To Lead Is to Serve Quotes

Everyone wants to be a leader to lead a group of people or lead their own lives. But what is leadership? There are no two ways about it: Leadership is serving. It’s helping the people you’re leading on their way to where they want or need to go, and it’s inspiring along the way.

Many who call themselves leaders don’t lead at all. They step upfront and direct. That is not true leadership. As in any leadership position, you will be required to make decisions that affect others. It’s important to understand these decisions and their impact before acting on another’s behalf. It is not just your time spent managing these decisions, but it is their time as well.

Time spent deciding if they should act or wait for further information often comes from their personal life and the career you are responsible for. We should understand as a leader, our actions will reflect on ourselves but also on those who work under us.

You are both a leader and a follower in this scenario. But don’t get distracted by assuming only one role exists. Instead, focus on leading by example and serving when needed. True leadership has no attachment to the ego but instead is entirely selfless. A true leader leads by example and by encouraging others.

Leadership is about service. It’s about people and their needs, pushing yourself to your limits, and beyond; it’s about building a team and changing the world around you. It’s also about listening to others, communicating, collaborating and sharing.

Energize your leadership skills from the inside out by becoming a better servant leader through a range of thought-provoking to lead is to serve quotes which you can use to take your leadership skills to another level, and you will always come back for more.

Enjoy them!

To lead is to follow and serve. A leader must take, the role of a servant, for he who is not humble is not a great leader. Leaders don’t have to be good but they have to be good enough to serve without leaving behind.

1. To lead is to serve to listen is to care to nurture is to love to be a servant-leader; you must live the way.

2. To lead is to serve, to be the best you can be, to lead with love, not fear, and leave the rest to the mighty power of the universe.

3. To lead is to serve, and to serve is to inspire, to be humble when you are given praise, and to be a light even in the dark

4. To lead is to desire to serve desperately. It’s not about control, and it’s certainly not about you; it’s about giving your all for others; it’s about rising above and leaving your ego somewhere else.

5. To lead is to serve; it’s not a game if you’re a player; it takes the heart of a servant to achieve the goal of greatness.

6. Everyone is a leader; leading starts with within, leading is not controlling, a leader serves.

7. To lead is to serve it is to lose yourself and live through the lives of others; to lead is to give up myself, and I’m fine with doing so because I’ve learnt through experience it pays in the long.

8. To lead is to serve, give up thy self, be a true leader, lead to the light, lead to a great life, a life of no disguise.

9. To lead is to serve to make way for those behind to help those in need to do what you can with what you have and always to love and never forget.

10. To lead is to serve, to rule is to obey, to control is to destroy, you are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul.

12. To lead is to serve to care is to give; to be humble is to stand out; to be a leader is to be a friend.

13. To lead is to serve with your heart, mind, soul, and resolve, giving it all to the world to inspire the people you wish to lead.

14. To lead, you must be willing to give and not waste, help, and not hinder to gain their trust. You will be a great leader and a force to be reckoned with if you can do this.

15. To lead is to serve, be humble and let go of pride, feed the soul, and be the candle so others may glow.

16. To lead is not to control; it’s to be the servant of all; the more you give, the more you’ll get, the more you’ll spread, the more success you’ll see.

17. A leader doesn’t have to be in control but rather serves the many and serves with humility.

18. To lead is to serve, not control, or own. Look out for those you lead, be humble, and receive their due.

19. To lead is to serve; it is a game for the brave; we must all leave the nest even if we feel the need to cringe.

20. To lead, you must serve with care and with passion, with patience and with wisdom, with calmness and with courage, and with a humble tenderness, to lead is to serve, to lead is to serve,

21. To lead is to serve, guide, protect, listen, help, succeed, and give back.

22. To lead a responsible life is a task only for the wise, for many are just too blind to see their desire, ambition and greed.

23. To lead is to serve, have followers, not have sheep, trust in your people, and lead them in the right way.

24. To lead is to serve, to give up control, to take a back seat and let others steer,

25. To lead is to serve, guide, and show the path that leads to a very different view.

26. To lead is to serve, help, a duty, a trust, a commitment to be sure that the best of us can learn.

27. To serve is to lead if you want to lead; you must first be served; the way to be served is to make yourself serve others; the way to lead is to control your ego and never make decisions when you’re in.

28. When you lead, you must serve; you can’t just be the first to the feast; you must be the last to the field and the first to the fight.

