Trades Skills for Women in 2022 See Full Updated List With Details

– Trades Skills for Women –

You only need to look at the educational qualifications of a thousand service workers to know that a university degree does not guarantee you a high-paying job. However, just having a high school diploma isn’t enough either.

Women play a major role in the global economy. They invest more in their families than men do, in areas such as education, health and nutrition, creating a secure foundation for the future of their families and communities.

So empowering women economically, especially through their involvement in trade, creates job opportunities for everyone. Trade is a basic economic concept involving the buying and selling of goods and services, with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller, or the exchange of goods or services between parties.

Trade can take place within an economy between producers and consumers. International trade allows countries to expand markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have been available.

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More Information on Trades Skills for Women

It is the reason an American consumer can pick between a Japanese, German, or American car. Because of international trade, the market contains greater competition and therefore, more competitive prices, which bring a cheaper product home to the consumer.

So what should you do if you want a good job but don’t want to end up using your hard-earned (and expensive) degree to ask diners how they would like their steak? The answer lies in trade schools.

There are plenty of great courses that you can do or you can opt for an apprenticeship to gain practical experience. And while many trades jobs are still dominated by men, women aren’t relegated to background anymore.

Trade Jobs for Women

Here are some great jobs for women in trades: The Leading Occupations of Employed Women are;

Secretaries and administrative assistants.

Registered nurses.

Elementary and middle school teachers.

• Cashiers.

Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides.

• Retail salespersons.

First-line supervisors/managers of retail sales workers.

• Waiters and Waitresses.

What Trades Pay the Most?

Some of the known trades with a sordid income base include:

Web Developer.

• Dental Hygienist

Licensed Practical Nurse.

Different trades for both males and females in 2021 include;

• Woodwork (Carpentering)

Carpet installing

• Electricity installing (electrician)

Heavy equipment operating

• Insulation installing


• Painting


What are the Top Trade Jobs?

The top-paying trade jobs on the market, from the lowest to the highest salary, include:

• Licensed practical nurse. National average salary: $25.18 per hour.

HVAC technician. National average salary: $23.25 per hour.

• Home inspector.

Landscape designer.

• Respiratory therapist.

Is Trade Career Suitable for Women?

Strong women in the United States of America support their households, but gender inequality still prevails in the workplace. According to the US Bureau of Labour, women make only 80.2% of what men earn in the United States.

What is the implication of this on women’s jobs and income? A woman has to work four months more per year on average to make the same income as a man doing the same work.

Although this inequality is present in almost all sectors, in the retail trade, the pay gap is considerably lower. Women make up about 94 percent of what their male counterparts take home.

As cultures and attitudes change and a growing number of companies look for gender diversity, women pursuing unconventional careers can secure positions and achieve success a little faster.

More Information

A large part of the university-trained labour pole of the country comprises women. They have a wealth of talent to put on the table, and having gender diversity in senior management brings many benefits to organizations.

Companies with women in senior management do better than companies that have no or only one or two female board members or directors.

But in 2018, women had only 25% of the executive seats in Fortune 500 companies. In 2019, only 6.6% of Fortune 500 companies’ CEOs were women.

Lucrative Trades Skills for Women and Trade Careers

Since the Second World War, when women took over the jobs men left, women have had their rightful place in the workforce as valuable employees.

Although there are preconceived ideas that the skilled industry is for sound men, it is simply not the truth. Employers are looked for highly skilled workers who know what they are doing and women are just as capable as men to fill the positions.

The urgent need for a skilled workforce has created ample opportunities for women to enter and advance in these areas.”Trades Skills for Women”

Increasing the total number of women employed in the trade will also help to close the looming gap in the workforce that will be created with record levels of upcoming retirements of skilled professionals.

Jobs in the trade also offer women the chance of meaningful work with high wages. A woman can earn 20 to 30% more in a competent trade career. Here we highlight some lists of trades for females, which present great career prospects for women.

1. Construction Technology

The contemporary construction sector is an exciting and developing sector. It takes the lead in our list of trades for females to get involved in.

A shift towards greener building practices and the use of materials means that those who enter construction workers benefit from training in current techniques. It has brilliant prospects and jobs for women who wish to be involved in this trade.

2. Construction Management

For Women who want to climb the ladder in the world of building technology, Construction Management prepares them for entry-level in the construction sector, while they’re also trained in building management and building inspection.

