks out.

85. when you’re tired of getting hurt by other people, you’ve got to stop letting them get in the way.

86. Sometimes, when you’re tired of getting hurt by other people, you just have to make a change.

87. I’m tired of getting hurt by people who don’t know how to treat me, so I’m gonna protect myself.

88. You know what’s better than being hurt by someone else? Knowing how to treat yourself right.

89. don’t let someone else’s opinion hurt you again.

90. Life is too short to get hurt by people who don’t care.

91. Getting hurt is easy, but turning the other cheek takes strength and courage.

92. Don’t waste time being a victim of the wrong people; you have your own power to choose.

93. Don’t be a victim. Take control of your life, and be the boss of your happiness.

94. Don’t just be a good person, be safe in the relationship. People who are honest and upfront are more likely to have healthy relationships, so don’t let people lie to you or cheat on you.

95. I am tired of being hurt by other people. I can’t trust them. I don’t want to keep on trying to make them love me. They never do, and it’s hurting me.

96. Don’t get hurt by other people. They’re gonna hurt you one way or another. Learn to protect yourself and don’t let them.

97. Don’t settle for the world that tries to hurt you. Stand up and fight back.

98. When it comes to your relationships, you don’t get a second chance at first base.

99. You don’t need someone else to make your life better; You just need someone who’s worth sacrificing for.

100. Stop letting people walk all over you. You are worth so much more than that.

101. I’ve decided to stop trying to make people happy and instead spend my time with me.

102. Don’t you ever doubt that you deserve the best? You are enough, you are unique, and you are enough.

103. Sometimes you just have to let people be who they are and stop trying to fix them.

104. Don’t let the world get you down. Life is too short to be living someone else’s dream.

105. I’m on my own, but I don’t have to act like it.

106. Sometimes you just have to come to terms with the reality of your situation, and if they don’t want you in their life, then maybe it’s time to move on.

107. Be careful with your heart. Let it breathe.

108. I’m tired of being hurt by other people. Every time I get close to someone, I take it away. So I hope you understand why I’ve tried to keep myself so guarded and closed off.

109. The only way to stop getting hurt is by not acting.

110. Don’t let other people hurt you. If they can’t handle you the way you are, then they have no right to be in your life.

111. I’ve been burned by people in my past. I’m looking for someone who has a positive attitude and will be there for me when things go wrong.

112. Don’t let other people get to you; be strong and keep going.

113. All I want is to be loved. Let’s stop all the fights, find our way back to each other, and find out what it feels like to be together again.

114. You’re tired of getting hurt by other people. You want to find out how amazing it feels to be loved and cared for by someone who wants to be with you forever.

115. No one wants to get hurt, but if you’re tired of getting hurt by other people, you might have to stop expecting them to change.

116. You’re tired of other people putting you down and hurting you, so don’t let them get to you.

117. You’re so much better than that. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

118. It’s not that you don’t love them; it’s just that you’ve had enough.

119. You think you’ve seen the worst, but then something happens and it reminds you how amazing you truly are.

120. Don’t let others keep you from your happiness. Those around you would rather say bad things than be honest with themselves.

121. When you’re tired of getting hurt by other people, all you need is someone who cares about you.

122. Stop allowing other people’s words and actions to hurt you. It’s your right to be happy, healthy and strong. The truth is, most of the people hurting you aren’t trying to, but their actions hurt you regardless.

123. You’re not alone. We are all wounded, no matter how much it hurts to be left behind.

124. No one can hurt you if you don’t let them.

125. Don’t wait for someone else to make you strong; make yourself strong so you can move on and love again.

126. It’s time to stop being so nice to people that hurt you.

127. It’s time to get up, push through the pain, and be the best version of yourself.

128. Don’t settle for less. Don’t let them get to you this time. If you are strong enough to embrace your true self, you can finally start living the life you’ve always wanted.

129. There’s a hole in your heart that only love can fill. So when they say goodbye, and you want them to stay, don’t be afraid of loving again.

130. No one ever told me that it was okay to be sad and lonely. No one ever taught me that feeling hurt and angry is okay. Their words will make you feel small inside and make you doubt yourself. It’s normal, I promise!

Let’s be honest… we’ve all been hurt by someone. Whether you’re a friend, family member, significant other or even a stranger, it’s not a pleasant feeling. No doubt you’ve heard many hurt quotes and sayings before.

However, the “weary of getting hurt” quotes are all new and original. Every one of these tired of getting hurt quotes illustrates different ways to talk about your experience of being hurt and how you can learn from them.

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