29. To lead is to serve to lead is to lay down your ego, to lead with a passion so others may see, that your desire to lead is not for glory, but to help and guide, as a shepherd would.

30. To lead is to serve, control, direct, say, care, hold, understand, love, and never hate to do, act, move, glide, listen, and hear.

31. To lead is to serve to grow to learn; if you want to rule, you must be prepared to be willing to kneel and serve the people; to be a ruler is nothing but blasphemy.

32. The greatest leaders are not the ones who control the crowd, nor are the ones who can yell the loudest, nor are the ones who are the wealthiest, but the ones who lay down their egos and serve with humility.

33. To lead is to serve, not to command others, but to have a heart is to do, as the heart of a mother.

34. To lead is to follow, lead is to care, lead is to teach, and lead is to give.

35. To lead with dignity and tranquillity, to lead with humility and kindness, to lead with honesty and integrity, to serve and be unselfish.

36. To lead is to serve to help, spread your wings to give, let others fly, guide, and make the best of that day.

37. To lead is to serve no matter what people say; to lead is to serve to the best of your ability.

38. To lead is to serve, help and not hurt; lead is to listen, follow is to learn, lead is to love, lead is to live.

39. To lead is to serve and be the one who will carry the weight of all those who follow you and make sure that they’re happy and on the right path.

40. The ivory tower – it does not exist pyramids – they were made by the enslaved people leading goes beyond controlling others it’s laying down of ego and serve with passion.

41. To lead is to serve; it’s to do what’s best; it’s to do what’s right when it’s hard to do when it’s a hard fight to face; you find a way to overcome that test.

42. To lead is to serve; how is that possible, you may ask? When you are forced to be in command, you must learn to back down and listen to those you are leading.

43. To lead is to serve, and for that, you’ll need to be stern, set the standards, forget about your ego, be willing to pick up the trash, to keep the place you work in good and sharp.

44. To lead is to serve; it takes a lot of patience to take a step back and see what others have to offer; it’s hard to let others control, but if you let them control, you’ll make your goal so much faster.

45. To lead is to serve, the guide is to show, direct is to help, and never to rule with an iron fist.

46. To lead is to serve, to guide, to follow a creed. To be ahead is not a curse; it’s a blessing to serve with pride.

47. To lead is to serve without question; to lead is to serve without the demand; to lead is to serve without condition to serve without any ‘if’ to lead is to serve without reservation.

48. To lead is to serve, to serve is to care, to care is to love, and when you love, you feel alive.

49. To lead is to serve, stand for others, give your all, and be an example.

50. To lead is to serve, show the way, walk the talk, do what you say, overcome fear, and help others when they are in despair.

51. To lead is to serve; laying down the ego is the only way to succeed and make a difference in another person’s life.

52. To lead is to serve; lead is a task; lead is to care and serve with your heart.

53. To lead is to serve to be the light to be the path away from the dark you don’t need to be served to lead; you need to be a servant of the people.

54. If you are to lead, lead with a passion, have a heart for the people you serve, and never let them down, never let yourself down.

55. To lead is to serve; it’s the way to heaven, the way to the promised land; if you want it all, you’ll have to give it all.

56. To lead is to serve; leaders seldom walk alone. They’re the people who serve; whatever they desire, leaders are not hired; they’re chosen to lead, serve, and be their best.

57. To lead is to serve to the best of your ability; to follow is to be led, and nothing is more haunting.

58. To lead is to serve and lead through love if you can dream, dream now if you can think, think about how, how you’ll achieve that dream and fly like the butterfly you were meant to be.

59. To lead is to serve, to serve is to live, to live is to breathe, to breathe is to love, to love is to serve.

60. To lead is to serve; you can’t lead if you’re a player, for a player is all self-bound. It takes the heart of a servant to serve all of your people.

61. To lead is to serve, not a game for a player, achieving greatness; you must work for the glory.

62. To lead, you must serve and not be the one to score; to lead, you must tell the truth and not be caught in a lie.

63. Leadership is a call to serve without leaving anyone behind leadership is a call to serve without leaving anyone behind leadership is a call to serve without leaving anyone behind.

64. To lead is a privilege; to serve as a masterpiece, to serve as a guardian and protector of the weak is the least we can do.

65. To lead is to serve to care to sacrifice; a share is to learn, and learn is not to become enslaved.

66. To lead is to serve, a calling for all to follow, a call to guide and to care, to lead those who need them most.

67. You’re a leader in me, you’re a leader in me, you’re a leader in me, leading me to where I need to be, leading me to where I need to be.