3. Electrical Technician

If you are interested in becoming an apprentice electrician, the Electrical Technician career offers women the training to practice in the field and this is one of the best Trades Skills for Women

It is a competitive process to become an electrical engineer, but with a combination of hands-on and in-class training, you can learn the essential skills that employers want.  It is one of the popular jobs on the List of Trades Skills for Women, especially in the United States.

4. Architect or Civil Drafter

This is another thriving field in the list for female Trade. Women could take advantage of their technical and creative talents to create maps and drawings that guide major construction projects, such as the construction of roads, bridges, and buildings. And You could expect to live well in this field in which the average annual salary is $56,700.

5. Electrical Engineer

Start a career in a position that could make you work in electronics of all sizes. They could involve you in anything from design and development to testing and repairs. Electrical engineering is also one of the high-paying jobs for women; The average annual salary is $101,600.


6. Industrial Designing is a major Trades Skills for Women

Women in trade can well use their artistic, commercial, and technical skills as industrial designers. You could develop designs for almost any type of manufactured product, from toys to furniture automobiles.

And with an average annual salary of $71,430, you can expect good compensation for your work.

7. Mechanical Engineering is also a Trades Skill for Women

Prepare for an engineering career that focuses on energy production equipment. Mechanical engineers earn an average of $92,800 a year for their contributions to the design and development of machines such as engines, generators, and turbines.

8. Solar Energy Technician

The trade involves converting the sun’s rays into electricity by learning how to install, repair and maintain solar energy systems.

Although the average annual salary is $46,010, it is expected that the potential for gains in the field will grow as the demand for solar energy increases and it is a good venture for women.

9. Wind Energy Technician

In the trade, women and females will learn how to work with the equipment that captures the wind and converts it into energy.

And you could expect good pay on your part to help create clean, renewable energy; The average annual salary for wind power technicians is $58,000.

10. Graphic Designing is Among The Trades Skills for Women

Women help companies share their messages through print and electronic media. As a graphic designer, you can produce designs for advertisements, brochures, web pages and other forms of media.

And you will probably enjoy a good salary if you consider that the annual average in the field is $54,680.

11. Multimedia Artist is one Amazing Trades Skill for Women

Involves creating art, animation and special effects for movies, TV, video games and other types of electronic media. You can capitalize on your technical and artistic talents in an occupation that is among some of the highest paid jobs for women; The average salary is $78,230 per year.

12. Video Game Designer

Make a statement in the gaming industry by gaining experience in the game development cycle and fine-tuning your skills in graphics creation, coding, and level of development.

And prepare to be rewarded for your knowledge and passion in one of the highest-paying jobs for women; The average annual salary for game designers is $90,270.

13. Computer Programming is a Good Trades Skill for Women

You gain knowledge of computer languages ​​so you can develop computer programs. Your position would probably involve writing code, testing programs, and fixing errors and faults so that an organization’s software programs run smoothly. And with an average salary of $89,580 per year, you can expect to be paid well for your hard work.

14. Database Administrator

Protect critical and confidential data in an organization as a database administrator. Besides ensuring the integrity of the data, it also ensures that the data is organized and accessible to those people who are authorized to access it.

Learning how to install, configure, update, protect, back up and recover data can take you to a position where the annual salary is $92,030 on average.

15. Applications Software Developer

Head for a career path with 31 percent job growth and an average annual salary of $108,080, making it one of the best-paid jobs for women captured in our List of Trades Skills for Women. Software developers can play several essential roles.

But those who develop mobile apps for Android, iOS, and other types of portable devices often enjoy very satisfying careers. CNN Money even called the mobile app developer the best job in America.

Web Developer Train for a profession that expects a 15 percent growth in jobs. Work your way to success by acquiring the skills needed to write code, create scripts, develop user interfaces, and work with programming tools and languages ​​to ensure that websites are efficient and functional.

Website developers receive a good remuneration for their work; the average salary is $75,580 a year.


16. Work in Oil and Gas Sector

In accessing the List of Trades Skills for women, Women has also taken advantage of the many opportunities that the oil and gas sector offers by training to become a worker, engineer, repairman, technician or one of the countless other professionals who need to get oil and gas from the ground.

Depending on the type of activity you are pursuing, you can find average annual wages ranging from $40,220 for roustabouts to $156,370 for petroleum engineers.

17. Aircraft Mechanic

Embark on a career in which you maintain aircraft to ensure the safety of the passengers of the aircraft and those on the ground below.

