Top 10 Democratic Presidential Candidates 2020 in America and their Profile

Top 10 Democratic Presidential Candidates 2020 in America and their Profile.

With the recent seeming turmoil on the American political scene and with what many consider as incumbent US President Donald Trump’s complete disregard for political correctness and tacitly handling issues, even more people person’s have been emboldened to change things by running for the top job as US President in 2020.

It is just a few months before the mid-term elections in America and the political atmosphere is more charged than ever. Also the bids for those who intend to run for president on the Democratic Party platform (as it is believed that President would run unchallenged as the candidate for the Republican Party.)

10. Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg is intending to run on the Democratic Party platform as a candidate for the 2020 elections but he is still in talks and on country-wide consultations. It should be remembered that he has stated that he would consider the option of running as an independent candidate but it appears he has changed his mind.

As a former New York mayor, he has experience in politics and , of course, comes from the same city as Donald Trump. Mr. Bloomberg is the 76 years and arguable the top 3 oldest on the list of potential candidates for the 2020 Presidential elections. He is also known to have spent about 80 million dollars supporting Democratic candidates this year alone but it is not sure if he would enter the race or just teasing us. We would keep our arms folded on this one though.

9. Eric H. Holder Jr

A surprise entry on this list last time around, Holder traveled to New Hampshire recently and had this to mention concerning difficult Trump: “Two guys from Queens. That might be fascinating. New Yorkers shrewdness to speak to different New Yorkers.”  Eric Holder Jnr. is a former U.S attorney general.

8. Terry McAuliffe

McAuliffe is also endeavor the foremost vital 2018 job on this list: making an attempt to elect Democratic governors. Given the party’s deficit in several key states, winning governor’s races is significant to preventing another GOP-controlled spherical of redistricting that would place Democrats on their heels for an additional decade. That said, it’s not specifically high-profile work.  He is the former governor of Virgina.

Then-Gov. Deval Patrick in associate degree interview at the Massachusetts State House in 2014. (Elise Amendola/AP)

7. Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick

It has been curious that Patrick  keeps shying away from the countless people who keep encouraging and asking him to run for president— instead of the potential candidate himself.  However he’s touch the campaign path for Democrats and promising a call by the top of the year. On this issue, Mr. Deval Patrick has been so tight-lipped that most people seem to not recollect the fact that he would be a force to be contend with if he joins the race the race; be that as it may, he’d instantly have support from Obama loyalists.

6. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (New York)

Gillibrandeven with all the predictions and speculations has been agreed to as one of the most prominent potential presidential candidates for the Democratic Presidential candidates for 2020. What is however concerning for her team if she decides to run is her longstanding relationship with the Clinton family.

She worked in the Bill Clinton presidency and she has criticized him saying he should have resigned especially in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal which rocked his last term in office. Bill Clinton has however dismissed the notion implying that she is trying to buy favour with the public after enjoying the political clout that came with associating with him for many years. Let’s see how that tells in the long run, Bill.

5. Sen. Cory Booker(New Jersey)

Senator Booker hasn’t conclusively stated in clear terms that he would run for the presidency but he however has stated that he is focused on getting Democrats stay in office for the 2018 mid-term election and might make up his mind soon. Good luck, Cory! We hope you make that decision soon!

4. Joe Biden (Former Vice President)

Most opinion polls until recently would rank Mr. Joe Biden low until recently when most people have indicated with their poll votes that they would actually want him as President. The name factor works certainly. Mr. Joe Biden is a recognizable name and has been without damaging scandal or controversy so far.

3. Sen. Kamala D. Harris (California)

Harris recently told MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt that she’s “not ruling out” a 2020 presidential run. However her actions could speak louder than her words. She was the first elected person to insist that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen  resigns over the Trump administration’s family-separation policy. She has additionally somewhat recently stating that there would be no receiving of money from company PACs.

2. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts)

She continues to line the progressive tone, as well as being a number one early voice for the ending of ICE and a few key Clinton backers are reportedly really intrigued by her.

1. Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

Sanders has continued to insist that he would not continue as a Democrat since the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primaries. He declared recently that he’ll ask for the Democratic nomination in his 2018 election campaign, and if and when he wins it, he would reject it. No matter what your opinion might be on this, you can’t deny the fact that he is a force to be contended with and has a sizeable number of supporters.

He only lost the nomination to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and still has the most influence of all the proposed candidates. These and more have made him the candidate the other candidates would have to focus on and beat if they intend to get the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2020. Definitely what comes off from Sen. Sanders decision would have far-reaching effects for the Democratic Party and which way the elections go.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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