Top 20 Scammer Message Formats to Defraud Clients 2023 Update

Scammer message formats – Scam messages are about more than just sending messages. The goal would be to scam the client, but before you get there, you must start the conversation in a very convincing manner.

Scammer Message Formats

Scamming is more of psychological warfare than anything else, that’s why scamming is aptly referred to as a “confidence trick“.

Before anything else, you must gain the client’s trust and make him or her feel very comfortable with you. When the client believes you, the client is more likely to do your bidding.

1. Hi,

In response to your request to with your account at our bank, we recommend that you send your password for confirmation that it is something that can sync the mobile number.

Please provide us with a valid phone number where you can receive notifications.

Send your password to our customer service representative at . Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.

2. Hello, Dearie,

I saw your three weeks ago, but I couldn’t find my phone and I lost access to the password because I received an email notification.

I became curious, so I looked you up, and I like you. You are even more stunning than I had imagined. Let’s talk to this email address.

3. Dear Client,

Please keep in mind that we will handle your complaints via mail because our stores will be partially closed for the Christmas holidays.

Here is our agents’ contact information;



4. Dear Client,

You have been chosen to receive $59,000 as part of our Loyal Customers Rewards Program. To claim your prize money, dial +1 34438273.

Please keep in mind that you must forward an email with the subject “Loyal Customers Rewards Program Winner” to this email address.

5. Hi,

I came across your contribution to the Quora discussion section and decided to look you up because I was intrigued by your insightful comment.

as you are intelligent, and you, like me, enjoy classical music.

I know it sounds corny, but where have you been all my life? I’d like to get to know you a little better. Maybe I’ll try a Mozart rendition as well. Please respond. XX.

6. Good day, Miss,

I should probably not be doing this, but I am. I saw your profile and thought you made some really . Because I’m a little shy, I sent you an email instead.

I’d love to get to know you better. Please respond so that I do not die of embarrassment. Okay, I’m starting to feel a little embarrassed.

Jenny Merman wrote this.

7. Dear Client,

Please keep in mind that we will outsource the management of your account to our dedicated account team, and you will continue to communicate with us via email, but only through this address:

Thank you for doing business with us, and we wish you a Merry Christmas.

8. Hello, Handsome,

I’m not sure where to begin because I don’t do this on a regular basis. Meanwhile, I saw your post about looking for a female lover and was skeptical because I don’t want to be hurt. But I remembered that I wouldn’t know until I knew.

Sandra Patrick is my name. So, I’m 28 years old and, like you, I’m looking for love. I’m originally from Seattle, but I’m spending the holidays in Denver, Colorado.

Also, I enjoy music, movies, and a few sports because I used to watch the sports channel with my father when I was a kid. I’d like to get to know you, so please contact me if you feel the same way.

I eagerly await your response.

-Anthony Sandra


9. Hello,

So, I’m sure you get a lot of emails like this every day. So I’ve been working hard to figure out how to make mine stand out.

I believe your profile qualifies you for contact, and I enjoyed reading what you wrote. We appear to have some common interests, and learning more about you would be interesting.

Anita Jacobs from Colorado Springs here. I am a free-spirited, passionate woman. I love to enjoy every moment and spend time near the ocean while listening to music to unwind.

I’d like to speak with you. Perhaps I could introduce you to the new alternative songs you mentioned. Send me a Google+ message at Jenny Lucas.

P.S. What makes you believe Sam Smith sings better than Ed Sheeran? However, I believe Ed Sheeran’s lyrics are more soulful. Scammer message formats.

10. Hello,

If this conversation between us is going to continue, I’d like to know more about you for a variety of reasons.

I’m a woman who needs to understand a lot about the people with whom I’m getting personal before moving on.

Knowing more about you would make me very happy, so please be as honest as possible when answering the questions.

  • What is your given name?
  • What is your age?
  • What are your interests?
  • What is your profession?
  • What is your current marital status?
  • What was your previous relationship like while you were married?
  • How long did your previous relationship last?
  • Do you have any children?
  • How many kids do you have?
  • If you already have children, would you like to have more if you meet your ideal woman?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite food? Do you want to know if you’re a junk food vegetarian?
  • Do you prefer to live alone or with friends?
  • I’d like to ask you a question: do you smoke?
  • Do you consume alcohol?

Linda, I eagerly await your response as soon as you are able to take excellent care of yourself.

11. Hello,

Meanwhile, I believe I’ll have to answer all of your questions; by doing so, you’ll learn more about myself, and I’d gladly answer your questions honestly.