This is surely one of the best trades Skills for Women. The average annual salary paid to aircraft mechanics is $65,230.

18. Elevator Installers and Repairers

Working on elevators involves fixing, installing, and maintaining elevators, moving staircases, boardwalks and chairlifts. Elevator installers and repairers find and fix the problems that cause elevators to malfunction.

They also test, install and maintain equipment. Their familiarity with basic math, understanding of blueprints and the rudiments of electrical and electronics safety helps them with these functions.

Elevator installers and repairers also keep service and maintenance records and ensure that elevators comply with building codes and safety regulations. Their median salary was $76,650 in 2012, according to the BLS.

19. Sheet Metal Workers

Sheet metal workers work on duct systems, outdoor signs, roofing, and building sidings. They layout, measure and mark sheet metal according to provided sketches and templates. They sometimes complete fabrication in shops or installations on construction sites.

Sheet metal workers use computer-controlled tools such as saws, shears, and presses to help them complete their jobs efficiently. They typically learn their skill through apprenticeship programs offered by businesses and unions.

This is another trade for women, and females in 2022, that apprenticeship can perfect.

20. Become a Makeup Artist

Many trade schools offer courses for makeup artists, but you can also learn the tricks of the trade at an accredited beauty school.

The career possibilities are endless, from setting up your own business to make brides look their best on their big day to working as a freelancer in Canada’s thriving movie industry.

According to Payscale, salaries for makeup artists in Canada range from $23,944 to $101,367 a year.

21. Dental Hygienist

One of the highest-paying in-demand jobs for women in Canada is a dental hygienist. The job entails cleaning teeth, checking the patient’s overall oral health, administering fluoride treatments and sealants to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities and examining the patient’s gums.

To become a dental hygienist in Canada, you can study for a bachelor’s degree but you can also do an advanced diploma instead. Neuvoo says that the annual salary for a dental hygienist in Canada ranges from $46,800 to $95,716.

22. Building Inspection is a Lucrative Trades Skill for Women

To have a career in building inspection, a degree in engineering and architecture is needed. You can take a building inspection course from a community college or through some online courses.

You must have a sharp eye for detail because you will examine various buildings and structures to make sure they are constructed in compliance with local and state regulations. Average annual salary: $53,450.

23. Automotive Service Technician

While automotive service technicians or mechanics are still overwhelmingly male, more and more women are showing their mettle in the industry.

As an automotive service technician, you’ll be working on repairing and maintaining the different systems in a vehicle.

Female customers may feel more comfortable with a woman who can explain to them exactly what is wrong with their car and how to fix the problem.

An associate degree in automotive service technicians will help you land the job, but it’s also one of the highest-paying careers that don’t need a degree.

Many trade schools offer certificate programs in automotive service technology. According to Neuvoo, the annual pay for an automotive service technician in Canada is between $27,300 and $83,067.

24. Plumbing is Another Trades Skill Women Can Have

Plumbers in Canada make good money installing and maintaining plumbing systems. To work in this skilled trade, you need to complete a four-year apprenticeship program.

It’s one of the designated jobs that can qualify for government grants for female trade apprenticeships, which aims to train more women in trades where they are underrepresented. Neuvoo says that the average salary for a plumber in Canada ranges from $36,021 to $102,375 a year.

25. Wind Turbine Service Technician

With renewable energy, all the rage these days, wind turbine service technicians have one of the best environmental jobs for people who love nature.

You work with the technology that captures wind energy and maintains and repair the wind turbines, doing your bit to ensure a cleaner environment for future generations.

The job can be physically demanding but women who love working in the outdoors and aren’t afraid of heights will find it a great career option.

To become a wind turbine service technician, you normally need to complete a two-year associate’s degree at a trade school. According to Payscale, wind turbine service technicians in Canada make between $41,728 and $81,824 a year.


26. Carpentry

For aspiring female carpenters, Canada is a great country to be. Carpentry is one field where the government of Canada offers grants for female apprenticeships. To become a carpenter, you need a combination of training at a trade school and on-the-job training.

Once you’re qualified, you can work in construction or manufacturing, or you can start your own carpentry business. According to Neuvoo, annual salaries for carpenters in Canada range from $31,200 to $78,000.

27. A woman can be an App Developer

All those handy apps on your phone were designed by app developers. While some employers require app developers to have a bachelor’s degree in something like computer science, you can also earn a diploma in app development at a trade school or even teach yourself with an online course.

