Top 50 Data Structures Interview Questions and Answers

– Data Structures Interview Questions –

Data Structures interview can be very technical, and there are many topics to cover. During an interview of such, any question can be asked and, of course, the way you reply to these questions determines how you are rated by the interviewer.

Most of these data structures interview questions are repeated during the interview and we had compiled and answered these questions just to aid you to scale through an interview.

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Data Structures Interview Questions and Answers

Below are the top 50 data structures interview questions & answers. While noting them do well to also take note of the reoccurring words or phrases being used.

1. What’s the Data Structure?

Data structure refers to the manner in which data is arranged and worked on which basically involves looking for ways to make data more interrelated and accessible.


2. Differentiate between file structure and storage structure

File structure is an auxiliary structure while they can find storage structure on the computer system’s primary memory.

3. What’s the best time to apply Binary Search?

When elements to be searched are already arranged is when search is best applied. It would basically split in two beginning from the middle mark and searching either way.

4. Explain What a Linked List Is

A linked list is a chain of nodes connected in successive order to form a data storage.

5. In A One-Dimension Array how Can All Elements Be Referenced?

An indexed loop is used to reference all the elements in a one-dimension array in such an arrangement in which the counter runs from zero to the array size minus one which would help to reference the elements in sequence by ordering the loop counter because of the array subscript.

6. Data structures areas

Once data is involved in any area, data structures are useful.

Algorithms that involve economical organization is applied within the following areas: numerical analysis, OS, A.I., compiler style, management, graphics, and applied math analysis and so much more?

7. What’s LIFO?

LIFO is the acronym for “Last In Initial Out”, which has to do with the storage, retrieval and accessibility of data. What this means is, the data you stored last would be the first to be retrieved and vice versa.

8. What’s a queue?

A queue is a data structure that imitates a list which basically entails the addition of elements while the old elements are removed from one end.

9. What are binary trees?

A binary tree has 2 nodes, a left node, and a right node. In , binary trees are continuations of coupled list structures.

10. To manage an algorithmic function, what data structures are used?

Recursion is a data structure used to manage an algorithmic function as they use it the stack based on an ending condition.

11. What’s a stack?

A data structure in which only the top element can be retrieved is called a stack.

12. Make a case for Binary Search Tree

A binary search tree is one of the best ways of storing and accessing data easily.  It contains a right and a left sub-tree.

13. What are Multi-dimensional Arrays about?

When storing data such as data representation which can’t be contained in a single dimensional array and need to be put in a multiple columns, multi-dimensional arrays are needed.

14. Would you consider data structures which are linked lists linear or non-linear?

It depends on wherever you propose to use coupled lists. If you primarily based it on storage, they took a coupled list into account non-linear. On the opposite hand, if you primarily based it on access methods, then a coupled list is taken into account linear.

15. Explain the ways in which they can use dynamic memory allocation in managing data?

Apart from having the ability to store data structures which aren’t complex, dynamic memory allocation will mix singly allotted structured blocks to create composite structures that expand and contract as required.

16. What’s FIFO?

FIFO stands for First-in, First-out, and is employed to represent the ways data can be retrieve when in a queue.

17. What’s an ordered list?

An ordered list could be a list during which the worth of its key part decided every node’s position within the list, so the key values are arranged in order of increasing sequence, because it traversed the list.

18. What’s merge sort?

In a merge sort, data which are adjacent to each other are linked or joined to form sorted lists which are larger.

19. Differentiate NULL and VOID

Null indicates the worth or value of a thing while;

Void is a type of data identifier.


20. What’s the basic advantage of a linked list?

The basic advantage of a linked list is that it can be easily edited and changed as required.

21. What’s the major distinction between a PUSH and a POP?

Push refers to the way data is added to a stack while;

Pop refers to the way data is being accessed or retrieved in a stack.

22. What’s a linear Search?

A linear search refers to the manner in which a target secret is being searched in a very ordered organization.

During this technique, every part within the list is checked and compared against the target key. the method is recurrent till found or if they have reached the tip of the file.

23. Variable Declaration Influences Memory Allocation in What Way?

The amount of memory to be allotted or reserved would rely basically on the type of data in the variable being declared.

24. What’s the advantage of the heap over a stack?

In a heap, it can be alternately assigned and re-assigned as needed which makes it more flexible that the stack.

25. What’s a postfix expression?

An expression in which each operator follows its operand is called a “postfix expression”.

