Traditional Government and Administration Of Avuvu Ikeduru L.G.A in Imo State

Traditional Government and Administration Of Avuvu Ikeduru L.G.A in Imo State


Title page:……………………………………………..I

Approval page:…………………………………………………….II

Dedication: …………………………………………………………III

Acknowledgement: ………………………………… IV

Table      of    Contents: ……………………………V

Abstract: ………………………………………………VI


1.10 Introduction: …………………………………..1

1.02 Statement of problems: ………………………….4

1.03  Conceptualization  of    key  terms…………….6

1.04 Objectives      of the      study……………………..9

1.05 Significance of study………………………………..10

1.06: Scope of the study……………………………. 11

1.07: Limitations of the study………………… ……. 9

1.08: Research methodology………………….. ……12

1.09: Hypothesis: ……………….……………………………. 15

References……………………………………. 16


2.0  Theoretical FrameWork/orientation:……… …..17

2.1  Literature Review………………………………………….20

References: …………………………………….. 35


3.0  Research Methodology…………………………………37

3.01 Origin of Avuvu……………………………………………37

3.02 The structure ……………………………………………..44



4.0  DATA ANALYSIS …………………………………………56

4.1  Data analysis interpretation: ………………….70

References: ………………………………………74


5.0  Recommendations  and  conclusion: ………. 75

List of questions: ………………………………..81

Bibliography: ……………………………………..83


This study attempts to discuss the level of traditional government and Administration in Avuvu Ikeduru Local Government of lmo State.

Research questionnaire was prepared and distributed to some sample population set in each autonomous communities that make up the Local Government. Data collected were analyzed using the mean scores from respondents.

Findings revealed that there existed traditional government and administration in Avuvu Ikeduru L.G.A. The findings equally revealed the use of organizational structures to conduct affairs and welfare of the people. Based on the findings, recommendations on how to improve on the existing government and leadership at the grass root were made.



One of the most researched subjects among contemporary scholars and researchers recently is the subject of traditional government and politics, local administration and community leadership.

Before independence, that is, during the pre-colonial and colonial periods, scholars, particularly foreign scholars focused attention on comparative politics, thus seeing Nigeria as a nation, within the context of African political system. Immediately after independence indigenous scholars made spirited efforts to reverse this trend.

They started to focus attention on the study of ethic nationalities but on specific areas such as traditional politics and governance leadership and local administration, with a view to exploring the ways people at the grass root conducted their affairs and welfare, using traditionally well established organizational structures that are both historic,

self-sustaining and indigenous to achieve social harmony, political stability and economic development. One can say that in the past, various aspects of lgbo Traditional political system have become subject to vigorous intellectual inquiries.



Afigbo A. E (1972) The Warranted Chiefs Indirect Rule in southern Nigeria 1891-1929, London: Longman.
Afigbo A. E. (1981) The Age of Innocence: The Igbo and their Neighbours in. Pre-colonial Time.” Ahajioku lecture, Owerri: Government Press.
Akubukwe, D. O (1979) Sociology: Concepts and explanation, Owerri.: Opinion Research and Communications Owerri
Anene, J. C (1966) Southern Nigeria in Transition 1895-1906, London Cambridge.
Animalu, A. O. E (1990) “‘Ucheakortatn: Away of Life in Modern Scientific Age Ahajioku Lecture, Owerrri: Government Press
Appadorai, A.A. (1975) The Substance of Politics., London Oxford University Press.


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