Top 50 Scholarship Quotes that Effect Student 2021 Update

Top 50 Scholarship Quotes that Effect Student 2021 Update.

50 Scholarship Quotes: Wishing to inquire about top 50 scholarship quotes that effect student. I will provide you with the best update from our research on top 50 scholarship quotes that effect student and list of scholarship quotes that effect student.

In that case, it would be easier for you to compare and contrast between scholarships quotes that effect student without facing much difficulties.

Below are the list of the top 50 scholarship that effect students;

1. Cheating in school is a form of self-deception. We go to school to learn. We cheat ourselves when we coast on the efforts and scholarship of someone else.

#James E. Faust

2. Originality is the essence of true scholarship. Creativity is the soul of the true scholar.

#Nnamdi Azikiwe

3. Looking ahead, I believe that the underlying importance of higher education, of science, of technology, of research and scholarship to our quality of life, to the strength of our economy, to our security in many dimensions will continue to be the most important message.

#Charles Vest

4. Today and always, there will be an obligation to pass on to the new generation the tradition of liberal scholarship – scientific or in the humanities – and to bring the understanding of things and human actions to everyone.

#Frank Macfarlane Burnet

5. I’m not one that believes that affirmative action should be based on one’s skin color or one’s gender, I think it should be done based on one’s need, because I think if you are from a poor white community, I think that poor white kid needs a scholarship just as badly as a poor black kid.

#J. C. Watts

6. True scholarship consists in knowing not what things exist, but what they mean; it is not memory but judgment.

#James Russell Lowell

8. The Christian fact is very straightforward: To be a student is a calling. Your parents are setting up accounts to pay the bills, or you are scraping together your own resources and taking out loans, or a scholarship is making college possible.

#Stanley Hauerwas

9. I’m proud to be part of the Dr. Pepper Scholarship Giveaway. It’s a great program that gives me the chance to brighten the day for some lucky college students with free tuition.

#Lou Holtz

10. The lessons I learned from my mother and her friends have guided me through death, birth, loss, love, failure, and achievement, on to a Fulbright scholarship and Harvard Business School. They taught me to believe that anything was possible. They have proven to be the strongest family values I could ever have imagined.

#Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

11. Barack himself is very much a regular guy, not a silver spoon, incredibly smart, but, you know, he’s a scholarship kid, made good use of the resources that were available to him, worked incredibly hard.

#Maya Soetoro-Ng

12. I was excited when King’s College announced a scholarship for students who are in developing countries.

#Malala Yousafzai

13. My own introduction to music came quite early. My father didn’t have much of an education, but he was keen for me to get some qualifications, and I ended up winning a choral scholarship to a cathedral school.

#Roger Taylor

14. I’m not only a lawyer, I have a post doctorate degree in federal tax law from William and Mary. I work in serious scholarship and work in the United States federal tax court. My husband and I raised five kids. We’ve raised 23 foster children. We’ve applied ourselves to education reform. We started a charter school for at-risk kids.

#Michele Bachmann

15. In Congress, there are some who are unashamed to aspire to eloquence, even to scholarship, but the only state legislator I ever knew who would not join in the mispronounceciation of a word for the sake of camaraderie with her fellows was former State Senator and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

#Molly Ivins

16. Virtually the only subject in which one could ever get a scholarship to Oxford or Cambridge was classics. So I went to Oxford to study classics and, unlike Cambridge, it had a philosophy component, and I became completely transported by it.

#Bernard Williams

17. If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, if we choose to keep a tax break for corporate jet owners, if we choose to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are making hundreds of billions of dollars, then that means we’ve got to cut some kids off from getting a college scholarship.

#Barack Obama

18. I wanted to go to medical school. But, I never got a college scholarship.

#Edwin Moses

19. Men have a respect for scholarship and learning greatly out of proportion to the use they commonly serve.

#Henry David Thoreau

20. I turned down a scholarship to Yale. The problem with college is that there’s a tendency to mistake preparation for productivity. You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you’ll never be successful.

#Shia LaBeouf

21. My dad grew up in a mud hut and studied by candlelight. He was 14 when he got a scholarship to Russia. He was super clever – the cleverest person. He landed in 5ft of snow, and was alone at 14, studying science and engineering. He didn’t have a bed, and he slept on a table.


22. If I got a football scholarship, I was going to be a football player.

#Colin Kaepernick

23. When you’re on a football scholarship, you get a stipend that’s supposed to cover your rent and a few incidentals. It was $360 a month. This was the late 1980s, and the NCAA has an interesting rule where you’re not allowed to supplement your income with a part-time job.

#Jason Chaffetz

24. Scholarship except by accident is never the measure of a person’s power.

#Josiah Gilbert Holland

25. Your child probably won’t get into the Ivy League or win a sports scholarship. At age 24, he might be back in his childhood bedroom, in debt, after a mediocre college career. Raise him so that, if that happens, it will still have been worth it.

