Organizations worldwide have been exploring ways to improve business practice to gain competitive edge. In today’s global competition and economic liberalization, quality has become one of the important factors for achieving competitive advantage. A good quality product or services enables an organization to add and retain customers. Poor quality leads to discontented customers, so the costs of poor quality are not just those of immediate cost or rectification but also the loss of future sales.

Technological innovations have diffused geographical boundaries resulting in more informed customers. The business environment has become increasingly complex and the marketplace has changed form local to global. Constant pressure is applied on the management to improve competitiveness by lowering operating cast and improving excellence in production through total quality management (TQM


Improving production excellence through total quality management (TQM) has played an important role in the development of contemporary management. Quality, considered a key strategic factor in achieving business success, is more than ever required for competing successfully in today’s global market place dean and Evans,(1994) however, the results of most of the work carried out on TQM show that the implementation of TQM is beneficial in routine work and can increase efficiency from both overall and individual perspective.

 Oluwale and Gbenga (2004) examined the impact of the use TQM in an organization, using survey questionnaire and chi-square test fund out that TQM will facilitate the change and transformation in an organization and enable them to move towards business excellence. Schroeder (1994) investigated how  Tankey university implements total quality management (TQM) in administrative affairs using parametric tests, found that the implementation of TQM is beneficial in routine work and organization efficiency.

Reiffers (2001) has highlighted the relationship between production excellence and total quality management on long term growth. The data suggest that production excellence is positively associated with quality more over an instrumental variables procedure indicates a strong connection that production excellence is positively associated with quality management.

Abu – Bader and Abu – Quam (2007) examined the casual relationship between quality management and production capability in Egypt during the period 1960 – 2007 with Granger – causes production growth either through increasing efficiency or through increasing resources for investment they suggested further deepening of quality management is an important instrument to simulate production and therefore long-term production growth.

Ochiwar (2010) analyzed the role of the strategies to improving production excellence in relieving industrial constraints thereby allowing for smoother production and less volatile growth. They suggested that an increased in commitment of top management will improve TQM.

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