Université de Montréal Scholarships 2022 (Application Process)

UdeM Exemption Scholarship for International Students

Continue to study abroad. The university has opened a scholarship program for students of all backgrounds.

The following articles describe the benefits of this scholarship along with the application procedure for the program.

The 2022-2024 Université du Monténégro Scholarship is tuition-based and free of cost. International student candidates can apply worldwide.

This scholarship offers students undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate studies. Montréal University scholarship funds are estimated at $27,000 each. Originally a university in Quebec is intended to provide an educational program.

UdeM Exemption Scholarship for International Students 2022 – 2022

The Université de Montréal introduces a new scholarship program for exemption from additional tuition fees for international students.

The goal of this new program is to help the best talent from around the world attend one of the finest francophone research universities in the world.

In turn, these international students will help fulfil our educational mission by enriching the cultural diversity of the Université de Montréal community.

Scholarship Benefits

The excellence of your academic record is the only evaluation criterion to determine the value of the scholarship.

This assessment is made based on the transcripts provided during the admission application.

Deadline 5th February 2022
Host Country Canada
Study Level Bachelor, Masters and PhD
Funding Type Partially Funded

Eligibility criteria for Université de Montréal Scholarships

Admission to graduate studies (2nd cycle)

• In general, admission to graduate programs at the 2e cycle level (microprograms, DESS and Master’s) require a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Admission to graduate studies (3rd cycle)

• For admission to graduate programs at the 3rd cycle level (PhD), a Master’s degree or equivalent is usually required.

The program information pages present general and specific eligibility conditions, the list of additional documents to provide when applying for admission, as well as supplementary requirements (if applicable).

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How can I apply for a Université de Montréal Scholarship?

1. Apply for admission

To get your application and admissions process off to a good start, explore “Compass”, an interactive checklist that guides you through the required steps. Before completing the application form, make sure you respect the application deadlines and check the admissions requirements for the study programs of your interest.

2. Follow-up on your file and receive an offer of admission

A few days after submitting your admissions application, you will receive your access codes for the “Student Centre.” This is the platform where you can monitor your application and receive your offer of acceptance letter.

3. Accept the offer of admissions to start the evaluation.

You don’t have to apply for a UdeM Exemption Scholarship. New candidates’ files will be evaluated to determine their eligibility and the amount of their exemption scholarship.

4. Receive the notice of award with the amount

After receiving your admissions offer, the Université de Montréal will promptly inform you, by email, of the amount of the scholarship to which you are entitled. Print and keep this document in a safe place. It will be useful for future reference.