 With an annual salary ranging from $39,000 to $152,100, according to Neuvoo, app developers have one of the highest-paying jobs for Generation Z.

28. Registered Nursing

One of the most popular jobs for women in trades and also one of the highest-paying in-demand jobs in Canada is that of a registered nurse.

A registered nurse is basically a doctor’s right hand, assessing a patient’s health and helping to develop the best treatment program, as well as working with patients and their families on post-treatment care.

To become a registered nurse in Canada, you can study for a bachelor’s or associate’s degree and then you need to register with the Canadian Nurses Association.

Payscale says that the annual total pay for a registered nurse in Canada ranges from $48,789 to $91,578.

29. Respiratory therapist

A respiratory therapist works with people who have respiratory ailments like asthma and emphysema, finding the best way for them to breathe more efficiently.

Many women’s natural ability to make people feel calm and comfortable makes them great respiratory therapists. To become a respiratory therapist, you can complete a four-year bachelor’s degree or a two-year associate’s degree.

It’s one of the best jobs for newcomers because along with your training, you only need to pass the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists’ certification exam to get your licence to practise. According to Neuvoo, salaries for respiratory therapists in Canada range from $31,010 to $98,748 a year.

30. HVAC Technician

An HVAC technician or heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technician — installs, maintains and repairs heating and cooling systems in homes and other buildings. Women living alone may feel more comfortable letting a female HVAC technician into their homes to work on these systems.

In Canada, there are several trades programs that offer training for HVAC technicians, from certificates to associate’s degrees. Payscale says that salaries for HVAC technicians in Canada range from $31,988 to $85,358 a year.

31. Welding is an Amazing Trades Skill for Women

Welding is increasingly becoming a popular trade for women to learn. It’s a versatile job where you can work for large mining, manufacturing or construction companies or where you can do something on a smaller and more artistic scale.

If you want one of the highest-paying jobs that don’t involve sitting at a desk, you can even become an underwater welder.

To become a welder, you can either do a certificate course at a trade school or complete an apprenticeship. According to Neuvoo, welders in Canada make between $30,225 and $67,958 a year.

32. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

If you love big machines and have an eye for the smallest details, an aircraft maintenance engineer might be just the job for you. It’s one of the airport jobs that pay well and you can be one of the pioneering women in the field.

To become an aircraft maintenance engineer or AME, you need to complete your training at a Transport Canada-approved vocational college. Then you need to do an apprenticeship and pass the licensing exam.

Neuvoo says that aircraft maintenance engineers in Canada earn between $28,253 and $80,000 a year.

33. Multimedia Design is a Trade Skills for Women

If you want a job in trades but prefer something creative that you can do at a desk and maybe even from home, consider multimedia design.

Multimedia designers use graphic design, animation and audio to create everything from commercials to special effects for movies.

You can learn the ropes with an on-campus course or through an internship. According to Payscale, multimedia designers in Canada take home between $30,588 and $63,780 a year.

34. Head Chef

If food is a passion, getting into the restaurant industry may be a good choice. To become a head chef, you need to train at a culinary school and gain experience in restaurant kitchens.

 Your job will entail cooking but also creating new dishes and menus and overseeing what everyone else in the kitchen is doing.

You can even specialize in vegan dishes, making this one of the great vegan-friendly careers. According to Neuvoo, head chefs in Canada earn between $18,000 and $60,000 a year.

35. Become a Seamstress

A seamstress is a woman who makes her living in the sewing trade or a female version of a tailor. Seamstresses mend a good deal of clothing and anything else made of fabric.

They also create their own patterns and clothing, sometimes decorating them with detailed embroidery work. A seamstress may be a factory worker who repeatedly sews the same pattern or an artisan in an independent shop who repairs customers’ clothing or creates entirely new designs to sell.

As in most trades, seamstresses often command high prices if they are very skilled or create a solid network of clientele.

36. You can be a Hairdresser

Are you creative, a good listener, and love making people happy? Consider a career as a hairdresser! Hairdressers specialize in cutting, trimming, colouring, and styling hair in order to enhance or maintain a customer’s appearance.

Before starting any appointment, they ask what style or colour the client is thinking of getting, and will then assess physical features, type of hair, and lifestyle to best advise if that style choice would work for them.

Hairdressing is a reputable and well-established career that is attractive too many because of its high demand and flexibility.

