Trending Awesome Prayer for Peace in 2022

As humans, one of the greatest things we long for is peace. However, the only enemy of a man constantly wages war so we don’t get to find it. We are not to worry because with prayers we can maintain and regain our peace in all aspects.

Here, are some powerful prayers that will make the devil himself, lose some peace so you can gain some. Find your peace through these awesome prayers.

Divine Prayer for Peace

Here are Powerful Prayers for Peace you can rely on to start at great day like this with.

1. Father in heaven, give unto me peace that passes all understanding.

2. Oh Lord, let your peace be my compass and direction, in Jesus name.

3. I shall find peace even with my enemies, in Jesus name.

4. Father in heaven, I rebuke every fear in me. I shall daily live in peace and in peace, in Jesus name.

5. Father in Jesus name, I pray for peace over every storm in my life and family. Let it be still.

6. Oh heavenly father, let there be peace everywhere I go. In my workplace, let there be peace, in my household let there be peace and in my country, let there be peace.

7. Father in heaven, you haven’t given me the spirit of fear but rather, that of sound mind. I pray today, that every decision I make will be birthed from a sound mind, even in the storms of life. I refuse to live and walk in fear.

8. Oh, Jesus, the prince of peace bless me with a sound mind that shall give and follow the right counsels at each and every time.

9. Father, let me live in peace and unity with all men in Jesus name.

10. Father, give me the grace that will make me calm and be at peace even in the midst of life challenges, like Jesus in the boat.

Spiritual Prayer for Peace

It is good and pleasant to start beautiful days spiritually and today should not be in exception. Here are Spiritual Prayers for Peace to start your day with.

11. Oh Lord, I speak to every storm in my life and family, peace, be still.

12. Lord, every enemy of peace fighting my country let them fall down flat like Goliath, in Jesus name.

13. Father in Jesus name, I shall never be anxious for anything but rather be in peace through Christ Jesus.

14. Father in Jesus name, because you have come to give us life in abundance, I refuse to live in fear of the devil and his devices. I am an overcomer.

15. Father, I pray that you bestow upon me the fruit of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness and faithfulness in Jesus name.

16. I confess that my heart shall be continuously fixed on the Lord. I refuse to be moved by my troubles. The Lord is my peace.

17. Let there be peace over my household in Jesus name, I shall not live in the fear of the devil.

18. Oh Lord, let your unspeakable peace flow in my heart like rivers of water in Jesus name.

20. Lord, everywhere I go, your peace shall follow me in Jesus name.

Godly Prayer for Peace

Peace on every side is the best prayer anyone on earth can pray. Here are well constructed Godly Prayers for Peace that will suitably satisfy your desire for peace.

21. I put on the garment of peace, I refuse the garment of war and fear. I shall dwell in peace in Jesus name.

22. Father, let your divine peace lead me aright in Jesus name.

23. Oh Holy spirit of peace, take away every confusion in my life. Let my mind and heart be settled in you.

24. Father in Jesus name, cause me to rest in your arms and on your shoulders like a sheep.

25. Oh Lord God, lead me beside the still waters, let the peace that flows upon the rivers of water flow in my heart, in Jesus name.

26. Lord, let my will please you and let men be at peace with me, in Jesus name.

27. Father, let your peace justify my actions and let it be my assurance, in Jesus name.

28. Father, let your peace transcend deeply in my heart and soul in Jesus name.

29. Father, the devil shall not take away my daily peace and rest in Jesus name.

30. I shall go out in peace and return in peace, in Jesus name.

Powerful Prayer for Peace

There is always need for peaceful environment for anyone to attain his or her heart desired height in everything he or she is doing. These are Powerful Prayers for Peace in all you do.

31. Father, help me to seek peace with men at all time.

32. Oh, prince of peace! My country shall find peace and be void of terrorist attacks in Jesus name.

33. Father, let my days be long and peaceful on earth.

34. Father, every enemy threatening the peace of my household, let them fall down like Goliath in Jesus name.

35. Every enemy of peace in my life, let them be made silent in Jesus name.

36. Every trouble in my business life, receive peace henceforth in Jesus name. Begin to function properly.

37. Father, in you shall my soul find peace, in Jesus name.

38. Father, I refuse to suffer in silence. On a daily basis, I shall experience a peaceful life in Jesus name.

39. Father, let your kingdom come in my life and let peace reign in Jesus name.

40. Father, let your angels surround me with peace, in Jesus name.

Blessed Prayers for Peace

41. Lord, I shall have a sound sleep and peaceful nights, for I shall not fear the terror by night in Jesus name.

42. Lord, I shall have a peaceful day, for I shall not fear the arrow that flies by the day, in Jesus name.

43. No evil shall come near me nor my dwelling. I shall be marked for peace, in Jesus name.

44. Father, let me find peace and safety in the shadow of your wings, in Jesus name.

45. Father in Jesus name, I shall know peace when others are in fear and anxiety.

46. Father, help me to get my focus from the trouble and set my eyes on the prince of peace, upon the cross.

47. Father, I bless your Holy name, because you are my peace.

48. Father, let me recognise your still small voice and let your inner peace dwell in me.

49. Father, dwell among us in peace, in Jesus name.

50. I declare that I shall know peace and peace shall know me, in Jesus name.

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