Top 50 Exam Wishes to Best Friend and Love Ones

Top 50 Exam Wishes to Best Friend and Love Ones.

Exam Wishes to Best Friend: Examinations are part of life and come to test our capabilities and appreciation of subjects learned. When someone is facing an exam, your Exam Success Wishes & Good luck Messages go a long way in encouraging them and boosting their confidence.

Whether it is your friend, colleague, or a member of your family you want to wish success in exams. They also include prayer before and prayer for success which I am here as always to transform your thoughts into words.

Below is the best collection of 50 exam wishes to best friend and loved ones. Let the people in your life know you truly care!

  1. May every one of your efforts, the midnight oil burnt, the tutorials you tirelessly partook in, etc. may they not go to waste. May they be rewarded with outstanding success.

  2. I know you will make me proud. You have never failed to. All the very best in your exams.

  3. May this exam take you to your anticipated next level. I know one day soon; you will get to the very top.

  4. I wish you landslide victory in this exam. May you be far better than your contemporaries. Amen.

  5. This exam shall broadcast you on the pages of success. Your name shall be written in gold. I wish you the very best.

  6. Good luck, favor, and success shall accompany you throughout this exam, from the very beginning to the end. Amen.

  7. Do not dare to look to the left or the right. Keep on fixated; success is yours in this exam.

  8. Sending you the very best wishes as you face your approaching exams. Get prepared to celebrate.

  9. Give your exam all the concentration it demands. Put aside every distraction and focus. I wish you success.


  1. This exam is no big deal. Its aim is not different from others before it. It is only to test what you already know, so relax. I wish you the very best.

  2. The very worst that could happen in this exam are you’ll pass. Your failure is never going to happen. All the best dear.

  3. Don’t ever underestimate the capability of your mind. I’m sure it has assimilated everything you need for this exam. I wish you the very best.

  4. In this exam, your memory will so recollect all you have read. You will never want the right answers. Your success is certain.

  5. This is the period to put your knowledge to test. Do your best. Don’t give any room for mediocrity. My very best wishes for your exams.

  6. I am sending you hugs and plenty of love to assure you that this exam will end with the desired result. Good luck and best wishes.

  7. Away with panic. Away with tension. Let calmness take over. I know you are well prepared. Now go prove it. I wish you success in your exams.

  8. I love your smile of confidence. I love your courageous bearing. I’m assured this exam is in trouble. I’m assured of your success. Good luck and all the best.

  9. Go in there and show them the awesome stuff you’re made of. I don’t have any doubt in my mind you will make it. All the best.

  10. Go punch the hell out of this exam. Beat it black and blue. When you’re done, give it a decent burial and come back bearing your laurels.

  11. No matter how difficult this exam turns out to be, I know you can handle it. You’ve handled tougher. This for you will be a piece of cake. Good luck with your exam.

  12. Do not stress out about stuff. I’ll be right here for you throughout your exam period. Just tell me what you need and it’ll be in your hands. All the best dear.

  13. Friends are there to stand by you through the rough and smooth rides. I pledge my support for you throughout this period. All the best in your exams.

  14. You have worked so hard and I know the result shall be nothing short of victory. Success shall be your dear.

  15. Let your brilliance reflect on all the pages of your answer sheet. Wow, your examiners. For sure I know you can do it. All the best.

  16. I can’t wait to celebrate with you already. This exam is the stumbling block. Go get it out of the way. You have my best wishes.

  17. Follow instructions, set your priorities right, time is of the essence, kick the hell out of the exam. All the very best.

  18. After this exam, your face shall be filled with smiles because you would have demonstrated your brilliance as you always do. I am rooting for you, dear. I’m praying also. All the very best.

  19. From the commencement of this exam to the very last paper, the Lord will hold your hand and bless you with uncommon insight.

  20. As you take up in your exam, I am self-assured of nothing short of victory for you. May landslide victory be yours. Good luck.

  21. May unusual understanding and understanding be yours as you prepare for this exam. I wish you the very best.

  22. Don’t fret, don’t shake, it is only an exam. Give it your best shot and come out in flying colors. All the very best dear.

  23. May your efforts be adorned with all the colors of the rainbow. May this exam be an occasion for you to
    shine. Goodluck.

  24. Of course, I know how intelligent you are, I am confident your exam scripts will leave your examiners in awe. Go slay! All the best.

  25. You know more than your teachers because the testimony of the Lord is your thought. Approach the exam with confidence. You will succeed.

  26. May your preparations be sufficient to make you shine in this exam. Here’s wishing you the very best in this examination.

  27. You can surely do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Be assured, success is yours in this exam. Goodluck.

  28. Rendering to the word of God, you shall be the head and not the tail. You shall be above always and not beneath. The power of the Almighty will see you through your exam.

  29. When others say there is a casting down, in your life there will be a lifting up. The Lord Himself will help you and you will come out in flying colors of success.

  30. Do not allow fear, do not entertain doubts. Success is your portion in this exam in Jesus’ name Amen!

  31. You have more understanding than your teachers, for the testimony of the Lord are your thoughts. The Spirit of distinction will rest upon you as you write this exam and you will do exceedingly well.

  32. You deserve nothing less than the best for I know how hard you have labored for this exam. May your efforts be crowned with the very best of victory in this exam.

  33. I am not in doubt of your abilities as I already know you put in your best efforts in all you do. That is why I’m confident of excellent results for you after this exam. All the best.

  34. It is natural to be anxious in the face of an exam but then relaxes, take a deep breath and conquer. I know you are prepared.

  35. All you need is self-assurance, focus, and determination to succeed in this exam. I wish you all three. Good luck.

  36. Don’t entertain any thought of disappointment. Don’t let fear hold you back. Good achievement is yours. Amen.

  37. You have worked pretty hard for this exam. You deserve to be rewarded with good achievement. Success shall be yours in Jesus’ name.

  38. No misperception will cloud your mind. A very sound mind will be yours as you study for this exam. You will surely make it.

  39. I could wish you luck but I know you have left nothing to chance in your preparation for this exam. I am therefore confident that the very best is yours.

  40. You have never let me down. Your brilliance is a virtue I’ve always been proud of. I know you will do just fine in this exam. All the best in your exams.

  41. I can’t wait for this exam to be finished. I know it will finish in praise and celebration. I wish you the very best.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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