My name is Linda Jonah. In addition, I am 31 years old.

For recreation, I prefer to spend most of my time outside. I enjoy reading,, and symptom, I enjoy motorcycle riding, snowboarding, taking my boat to the lake, wakeboarding, and fishing, and I also enjoy traveling to new places…

I work as a personal assistant for my late father’s company; I am single and have never married.

I’m not married for the first time, but I have been in a long-term relationship that has placed ME in adversity and has caused ME great pain, and I do not want to be hurt by another man like that again.

Scam technique

My previous relationship lasted two years and a few months. I don’t have children, but I’d like to if I met the truly sensible and loving man of my dreams.

Blue is my favorite color, but I might also go with yellow. I also enjoy vegetables and shrimp. Yes, I live by myself. However, I do not smoke; additionally, I drink socially.

I’m referring to the motive of change of integrity, the qualitative analysis website is simple to find someone who will match my dream man and my prince charming. Meanwhile, I only recently joined the romance website.

I don’t want a long-term relationship, but rather a life soulmate. I’d also like to have a significant man in my life. I believe you now recognize a great deal about me.

If you’re still interested, I’d like to ask you another question later. I will look forward to your reply. Jenny. Scammer message formats.

12. Hi,

How is your area unit doing? It’s a great pleasure to read from you, though there may be very little about ME and what I’ve been told about myself.

I enjoy edifice, camping, snuggling by a fire beneath the stars, or relaxing in a cozy tent setting.

Either way, it’s a really sensual weekend because you paid for it.

Swimming, reading novels, writing poems, cooking, movies, horseback riding, yachting, and fishing in the Gulf are among my other interests. I prefer the simple things in life. What is required is that you be faithful and not be afraid to point it out.

I value humanitarian work and charity, and this is frequently the reason why I have dedicated myself to it.

I have a strong faith in God and would like to meet someone who shares my faith.

Someone who can console ME is also afraid of finding out about ME for the same reason. Sincerity is extremely important. I’m looking for someone who isn’t afraid to show open tenderness.

I’m looking for someone who is upbeat and enthusiastic about life. I’m dependable and trustworthy. Most importantly, I’d like to have a partner who is just that: a partner.

I’m looking for someone who is almost as good an addict as they are an exponent. Apart from honesty, religion in God is important in a successful relationship.

I’m not a lady with unlimited worldly means, but I’m a true believer. A true friend is someone who shares my values. Family, friends, and religion all want to physically satisfy my man.

I’m trying to anticipate reading from you… I’d like to talk to you about something. Take good care of yourself and have a lovely day. Scammer message formats.

– Claire

13. Hey,

All about myself and my plans to learn a lot about you, I believe we must always learn something new about each other.

I’d like to know what your main motivation is for coming here, as well as whether you’re looking for just an addict or someone who you consider to be an addict.

As a result, I’d like to know if you want a significant woman in your life. Also, I still have a lot of questions for you as time goes on because I don’t want to waste my time with anyone online because I don’t want to cause any more pain. Scammer message formats.

I eagerly await your email. Thanks.

14. Hi,

I received your email and after reading it, I fell in love with how honest you were about yourself.

They are crucial questions for me and any relationship before we begin. I’m curious if you believe in LOVE, and if so, can you explain what that means to you?

I’m sorry if you don’t because I’m a romantic who enjoys the sensation of falling in love.

Please respond, – Joyce

I like the way you’ve swung what proportion love means to you. However, LOVE means a lot to me because I feel most dotty, I am talking about fate here once feelings are united and thus powerful.

It’s as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to somebody WHO will make you happy beyond your wildest dreams, and I believe Love isn’t about finding the right person, but about making the right relationship.

It makes no difference how much love you had in the beginning. What proportion of love do you build until the tip, however?

Most ladies in the gift days do not love, but lust because they do not understand love and are not loving.

I believe you should never question whether you’re dotty or not because if you were, you would not be raising, and I also believe that the simplest way to love is to love those who have not hurt you.

And I’d like to like that means for now and until the end of my life. So I’d like to tell you a lot about my past and present before we go any further. Scammer message formats.

– Jenny.


15. Hi,

I’m not sure what you’re looking for in a relationship. However, I believe that being honest with one another is the most important factor.

However, I will offer your words that you simply adore me and want to build a new life with me because I used to and don’t want to compete once more.

I’m telling you all of this so you can decide whether you still want to hang out with me or not. To avoid wasting each other’s time, once you receive this email, please respond to let me know if you’re still interested or not.

