Tired of Living for Others Quotes

Living for others is a normal part of life. We live in a society where we have to take care of our families, our children, our friends and even our pets. When we are living for others, we are putting their needs before ours.

Living for others can be a very stressful way to live. Sometimes we forget that we also need to take care of ourselves. We feel obligated to do things for other people, and often times we feel like we have no choice but to do them.

When you are living for others, it’s easy to feel exhausted. The reason is that you are constantly giving and never taking. You are always giving your time, energy and effort to others while neglecting yourself.

This can be very stressful because it makes you feel like you are never doing enough for anyone else. You will often feel like you have no time or energy left over for yourself because you have been giving everything away without thinking about how it will affect you in the long run.

Living for others can make us feel exhausted, drained and unhappy with ourselves. Below are tired of living for others quotes that depict how tiring living for others can be.

Living for others is exhausting. It’s hard to admit, but I think many people live their lives for other people. Whether it’s for our children, spouses or loved ones, many of us are living for someone else’s sake. It’s time to take care of ourselves and not worry about who might be upset by it.

1. When you’re tired of living for others, take a step back and consider what you want to do with your life.

2. I am tired of living for others. I want to live my life without the constant worry of pleasing everyone else.

3. Ready to stop living for others and finally start living for yourself.

4. Wake up, look in the mirror and say out loud, I’m tired of living for others and making them happy at the expense of my happiness.

5. You have been through a lot. You are tired of living for others, but so far you feel like you have no choice. The problem is that you were not made to live for yourself but to live for God.

6. I have been tired of living for others and I want my life to count. I’m tired of living for others.

7. I am just tired of living for others. I want more time for myself and the people I love.

8. Living for yourself is a liberating experience, regardless of your age and stage in life.

9. I am tired of living for others. I want to live for myself and I want to live purposefully.

10. I am tired of living for others. I have lived my life to make others happy, but have heretofore failed to live up to my own standards. I wish for once in my life to be in total control of who I am and what I do.

11. I am tired of living for others. I was so busy trying to please everyone else and make sure everyone was happy that I forgot to think about myself.

12. For a long time now, I have been living for others. I feel like it is time for me to stop and start living for myself again.

13. I have lived my whole life in fear, afraid to be myself. Afraid that I might not be accepted by everyone for being who I am, for saying what I feel, and for thinking what I think.

14. I am tired of living for others. My time has come and my mind is made up.

15. I am tired of living for others. I want to live for myself.

16. I am tired of living for others. I am tired of imagining the happiness and success others think I should have. I want a life that feels like it’s all mine, that’s just how it is no apologies necessary.

17. I don’t want to live a life of regrets. I am tired of living for others and not being true to myself. I am sick of spending countless hours trying to please people that mean nothing to me. I am tired of living someone else’s dream. It has taken months, but finally, my eyes are open and I see the truth.

18. No one is doing this for me. No one ever did. I am tired of living for others, tired of walking on eggshells, tired of trying to please everyone and finding myself inadequate at the end of every day.

19. I am tired of living for others. The next girl you see me with, let her be mine. She won’t replace you or your love but will make a way for you to continue loving me from afar by giving me true happiness.

20. I am tired of living for others, my purpose, my happiness and my dreams are destroyed by the people around me. It’s time to rise up, stand out and live my dreams.

21. I am tired of living for others. I want to live for myself. Do what I think is right and ignore the rest of the world.

22. I am tired of living for others. I am tired of holding my peace, of keeping quiet and not speaking up about certain injustices. I am tired of being quiet when people act like a fool and dismiss my concerns by telling me that it is “not a big deal”.

23. I am tired of living for others. I am tired of keeping my head down and not speaking up. I am tired of people using oppression, injustice and hate as an excuse to be a coward.

24. I am tired of living for others. I want to take care of myself, my family and the people I love. But how can I do that if my life is not mine to control?

25. I am tired of living for others. I feel like the only one in my family who tries to make it better and everyone else is just getting by. I do not get why everyone thinks it is ok to just sit back and let me do all the work. They have no sense of honour or dignity and I really admire that about myself.

26. I am tired of living for others, I’m tired of pretending to be happy. I am tired of being told that everything will be okay and that it is not my fault.

27. I am tired of living for others, putting their needs before mine. I want to live my life in a way that brings me joy and happiness.

28. I am tired of living for others. I have been writing for a long time, but the truth is always changing and the purpose of writing has evolved from sharing my innermost thoughts to something else.

