Trace Metal Levels in Fruits of Anarcadium Occidentalis From Waste-Impacted Soil

 – Trace Metal Levels in Fruits of Anarcadium Occidentalis From Waste-Impacted Soil – 

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Fruits of Anarcadium occidentalis were also collected from a location outside the waste dumpsite and used as Control.

These samples and Control were analyzed for their lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) content.

Results obtained indicated the following ranges for the metals in samples studied: 0.052 – 0.090mg/kg Pb, 0.020 – 0.033mg/kg Cd, 0.021 – 0.028mg/kg, 7.512 – 16.231mg/kg Fe, 0.041 – 0.083mg/kg Zn, and 0.024- 0.051mg/kg.

Results obtained revealed that the levels of these metals in samples studied were much higher than in the Control. This study also showed that, the levels of these metals in samples studied were directly proportional to the distance of the sample from the waste dumpsite.

The results obtained also indicated that, mean values of Pb, Ni, and Fe were above their recommended limits for fruits by WHO.

Consequently, the consumption of Anarcadium occidentalis obtained from Uyo village Road over time may result in health problems associated with toxicity of these metals in the consumers.


Title page.            I

Certification.   .          II

Dedication.     .       III

Acknowledgments.     .        IV

Abstract.         .     V

Table of Contents.      .       VI


1.0     Introduction     .         1

1.1       Effect of Trace Metal         1


2.0       Literature Review       .           3

2.1       Review of Related Studies     .        3

2.2       Pollution by Trace Metals  .           8

2.3       Trace Metals in Plants .     9

2.4       Effects of Trace Metals on Living Organisms         10

2.4.1    Beneficial Effects         10

2.4.2    Adverse Effects      10

2.5       Health Implications of Open Waste Disposal .      10

2.5.1    Heavy Metals. .    10

2.5.2    Human Exposure to Heavy Metals through Food, Air, and Water    .      12

2.7.3    Bio-importance of Heavy Metals Some heavy             12

2.5.4    Heavy Metals Poisoning and Biotoxicity The biotoxic.       12

2.5.5    Heavy Metals in Nigerian Dumpsite Soils      .          15

2.5.6    Heavy Metals in Dumpsite Particulate Dust Man.      16

2.5.7    Heavy Metals in Dumpsite – leachates and Health Implications.         18

2.5.8    Chemistry of Heavy Metals Pollution           18


3.0       Sampling and Collection         .   22

3.1       Sample Preparation     .             22

3.2       Digestion Of Soil Samples      .       22


4.0       Results and Discussion         .           23


5.0       Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations           26

5.1       Summary         .     26

5.2       Conclusion      .      26

5.3       Recommendations      .       26


Account and adequate data of food composition are invaluable for assessing the adequacy of nutrient essential to assess risk of exposure to toxic consumption of trace metals.

As developing countries of West Africa becomes industrialized and urbanized, trace metal pollution is likely to reach disturbing levels.

It has been pointed out African’s contribution to global lead pollution has increased from frest 5% in 1980s to 20% in 1996 (Nriagu, 1989, WHO, 1996).

The critical issues however are that preparation are not made towards the protection of the environmental. Anarcadium occidentalis is a tropical evergreen tree that produces the Cashew seed and the Cashew fruit.

The Cashew fruit is a light reddish to yellow fruit, whose pulp corn be processed into be sweet astringent fruit drink or distilled into liquor.

Despite their institutional benefits, the quality of the fruit may be affected as a result of contamination through various anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossil fuels, discharge of industrial waste, agricultural and domestic waste petroleum mining and prospecting.

These activities have cultivated immensely to the release of trace metals into the environment  (Buffus, 1980; Osibanjo, 2004).

Continuous mentoring of the levels of their contaminant is very important because of less health implications. Some of these metals have been reported to be extremely  dangerous to human health.

Lead is a metabolic poison and a neurotoxin that binds to essential enzymes and several other cellular components’ and in activates them (Cunningham and Saigo, 1997).


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