I never grew up to understand my mother because she died shortly after my birth. Also, my father died on 9/11 in New York, and I am his only female offspring. My ex-boyfriend, David Gareth, used me a lot in Paris and treated me badly as a result.

He absconded with my father’s money, which was unbroken with me after the completion of a trip to the eastern united kingdom when my boyfriend absconded with the covert add people greenbacks, which caused the first breakup between me and my father before his death.

However, because he assumed we were going to close the deal, he was unaware that I was innocent in this matter. As a result, my father has been harsh and harsh on me in this matter.

After all, these happened to me and were caused by my ex-lover, I joined a qualitative analysis website (

Wherever I met a Ghanaian guy online here who secure heaven and earth that he needs to marry me and create me happy in life; “I ne’er knew I used to be going from Fry-pan to Fire”.

The African man informed me of a specific investment opportunity in Africa, and he convinced me to return a lot of money once I returned.

When he arrived, his only intention was to take the money from me and use me. I’m currently attempting to heal. Scammer message formats.

– Jenny 

16. Dear,

It’s a real pleasure to read from you. But, what are you doing? I really want to get out of here and go back to the state.

I really need your assistance and trust to get ME out of this mess. Please accept my words as your own, as I promise not to disappoint you. I will be grateful for your assistance with this.

When I arrive, we’ll get things in order so that we can start a new life. I’d like to think that you won’t let me down.

As I’ve already mentioned, I came from the United States. I came in with a total of $10.5 million USD, including money from my father’s business and contract remuneration.

While I was returning here, the African guy told me to come back with enough cash for investment and that I should even attend the extent of mercantilism in my inherited house simply because I wanted to leave the State.

Now, I’m in need of your services; I’ve got enough money to support myself once I get to the state; I’d like to return to your house and we’ll start a new life together; I don’t want to measure here any longer.

As you are aware, I am a foreigner in this country, and it is extremely dangerous for me to be out here. That is why I am hoping for your assistance.

How would I like you to help me? I had to act quickly for my own safety because I was terrified of being set up by this African guy. I placed this cash in a box and received it quickly with a security code unique to ME only.

In addition, I deposited the box with a number of my movement luggage with a Security and underwriter WHO provide non-public diplomatic delivery service.

And I informed them that the two boxes are my movement luggage, that I would like to send forth to the State.

As a result, I’m returning home, and I paid them their custody and security fees, but I didn’t tell them the boxes contained cash in order to keep everything secure and safe.

Furthermore, I wish for your trust and will be grateful for it. I hope to listen to you and fulfill your request.

Please contact ME as soon as possible so that I can provide you with the deposit details and contact information for the safety company to rearrange the cargo as soon as possible.

With great care, Scammer message formats.


17. Hey,

So all you’ll have to do on my behalf to get the boxes is write down to the security/company as the recipient of my movement luggage, tell them you’re my bride-to-be, and you’d like my movement luggage sent to you in the United States.

As a result, I informed them that it was my transport luggage and that I had secured the boxes with security four codes, which prevented them from being opened by a licensed person.

So I deposited the boxes with the safety company as private cargo (no checks) and they will be delivered to your doorstep; you do not have to die to receive them.

As a result, below is my deposit information as well as the contact information for the security company. You can write to them and tell them you want the boxes delivered to you as soon as possible and ask them how much the clearance fee will be.

I already paid the Deposit Fee, Security Fee, and Cargo Fee; only the clearance fee remains to be paid. Please remember not to inform the corporate that the boxes contain cash; instead, simply say movement baggage of (Miss Jessica Baxter)

N.B.: If you do not include this Depositing information in your email, your email will not be acknowledged. Scammer message formats.


Deposit Information:

GSC-POL-0669-PRVT3450 is the deposit ref#.

Code for clearance: PRVT-3450-69GSC

3450/PPPOL/234NG is the deposit certificate number.

Miss Jessica Baxter is the depositor.

Contact Information:

Jude Peters (Custodian Manager) can be reached at [email protected].

Direct Phone Number for Custodian Managers: +2348063474560

So you’ll be able to write to them and have them returned to ME as soon as possible. Please, Baby, assist them in paying the clearance fee, and as soon as the boxes arrive, I’ll allow you to understand the code and you’ll be able to get your money from the boxes so that I can communicate and meet with you.

I’ll be waiting for your message as soon as you call the safety company.



This has been the method used over time, and as more of it is discovered, they devise another new approach.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever had a similar experience? I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this same opportunity to share this information with others by using our comment section.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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