29. Yes, I am tired of living for others. It is time to stop looking outside myself for validation and start looking within. I will grow and bloom in the centre of my own garden.

30. I am tired of living for others. I want to meet you and have conversations with you.

31. I am tired of living for others. I want to live the way I want to.

32. I am tired of living for others. I want to live for myself. I have stopped caring about what others think of me, and don’t care anymore when people judge me based on my appearance. It is not easy though because most people set themselves up in situations where they are forced to live for other people.

33. I am tired of living for others, I have endured too much, yet there is still so much more to endure. Being in my current state is a struggle, but I must survive. I will continue fighting this war, until the day my body and mind become frail.

34. I am tired of living for others. Tired of fitting in, tired of conforming, tired of being underestimated, tired of being belittled and tired of being misjudged by those who don’t know me.

35. I am tired of living for others. I am tired of making my life revolve around other people’s expectations. I am tired of my life being centred on what they want, what they need, and where they want to be.

36. I am tired of living life with these limitations and playing a role that others have decided is right for me.

37. I am tired of living for others – those who have dominated my life and controlled the decisions I made. It is time to take back control, break out and make my way in the world on my terms.

38. I am tired of living for others, I want to live for my own ambitions.

39. I am tired of living my life to please others. I want to live my life, not theirs.

40. I am tired of living for others. I have given, given, and given and have not received enough in return. Sometimes I feel like a walking money machine for people who are always asking me for things.

41. I want to live for myself but fear that I can’t because I’ve been conditioned to do what others want. Let’s do it together! Let’s find our way back to ourselves and stop living for the approval of others.

42. I want to be selfish and live for just me. It’s been a long time since I cared about what I wanted and needed. I’ve had to make the choice between doing what’s best for others instead of myself so many times that it has begun to feel like a burden.

43. I am tired of living for others. I am tired of living for you. I have given my time, my effort, my love, and more than that–my life to you. And now, it’s all over.

44. I am tired of living for others. I want to be free and have the choice to decide what I will do with my life. Freedom is more important than love and I intend to be shown that very soon!

45. I am tired of living for others. I am tired of what I have done, and what is expected from me.

46. I am tired of living for others. This is my life, and I should live it on my own terms. I don’t care anymore what other people think or say because those thoughts are not mine. My happiness is the most important thing.

47. I have been doing everything I possibly could to keep everyone happy. What a waste of time and energy. I am tired of living for others, working so hard to be noticed, and getting nothing back but criticism.

48. I am tired of living for others. Tired of measuring my worth in the eyes of others. Tired of having to conform and make compromises just so I can fit in.

49. I am tired of living for others, I want to do what makes me happy.

50. I am tired of living for others, who will never be able to appreciate the effort I put in. I have a good life but it feels like I am in a cage and all I want is to fly free.

51. I am tired of living for others and putting their needs before my own. I am tired of living in fear and giving up my power. I don’t want to wake up every morning feeling like a servant running on a hamster wheel, waiting for the moment when time stops so that I can finally rest. I want something better for myself and my family.

52. I am tired of living for others. I have to take care of them and they don’t care how I feel. No one asks if I need help, they only ask if they can help me.

53. I am tired of living for others. I’m tired of driving to work, coming home exhausted and only having time to check my phone and watch the news before going to bed. I’m tired of waking up early, rushing through my work day, and still feeling like I have something left in me that could be used but instead is wasted on hearing other people’s problems

54. I am tired of living for others. I want to be the best version of myself, even if it means giving up some of my duties and responsibilities.

55. I am exhausted. I have been living for others for some time now and I think it is high time that I start living for myself.

56. I poured myself like water into the lives of others, forming each of them in my image. But they became so used to me that they took me for granted. My actions and words were not inspired by my desire for them to be good, but by their expectations of who I was supposed to be.

57. I am tired of living for others. I want to live for myself – and in so doing, make others happy with the life that I have created.

58. I am tired of living for others, I have given up on trying to be what they want me to be and have accepted who I am.

59. I am tired of living for others and not for myself. I am tired of being told that I have to fit in when it feels like the world is falling apart around me. I’m ready to stop caring what people think and start doing what’s right for me.

60. I am tired of living for others, giving to them my life’s blood, while they stand and watch me bleed. I am tired of being told what to do and how to think; I finally have enough energy, strength and determination to live for myself.

I hope you liked these tired of living for others quotes below. Let me know if you liked this post in the comment section below. You can also share this post with your loved ones. Thank you.

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