UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions 2022 & Answers PDF Download

 – UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions – 

Download UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions: Are you currently searching the internet for UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions?

Search no more! UNIJOS Postgraduate past questions and answers are now available for download to all candidates that are about to write the screening examination.

Brief Info’s About UNIJOS

The University of Jos was founded in 1975 as a federal government-owned and funded university. The university is located in Jos and is committed to raising quality graduates to solve problems in different industries in the country.

The university has a large student and staff population that is very diverse. Religious and cultural backgrounds, as well as age brackets, are not used criteria for admitting students into this university. Admission is very competitive. University of Jos courses is in various fields of study like engineering, medicine, law, science, etc.

The university provides its students with accommodation and other facilities. University of Jos school fees go for less than one hundred thousand naira only.

UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions and Benefits

UNIJOS Postgraduate Exams Past Questions and answers have been uploaded on this page. Candidates who will be going in for the screening examination can now get their past questions on this page.

UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions has a great advantage for students preparing for the examination such as follows:

  • It enlightens you on the scope of the exam
  • Hence, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination.
  • Therefore, you won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself
  • In like manner, you won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.
  • Likewise, it equips you beforehand.
  • Similarly, it guides you on how to answer exam technical questions

Important Tips about Writing the Examination

1. Do not spend too much time on any questions. Thus, answer first, those possible questions which you know well as quickly as you can.

2. Also, always read a question carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what is required before setting out to answer it

3. Furthermore, listen to all the instructions given by the Supervisor of the examination. And do exactly what he tells you to do. Also, start when he tells you to start and stop when he tells you to stop,

4. Also, plan how to answer questions as quickly and carefully as you can.

5. Furthermore, mark (or shade) your answers clearly on the answer sheet. If you find out you have made a mistake, erase your first mark completely then make a new mark.

6. Additionally, remember to fill in the details required on your answer sheet. And these are the examination, year, your name, your index number, and the subject If you do not write your name or your index number you will not receive any credit for the work done.

7. Also, if you have more answer spaces than you need, just leave the extra spaces blank.

8. Additionally, when you have finished one page, go on straight to the next page without wasting time or waiting to be told.

9. Also, keep calm on the examination day. Your chance of doing well is high if you keep calm than if you are worried and restless.

Guidelines to Help You Study

  1. Try to concentrate
  2. Study with the UNIJOS Postgraduate past question and answers
  3. Understand exam format and study its syllabus
  4. Create a good study environment
  5. Start studying on time. Do not wait until it is two weeks to the exam before you study.
  6. Do not just read to pass but read to understand
  7. Study past questions. Try to answer them yourself. Score yourself also.


Some Departments Available at UNIJOS 


Agricultural Engineering

Business Administration



Business Administration and Management

Computer Engineering

Civil Engineering



Fishery and Aquaculture



Food Science and Technology

health and sex education

Mechanical Engineering



Petroleum Engineering



Political Science

Project Management

public Health

Science Lab Technology


Soil Science


Theatre Arts

Urban and Regional Planning

Vocational Education


Sample Questions:

  1. Which of the following organs or cell components are common to both the sporophyte and the gametophyte of a fern?
    A. rhizoids
    B. roots
    C. chloroplasts
    D. leaves
  2. In which of the following organisms does a single cell perform all the functions of movement, nutrition, growth, excretion, and photosynthesis?
    A. paramecium
    B. euglena
    C. amoeba
    D. spirogyra
  3. In which of the following organisms would glycogen be stored?
    A. spirogyra
    B. clamydomonas
    C Rattus
    D. magnifera
  4. The most successful group of animals in terms of diversity of species is
    A. Mollusca
    B. Arthropoda
    C. mammalian
    D. playthehelminthes

Key Features of UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions

The UNIJOS postgraduate past questions and answers cover a good number of years including the recently held postgraduate exams. You will be happy to get this and start getting prepared for your examination right away.

Sample UNIJOS Postgraduate Screening Questions

The sample UNIJOS postgraduate past questions have been uploaded on this page for free. Interested individuals can now go through the free version of this material. To get the complete and updated version of this material, kindly follow the steps below on how to purchase to get your copy. Note that this material is in PDF version and will be sent to your email address after a successful payment.

N/B: The main purpose of this past question and answer is to reveal the nature and scope of the school’s postgraduate entrance examination as well as help you gain confidence before the examination.

Economics PGD/MS.c Questions:

1. The debt rescheduling between Nigeria and the Paris Club of Creditors has been criticized by the Nigeria Accounts (ICAN) on the basis that the interest by the creditors on the rescheduled loan is too high.