37. Pharmacist

Pharmacists handle much more than just filling prescriptions. They must decipher doctors’ handwriting. A pharmacist’s annual salary is $98,904 ($126,120)

Pharmacists are experts on the safe use of drugs and how different medicines interact. They carefully verify amounts. They advise patients on how to safely take their meds and tell them what to watch for in terms of side effects.

They’re sometimes called upon to create customized meds using two or more drugs. We know this technique as compounding. A strong background in chemistry is essential.

Some pharmacists give immunizations, conduct health and wellness screenings, check blood pressure, and teach patients how to use specialized equipment.

When customers in retail pharmacies describe symptoms, pharmacists must be able to recommend over-the-counter remedies. Giving advice on diet, exercise and stress management is not unusual.

Trades for Women That Desperately Need Workers in Alberta

While certain trades have an ebb and flow to their worker shortage needs, we’ve focused on the ones that show a consistent demand for the foreseeable future to also help with your career planning.

BuildForce Canada rates each trade and their need for workers on a five-point scale, with five showing there are not enough workers to meet current demand in local markets and one signalling there is excess labour supply.

Figures between these two numbers correspond to these two extremes. However, We can find here the full report for Alberta. Below are the top five trades that desperately need workers in Alberta right now and in the next few years.

1. The Boilermaker

Boilermakers assemble, installing, and repairing boilers, closed vats, and other large containers or vessels that hold gases or liquids. The need for them will be met in 2022, but returns to in-demand the next year and continuing onwards.

2. The Bricklayers

Bricklayers do as their name suggests and then some. They lay brick, concrete, and pre-cut stone in mortar, but are also responsible for constructing and maintaining residential and commercial buildings.

They also restore or repair chimneys, walls, foundations, and decorative masonry. The need for this type of worker in Alberta is not expected to dip throughout the life of the report (till 2029)

3. Carpentry

After a bit of oversaturation in 2022, carpenters will continue to be in high demand until at least 2030 rolls around, according to BuildForce Canada. However, the immediate need for these workers who cut, shape, and install wood building materials is quite high.

4. Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics

These skilled workers install, repair, maintain, calibrate, and adjust the instruments that are used to control and measure different industrial processes or pieces of equipment. They expect a bump in local labour supply for their services in 2022-2024 before a shortage is expected once again.

5. Insulators

Insulators are the most needed workers in Alberta, according to the report. The immediate need for this trade that sees its workers install and replace the materials that are needed to save energy, reduce noise, and also protect against fire is very high and is only expected to get slightly better before the end of the current decade.

Frequently Asked Questions on Trades Skills for Women

Below are the FAQs about trade skills for women:


1. What are the Best Trades for Women?

The plumbing, HVAC, and electric industries’ urgent need for skilled workers creates opportunities for women to enter and advance in these fields. 

2. What States is the Best Place for Women to move to in the Construction Trades?

Although there are abundant construction worker jobs in America, many of them are in the South.
New Hampshire is the best state in the country for construction worker jobs, and Connecticut has the second-highest median salary in the country.

3. Which Trade is a High Paying Trades for Women?

Construction Technology, Construction Management, Electrical Technician, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technician, HVAC Professional, Industrial Maintenance Mechanic, Welder, etc.

4. What are the Best Skilled Trades for Women?

The Reality: The skilled trades offer women high pay, pleasant benefits, flexibility, variety, rewarding work and unlimited opportunity. technologies and indisputable evidence that these are “good jobs.” 

5 What are the Good Trades for Women?

The plumbing, HVAC, and electric industries’ urgent need for skilled workers creates opportunities for women to enter and advance in these fields. 

6. What Trades for Women Don’t Require College Degree?

A skilled trade is a job that requires highly specific training but doesn’t need tertiary education.
The jobs are often physically and sometimes outside, but the wages can be quite high and there is often lots of room for career advancement, self-employment, and travel.

7. What Trades are Trades For Women in Alberta?

 The trade includes the boilermaker, the bricklayers, the carpenter, Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics also the Insulators.

8. Which Organisation Help skilled Trades for Women?

The Professional Women in Construction (PWC) is a national nonprofit founded in 1980 to advance and support women within architecture, engineering, and construction industries.

9. What are the Best-Paying Jobs for Women?

 The best-paying jobs for women include Nurse practitioners, pharmacists, lawyers, Top executives, etc

10. What is the Hardest Trade to Learn?

According to other contractors, electrical and HVAC are among the hardest to learn, but flooring and cleaning specialists were most likely to call their own crafts the toughest. 

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