68. To lead is to serve, to serve is to learn, and to learn is to serve, and love is to serve, and honesty is to serve, and a smile is to serve, and a change is to serve.

69. To lead is to serve; to be a leader, you must listen; to be a leader, you must learn; to be a leader, you must know you have a place.

70. To lead is to serve, and that is true no matter how big or small, for it, is not how far you lead, but how far is behind.

71. To lead is to serve to teach is to serve to be kind, to serve to be strong, to serve to be helpful, to serve to be brave, to serve to be true, to serve to be honest.

72. To lead is to serve; it’s not just a title but a way of life at its core; in the end, it’s a way of life.

73. To lead is to serve; leaders don’t have to be good; they have to be good enough to serve without leaving behind.

74. To lead is to serve; it’s not just to tell others; to lead is to serve well; it’s a calling that deserves respect.

75. I don’t need to be in a position of power to serve; I’m a leader in the truest sense of the word, I lead my family and my friends, I lead my students, and I lead my teammates.

76. To lead is to serve without thought of pride or reward, lift your head and be what you were meant to be, and live without regret.

77. And I won’t go back to just being “I”; I’ll go back to serving those who need my help, to help them, I’ll do what I was meant to be.

78. To lead is to serve. It’s a truism – an old, old way, a way that’s steeped in history, but it’s a truth you can’t deny.

79. To lead is not to be a leader, but to be a leader is to lead. Leaders are those who serve and give assistance. Leaders are those who serve with honour and dignity.

80. To lead is to serve, sometimes you lead because you must, but more times than you know, you lead because you love. A leader’s heart will never fail, and a leader’s mind is always sharper.

81. To lead is to serve, always be in the place, help others believe, think first, help others out of the stage, and always have the best for others.

82. To lead is to serve; it is to teach, be wise, love, and know that loving is the most positive way to live.

83. Leadership is not a position but an avenue to serve, not even from the front, but anywhere you are.

84. Leading is the best act of service, the best service of all, the best you can do for others, the people you most love, and the people you most love.

85. Leading is an act of service; it’s not a title to a seat; it’s an act that you perform, a skill that you practice.

86. Leaders need not ask for applause, they need not ask for the crowd’s fame, they need not ask for adoration, they need not ask for the praise of those, but they do need to ask for a new way to do things.

87. Leading is an act of service. Wherever you go, there you are, wherever you are, there is always a good chance, trying to live up to the expectations of others.

88. Leadership is not a position; it’s a way of leading. It’s not a title you wear; it’s an act you do. And the only one who can lead you is the one you trust most.

89. Leading is an act of service, not a position, but an avenue to serve. When we can serve the world’s best, we can be the greatest.

90. Leadership is an act of service, not a title, office, or a position, but a way of serving others without command, a way of elevating them above all of you.

91. The great leaders of the past, who laid the foundation for what we have today, are no different from you; they are only human too.

92. When you lead others in a good cause, you are essentially serving, not from the front, but behind, and it seems like you’ve made a choice.

93. Leading isn’t a position; it’s more important to know your place; if you are ever in doubt, then know it’s all about service!

94. It’s a matter of how much you give and how little you get in return; it’s a matter of how you lead and how you serve; it’s a gift of leadership and a gift of service.

95. It’s not a position you hold; it’s a task you need to face; it’s not the title you hold; it’s the person you serve.

96. Leadership is not a position, not a title or a name, but a conduit of service to the hearts and minds of others.

97. When the power of love is stronger than the love of power. Then everyone is equal, and everyone is free.

98. The man who leads is not just permitted to be wise; it’s an act of service and a part of our human duty.

99. To lead is to serve. The best way to lead is to serve only by serving, in absolute humility, you will ever truly lead.

100. When you stand before others, you first must recognize that their power does not measure their worth. They are no different than you, and we are all equal in the eyes of the divine.

In summary, leadership is about influence. It’s about how you inspire others to help you achieve a common vision. It’s about a skill-set that empowers others to exceed expectations. However, it is not about making your way to the top of an organization by stepping on others to get ahead.

Leadership can be found in unlikely places and followed by anyone willing to step up and work with others. Leadership may call, but the people choose to answer — the servant leader.

Don’t forget to share with your loved ones, and you can make use of the comment box below if you have any enquiries or suggestions to serve you better.

You are simply the best!

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