(a) 5.5%

(b) 8.7%

(c) 10.5%

(d) 12.2%

2. The cumulative debt service payment of Nigeria as at October 2003 has put by the Debt Management Office at some

(a) S20.08bn

(b) S33.29bn

(c) S21.91bn

(d) S10.84bn.

3. The most important argument against the deregulation of Nigerian downstream oil sector is that

(a) It will lead to higher prices of petroleum products.

(b) It will lead to higher prices of all products in the Nigerian economy

(c) It will lead to the emergence of Petroleum prices that are not competitive with prices in other countries

(d) Given the average wage rate in Nigeria the rise in prices of all products in Nigeria as a result of deregulation of the oil sector will lead to lower standard of living.

4. Which of the following is not an advantage globalization from the standpoint of a developing economy

(a) Lower cost of capital as a result of increased competition

(b) Better corporate governance culture

(c) Drain of skilled manpower from poorly paid environment to better paid environment

(d) Better fiscal discipline.

5. The monopolist is a producer

(a) That fixes the price and quantity of his product the way he likes

(b) that can fix the price of his product but then cannot fix his quantity

(c) That can fix the quantity of his product and manipulate the market to settle at a high price

(d) Better fiscal discipline.


6. The supposed advantage of a floating exchange rate system the kind that Nigeria is using is that

(a) It allows exchange rate to be determined by the forces of demand and supply, given that exchange rate is a price.

(b) It allows an economy to be insulated from shocks and other macroeconomic phenomena in other countries

(c) It allows a given country to enjoy autonomy in its design and pursuit of monetary and fiscal policies

(d) All of the above.

7. For any economic there is a macroeconomic policy trilemma that must be resolved. Which of the following statements does not express the trilemma.

(a) Once the country allows free capital mobility across its borders, and allows free or floating exchange rate system then it automatically loses autonomy over its monetary and fiscal policies

(b) Once a country decides to retain autonomy over its monetary and fiscal policies and also allows free capital mobility across its borders must be controlled

(c) Once a country opts for a freely floating exchange rate system and free capital mobility, it then has to sit firmly in control of its monetary and fiscal policies.

8. The African Economic Community Treaty was signed in Abuja in 1991. The streams given for this move does not include

(a) To engender increased competition for promotion of efficiency

(b) To take advantage of economies of scale in production

(c) To take advantage of economies of scale in consumption

(d) To evolve a single currency for the region.


9. The newly created Bank of Industry is a merger of

(a) The Peoples Bank of Nigeria , the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank and the Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry

(b) The Nigerian Industrial Developmental Bank The Nigerian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank and The Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry

(c) The Peoples Bank, The Nigerian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank and the Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry

(d) The Nigerian Industrial Development Bank, The Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry And the National Economic Reconstruction Fund.

10.Two major fears of developing countries concerning globalization are

(a) that the cost of policy errors could be quite high and that government could lose autonomy over macroeconomic policy

(b) that there could be dumping of goods from developed countries and loss of tariff revenue and domination of domestic firms by foreigners

(c) that there could be loss of tariff revenue and domination of domestic firms by foreigners

(d) that infant industries would die and constant social unrest as a result of the demise of infant Industries will ensue


How to Download UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions & Answers

The cost of UNIJOS Postgraduate up-to-date past question is ₦2,500 only.

In order to get the material delivered to your mail box, you are entitled to make a bank deposit of 2,500 naira to United Bank for Africa (UBA) @ TMLT PRO SERVICES with Account Number 1022564031.
Once payment is made, a link will be sent to your email address. Simply click on the link to download your past question.

After downloading your past question successfully, kindly leave a review and rating behind. We respect your reviews and it helps in the improvement of our services to our customers.

The payment procedure for our UNIJOS Postgraduate and Answer is as follows:

  1. Payment to the following bank account sent to your SMS or WhatsApp Number, either by bank deposits slip or online transfer
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Send FULL NAME ON TELLER or BANK ACCOUNT NAME which the payment was made from + AMOUNT PAID + PAST QUESTION IN DEMAND, as mail to or SMS to +2348082284439.


  1. Name on Teller or Bank Account You Transferred From.- Frank Andrews
  2. Past Question Type: UNIJOS Postgraduate Past Questions
  3. Email Address or WhatsApp Number

The PDF Past Question and Answers will be sent to your email address once payment is confirmed. You can reach out to our customer care service before placing an order.


Wishing you greater success as you get into the exams hall and come out smiling with excellence.

For any questions or Inquiries, contact us @ [email protected]

UNIJOS Postgraduate Examination Centre: The UNIJOS Postgraduate examination will take place in the school premises of the University of Lagos in Lagos state.

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