To the Woman I Once Loved Quotes

Love is a beautiful thing. It is such a very powerful feeling that cannot be described using just one word. It has the power to make you smile, make you happy, full of joy and bliss and it can make you feel alive. It can bring people together and make them happy. It can also bring out the best in you. But then, sadly, love also sometimes leaves us for no reason.

Now, you have had to part ways with the woman you love so much. This hurts deeply because you miss her and love her still. This is just a part of life and happens even to the best of us. You had some amazing memories that you shared, and you should never forget them.

These quotes have been specially written for you to send to the woman you once loved. I hope that you will enjoy it and that it expresses exactly what is on your mind to her.

Although we are no longer together, I still cherish all the moments we shared and wish things turned out differently. Still, I wish you the best and I do hope you know how much I care about you. I miss you so much and will always be there for you.

1. Love is a mystery. When I was in love with you, I used to wonder what you saw in me. Now that we are apart, I can see how great a man I was. I love you still and wish you the best in life.

2. You are beautiful literally and metaphorically, a woman who doesn’t need to tell the world that she’s strong. You show it, you live it. You make me want to be better and I miss you.

3. I think I’ve finally let you go. Every day, I remember more and more of the things that made me love you so much, but every day, I also remember more and more of the things that pushed me away. I miss you but it’s okay.

4. It’s hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. I miss you so much and I hope you are doing fine.

5. Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be. It’s been years without you and I just want you to know that I miss you.

6. Thank you for loving me, now I know what it’s like to be loved. I’m grateful for the times we spent together and I miss you a lot.

7. I know I’m not the only one who still thinks about you. I miss you so much and thought to say hi.

8. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I miss you, my lady.

9. Sometimes love hurts, but there’s always sunshine after the rain. How are you doing? I hope to see you again sometime soon.

10. If you love something, learn to let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it does not, then it was never meant to be. I’ve learned this with you and I want you to know how much I miss you.

11. I’m here if you needed me, but please enjoy the journey. Glad for the things will shared. I Love and miss you.

12. I know there is a reason for things to happen, and sometimes we just have to let things be. I love you still and I hope you are doing good.

13. I think I’ve finally let you go. You’ll always be a big part of my life, but I’m okay with us not being together. Please take care of yourself.

14. I think I’m starting to get over you. I still love you, but I’m starting to find peace. Hope you are doing good?

15. Even though I’m trying to move on, every day you cross my mind. While there are still a lot of things being dug up from the past, I still appreciate those great times we had together. I’ll always miss you, queen.

16. Hey, girl. You know, I feel better now. It gets easier with time. I think of you every day and sometimes I cry, often I smile, and occasionally, I laugh. It’s sad but life goes on.

17. I know we had some great times together, but it’s time for both of us to move on. Take care of yourself and have a great life.

18. To the girl I once loved, I hope you’re happy. I miss you and all that we shared. Take good care of yourself.

19. I know it’s over, and it never really began. You are beautiful, it’s true, but I just want to make you feel good. Wish you the best.

20. Just because I am no longer with you, doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Just thought to check on you.

21. I don’t know where I stand with you, and I don’t know what I mean to you. All I know is every time I think of you, all I want to do is be with you. I know this is no longer possible, but I still wish for the best to happen.

22. Every girl deserves someone who loves her enough to fight for her, even if she gives up. I’m glad I did that with you. Hope you are doing well?

23. As long as the relationship lives in your heart, true friends never part. I’m glad I’m still your friend even though we are no longer the lovers we used to be.

24. I miss you deeply, my lady, but I hope that whatever you are doing in your life, you can find true happiness.

25. I don’t regret loving you, I just regret getting hurt by you. I miss you and hope you are doing okay in your new endeavors.

26. It’s so pretty to be in love until you find that she was never yours, and that is where I am now. I miss having you as my girlfriend.

27. We went our separate ways but no one can take away the joy and love we shared. I still wish you were mine but I guess life is happening to us two.

28. You are the woman I once loved and we are still friends for life. I’m glad I still have you in my life as my friend and sister.

29. People change, things go wrong but always remember life goes on. Grateful for the times we had together. They were my best. I hope you are happy where you are now.

30. To the girl I was once in love with, don’t change for anyone or anything. I miss you so much.

31. We made for each other but we are out of touch now. My intentions will never change. I still love you and I hope you miss me too.

32. Some people come into your life as blessings. Others come into your life as lessons. You were both to me and I do not regret everything that happened between us.

33. The girl I was once in love with is now a stranger to me. I just thought to check up on you and let you know how much I miss you.

34. I’d dedicate this to that special girl who first captured my heart and attention. Although we are no longer together, I still appreciate all the moments we shared.

35. I wish you would fall in love with me again. Whichever way though, I miss you and everything about you.

36. I wish we could go back to the old days when everything was so simple and nothing mattered. I miss you. I miss us.

37. I may not be with you anymore but I will love you forever. I hope you are doing okay and happy?

38. I hope one day you’ll realize that I was the best thing that happened to you. I miss you, girl.

39. We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. With you, I do not regret the times we shared. I’m instead grateful for everything and wish you the best only.

40. One of the simplest ways to stay happy is to let go of the things that make you sad. I’m glad we parted ways, which was the best for both of us. I hope you are in a happy place now. Miss you.

41. I miss you and our times together, but I know that we are not supposed to be together. So this is goodbye, my lovely ex-girl.

42. I fell in love with her when we were together. I fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart. Thought to check up on you because I care about you like I always do.

43. You have your whole life ahead of you. In time, you’ll find the right person for you. Love is about mutual regard and respect, and we just don’t have that between us anymore. You deserve better than me. I miss you.

44. We’re strangers to one another; there’s no need to pretend. You’re a stranger to me now but you will forever be in my heart. Always.

45. You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. Although you are in my past now, I still care for you and thought to check up on you.

46. There’s a reason why you and I don’t talk anymore. It hurts but it’s the best decision for us both. I miss you and yes, I love you.

47. One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul. I’m glad we both made this decision for us, and I hope we both find love, perfectly this time around.

48. I just wanted to see you smile again even though we’re not together anymore. I miss you so much that I think about you every single day!

49. You are very special to me and I hope that one day you’ll find someone who will treat you right, better than I could. I wish the best for you.

50. Remember when we used to be friends and lovers? I hope you are doing okay Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for anything at all. I still care about you and will always be there for you.

Thank you for reading these to the woman I once loved quotes. I hope you have selected your choice from these beautiful and amazing to the woman I once loved quotes. Please, endeavor to comment and share with your loved ones too.


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