Total Quality Management in the Banking Industry

Total Quality Management in the Banking Industry.

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The topic of this project is “Total Quality Management in the Banking Industry. (A case study of Zenith Bank of Nigeria Plc). The major objective of the study is to ascertain the level of awareness and adoption of TQM practices among staff of Zenith Bank in Enugu metropolis and also determine the major limitations of the TQM practice in the bank.

Instrument for data collections are questionnaires and research questions, which formed the course of primary data, while materials from various published articles, textbooks, journals and newspapers formed the secondary data. The method of analysis is the use of tables, percentages and chi square.

The major finding of the research is that all staff of Zenith Bank are aware of the TQM elements and are fully involved in the practice of TQM in their day to day business. The study recommends that since the practice of TQM improves customer service and care, there is need for constant training of all staff on TQM practices on a continuous basis.

Employees and subordinates should be given opportunity to participate in decision making using the element of TQM practice and culture.


 Today every organization has to study what customer demand is. Who is our customer? How do we delight our customers? What do customers wish to experience when dealing with us? What do customers frame in their mind about us? All these questions should be taken into consideration hence it is the customer who defines quality (Arora 2006:1).

Quality is fast becoming an essential aspect of banking, and in the coming years it would form a basic requirement for the survival of the industry. It is indeed worthy of note that quality needs to be natural through positive attitude and quality culture in an organisation.

At a time when the deregulation of financial services and consequent ready access to funds produced a new competitive environment, both the commercial and merchant banks in the country then were competing with finance and mortgage houses, insurance companies and stock brokers.

The new competition brought about successes for some and spectacular failure for others. In the new millennium, banking has gone even beyond expectation, and for the surviving banks, competition has just began. The financial service sector has not been immune from or ignored the era of quality revolution.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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