#Pamela Druckerman

26. The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship.

#Robert A. Heinlein

27. John Lewis Gaddis is not only the favorite historian of the Reagan administration, but he’s regarded as the dean of Cold War scholarship, the leading figure in the American Cold War scholarship, a professor at Yale.

#Noam Chomsky

28. Gerda Lerner was fierce, brilliant and unique. She lived history by her bravery, restored history by her scholarship, and democratized its study by her activism.

#Gloria Steinem

29. I hope that basketball gains momentum and kids understand that you can actually make a living from it. Not just the N.B.A. You can get a scholarship, a free degree – like, no student loan you have to pay off. That’s huge in life. Once they realize that in New Zealand, I hope they get inspired.

#Steven Adams

30. The moral abhorrence of private prisons has been brought to our attention by courageous acts of investigative journalism, illuminating scholarship, and the work of activists who have decried the social stratification brought about by our prison systems.

#Clint Smith

31. Hip hop scholarship must strive to reflect the form it interrogates, offering the same features as the best hip hop: seductive rhythms, throbbing beats, intelligent lyrics, soulful samples, and a sense of joy that is never exhausted in one sitting.

#Michael Eric Dyson

32. In 1958, my father graduated from secondary school as the highest-achieving student in the state of Kansas, earning a five-year scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He turned it down. For someone raised in a remote farming town, this would have been his opportunity to transform his life, a ticket to a bigger world.

#Vivienne Ming

33. My own ideals for the university are those of a genuine democracy and serious scholarship. These two, indeed, seem to go together.

#Woodrow Wilso

34. Apart from the intrinsic interest of the complex system of beliefs the Puritans carried with them, their lives give a clue to what it meant at the beginning to be American. And the level of scholarship dealing with them has reached a point where it can address the human condition itself.

#Edmund Morgan

35. I went to college on a classical piano scholarship. My grandmother made me practice one full hour a day. Every day. Man. I thought all she wanted was for me not to have any fun. Next thing you know, you have a career in music. Now, not everybody’s going to go on and be Mozart or Michael Jackson. But music makes you smarter.

#Jamie Foxx

36. The University of Southern California has a wonderful social work department, and I was thrilled to find out that they have a whole veterans’ initiative program there. They approached me, and I set up a scholarship that would go to a military-oriented person to learn techniques and skills to better help veterans.

#Gary Sinise

37. I’m an actor. Since I was a teenager, I have had to play different characters, negotiating the cultural expectations of a Pakistani family, Brit-Asian rudeboy culture, and a scholarship to private school. The fluidity of my own personal identity on any given day was further compounded by the changing labels assigned to Asians in general.

#Riz Ahmed

38. I went to USC. I wasn’t a rich kid or anything like that, so I had to get a scholarship. Went to USC; my first year, I took 26 units, so I got to have a nickname. Everyone goes, ‘There’s 26.’ So I had a nickname. Having a nickname is a good thing because then you start to get popular, and you keep that going.

#Brian Grazer

39. A girl didn’t get an athletic scholarship until the fall of 1972 for the very first time.

#Billie Jean King

40. I asked my parents for permission to study in America and they were so sure that I wouldn’t get in and get a scholarship that they encouraged me to try. So I applied to Yale and got an excellent scholarship. I then worked for the Boston Consulting Group for six and half years.

# Indra Nooyi.

41. When I was in college, I lost my scholarship one year. I had enough money for tuition, but not room and board. So I camped in the hills.

#Robert Hass

42. Scholarship has the same relationship to wisdom as righteousness has to holiness: it is cold and dry, it is loveless and knows no deep feelings of inadequacy or longing.

#Friedrich Nietzsche

43. “I think that anyone out there that puts the time and effort into it, he/she will find some kind of scholarship.

# Mary Davis.

44. There’s always someone out there training for your spot. For my scholarship at the University of Florida, for my job with the Denver Broncos, for my position with the New York Jets. And that’s the reason to get up earlier or stay up later.

#Tim Tebow


All scholarship, like all science, is an ongoing, open-ended discussion in which all conclusions are tentative forever, the principal value and charm of the game being the discovery of the totally unexpected.

#Hugh Nibley


In the acquisition of sacred knowledge, scholarship and reason are not alternatives to revelation. They are means to revelation from God

#Dallin H. Oaks

47. I’m starting the Juicy J Scholarship Foundation. I’m going to start doing a lot of different things trying to help out and give back.

#Juicy J

48. Genuine Scholarship is one of the highest successes which our race can achieve.

# E.M. Forster.

49. A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.

#Theodore Roosevelt

50. I’m saving money like there’s no tomorrow because, when I was at Juilliard, I had so little. They gave me a full scholarship because I didn’t come from a wealthy family or anything.

#Alex Sharp

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