26. What’s Data abstraction?

A Data abstraction is a powerful tool which is used for dissecting and breaking data problems into smaller forms which can be easier worked on.

27. Explain how you can add new items in a binary search tree?

Check if the search tree is empty and if so, just add the new item in the root note. If
the binary search tree isn’t empty, insert it in the left sub-tree or right sub-tree of the root.

28. A selection sort works for an array in what ways?

A selection sort is a process in which repeatedly the smallest element left in a sub-array is located to the first subscript through node 1 and replaces with the element which is at the first subscript.

29. In what Ways Do Signed and Unsigned Numbers Influence Memory?

With signed numbers, they employ the primary bit to point out whether or not positive or negative, which leaves you with one bit short.

With unsigned numbers, you’ve got all bits offered for that range. The impact is best seen within the range vary (an unsigned 8-Bit range encompasses a vary 0-255, whereas the 8-Bit signed range encompasses a vary -128 to +127).

30. What’s the least number of nodes that a binary tree will have?

A binary tree will have a minimum of zero nodes, which happens once the nodes have NULL values. Also, a binary tree also can have one or a pair of nodes.

31. Dynamic data structures are what?

Any data structure which increases or decreases as a program is running and provide an easy way of changing data is a dynamic data structure.

32. Pointers are Employed in What Data Structures?

Pointers are employed in data structures such as Stack, Queue, Binary Tree and Linked List.

33. Do All Declaration Statements End in A Fixed Reservation in Memory?

Except pointers, all other declarations end in a fixed reservation in memory.

34. Arrays are what?

Any variable which has a number of indexed elements is called an Array.

35. What’s the Minimum Range of Queues Required to Implement a Priority Queue?

The minimum range of queues required to implement a priority queue is two.

36. What Sorting Algorithmic Is Taken Into Account as The Fastest?

Of all the sorting algorithms none can be said to be the fastest as everyone one of them is structured to tackle a particular type of problem.

37. Differentiate STACK from ARRAY

Stack follows a LIFO pattern. It implies that data retrieval follows a sequence whereby the last information to be keep once the primary one to be extracted while; 

Arrays do not follow a specific order and instead are often retrieved by indicating the indexed part at intervals the array.


38. Provide a Basic Formula Used to Search in A Binary Search Tree

  • If the tree is empty, then the target isn’t within the tree, end search
  • If the tree isn’t empty, the target is within the tree
  • Check if the target is within the root item
  • If a target isn’t within the root item, check if a target is smaller than the root’s price
  • If a target is smaller than the root’s price, search the left sub-tree
  • Else, search the proper sub-tree

39. What’s a dequeue?

is a queue which has double ends and in which elements can be added and removed from any of the ends.

40. What’s a Bubble Sort and in what way does it get performed or done?

A bubble sort is a sorting technique that may be applied to data structures one of which could be an array. It is done by comparing adjacent parts and exchanging their values if they’re out of order.

41. What are the Elements of a Linked List?

A linked list usually has 2 parts or elements: the head and also the tail.  The node is in between the head and the tail.

42. Selection Sort works in what ways?

Selection kind works by selecting the littlest range from the list and putting it at the front. This method is recurrent for the second position towards the tip of the list. 43)

43. What’s a Graph?

A graph is one style of organization that contains a collection of ordered pairs. These ordered pairs can be called edges or arcs and are accustomed to connecting nodes wherever data is saved and retrieved.

44. Differentiate linear from a nonlinear organization

In Linear data structure, data elements are situated adjacent to one another. While; In a Non-Linear data structure, data elements are linked to two or more elements that are adjacent to each other.

45. What’s an AVL tree?

An AVL tree a binary search tree that is always part and was the first to be designed as such.

46. What are doubly linked lists?

Doubly linked lists are linked lists in which traversal across data elements can be done in both direction one direction at a time.

47. What’s Huffman’s algorithm?

Huffman’s algorithm is employed for making extended binary trees that have minimum weighted path lengths from the given weights

48. What’s Fibonacci search?

Fibonacci search is a search algorithm which uses the divide and conquer method to reduce search time in a sorted array.

49. In summary, explain what a recursive algorithm is about

Recursive algorithm  solves a problem by dividing it into smaller, manageable sub-problems. The output of one formula when processing one sub-problem becomes the input to solve the next sub-problem.

50. Target key is searched for in a linked list in what way?

In a linked list, to search for a target key, a sequential search method has to be applied. “Data Structures Interview Questions”

is continued until a target key or last note is found or reached by traversing and comparing a target key.

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