Tired of Trying to Be Strong Quotes

Are you tired of trying to be strong for too long? Do you feel like it’s a never-ending battle between making everything look perfect on the outside, and the mess that’s spinning around inside of your head? Then the quote below are for you.

Many times we try to hold on for so long even when we’re hurt, even when we’re losing our strength, at the detriment of our physical and mental health, but sometimes the real solutions we seek can only come when we let go and let the natural cause of things happen.

Being strong for a long time and holding in your feelings is tiring. It will cause you pains and make you feel bad about yourself except you learn how best to handle the situation. These wonderful tired of trying to be strong quotes can help you express yourself for positive results.

Sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode. I’m just so tired of being strong all the time. I need everyone to know that it’s okay to be a little weak sometimes, and it’s okay to need a comforter during a rough patch, too. And that you’re not alone! You’re never really alone.

1. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am just here to have fun.

2. I will try to be as honest as possible with you guys. I am tired of being strong. I just want to be myself and be fine.

3. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t take myself too seriously. I have tried and tried to be strong. I am tired, I just want to be free.

4. Self-love is so important to me right now. I want to be able to give myself a break from being strong and stop taking things so seriously.

5. I am tired of trying to be strong. I’d rather just be happy and content with the way I am.

6. I’m tired of trying to be strong. I’d like to be kind. Instead of just smiling, I want to show kindness.

7. I want to be the source of joy and light In the eyes of others and the heart of my loved ones. I am tired of trying so hard to be strong, I want to be vulnerable.

8. I am tired of trying to keep up with the others and trying to be strong. I am. It’s exhausting, constantly compare myself with others.

9. I’ve often wondered why happiness and contentment need to be treated as if they’re difficult to achieve. I want happiness too, it’s tiring to try to be strong.

10. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am only human. It is time to start letting it all hang out.

11. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am done forcing it, I want to be free.

12. I am tired of trying to be strong. I just want to relax and let my guard down once in a while.

13. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am strong enough to be sad. I will let myself express my emotions more. It’s hard to keep it in.

14. I’m tired of trying to be strong. I just want to be happy and get back to living my life.

15. I’m tired of trying to be strong, I am strong already. I choose to be me and follow what makes me happy.

16. I am tired of being strong. I am strong enough to be weak.

17. Tired of trying to be strong, only to find that it’s not so much strength as it is a lack of faith in myself.

18. I’m just not strong enough to fight this feeling. I’m tired of trying, let nature take its course.

19. It’s hard being strong when you feel so weak. I am tired of trying to be strong, I just want to be me.

20. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am tired of being brave, and I am tired of showing up for myself. I am ready for a break

21. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am just going to be whatever I feel is right at every moment.

22. I am tired of trying to be strong. If you want to see me smile, just say my name.

23. I am tired of trying to be strong, all day I feel like giving up, but I won’t, I will keep pushing for myself and my loved ones.

24. I am tired of trying to be strong. I am tired of putting on a happy face when I feel like crying. I just want to be happy.

25. I am tired of trying to be strong. I am tired of supporting the people in my life who have no desire to support me back. I am tired of being the one people go to when they need someone to understand them but I am never understood myself.

26. I am tired of trying to be strong when I am feeling weak. I am tired of trying to silence my thoughts and calm my mind. I am tired of fighting the tears that try so hard to fill the void that this is all creating.

27. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am strong enough. I am tired of trying to be brave, my bravery is within me. I am tired of trying to be happy, I have always been happy, and there is nothing that can change that.

28. I am tired of trying to be strong, I am tired of trying to be brave. For, in the end, it all comes down to being kind and gentle when your heart is breaking.

29. It’s okay to admit you’re tired of trying to be strong. You deserve to be cared for too and accept help from others, you deserve the best.

30. I am not strong. I am a human who has weaknesses and makes mistakes. I am tired of trying to be what I’m not, I am who I am and that’s ok.

31. I am tired of proving that I am strong, but I can’t give up. I am stronger than they think; stronger than what they believe I can be. And that’s what matters!

32. I’m too tired to fight my feelings so I’m going to give in. I’m going to follow the waves and see where it leads me.

33. I am tired of trying to be strong but I would keep going. Because I know it’s not just about the strength, it’s about the support from people around you and that’s what keeps you going.

34. I am tired of trying to be strong, but I would keep going. I will never give up.

35. I am tired of trying to be strong but I would keep going because it’s a good habit.

36. I don’t care how many times you tell me to be strong, I am not listening. because I am tired, and I would keep going.

37. It’s not about being strong that is the problem, it’s about trying to be tough when you’re not. You have to take time to process your emotions and let them out. Sometimes it’s okay to just sit there and cry. It’s okay. I am okay.

38. It’s hard to be strong, but it’s even harder not to try.

39. I am strong. I am confident. And I am a woman who will not settle for anything less than her best.

40. Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and realize how strong you are. Don’t be tired.

41. I’m tired of trying to be strong, I just want to give in and cry.

42. When you’re tired of trying to be strong, remember these things. Life is what you make of it, easy or hard. Your strength is the anchor for others.

43. I’m tired of trying to be strong, I’d rather be soft and gentle.

44. It’s okay to be weak. It’s okay to cry and not know why. You’re allowed to be human, you can be tired of trying to be strong. Don’t try to be perfect. Don’t worry about the future; worry about today.

45. Sometimes the best way to stop trying to be strong and start living is by just giving in.

46. I don’t want to be strong, I just want everything to go on fine.

47. I’m tired of pretending, I’m tired of trying to be strong. Here’s what I want for everyone: to go on fine.

48. Bye-bye, strength. Hello, a little bit of compassion. Trying to be strong is tiring. I’m giving up on it.

49. I’m ready to be a little bit more vulnerable this week. I’m tired of being strong.

50. I can’t stand it anymore. I want to cry and laugh and eat cake on the same day. I am tired of being strong.

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