Unique Steps to Write a Follow-Up Email after Interview 2022 Update

– Follow-Up Email after Interview –

The best way to begin your follow-up email after interview is by expressing gratitude for your interviewer’s time. Check out the format on how to write a follow-up email after your interview in this post.

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How to Write a Follow-Up Email

Start your interview follow-up email by expressing gratitude for your interviewer’s time. Make sure to emphasize how your skills are a good fit for the job.

Choose terms or insights from your conversation that will resonate with the reader by going back to your interview notes and the job description.

Express your enthusiasm for the job by restating your interest in the position and your belief that you are the best candidate for the job.

Here is a step-by-step guide for writing follow-up emails after the interview:

1) Begin by Selecting the Appropriate Subject Line

The best subject lines in your follow-up email are clear, concise and convey appreciation for your interviewer’s time.

Here are the best interview follow-up email example subject lines:

• Thank you for your time, (insert interviewer’s name)

• Great speaking with you today!

• Thank you for the opportunity

• Thank you!

• I appreciate your time and advice

• Follow up regarding (insert position title)

2) Open Your First Paragraph with a Thank You

In your first paragraph, mention the specific job title, thank your interviewer for their time and express your continued interest in the job and company.


3) Discuss Your Passions, Objectives, and Past Experiences

In your second paragraph, note the company’s name as well as a conversation point and/or goal that seemed especially important to the person you spoke with.

Connect that point to your experience and interests. Get as specific as possible while keeping it short and to the point.

4) Make Yourself Stand Out From Other Applicants

In the final paragraph, close with a summary statement on what sets you apart as a candidate and what you’ll bring to this new opportunity.

Invite them to ask you any additional questions and close by saying you’re looking forward to hearing back.

5) End with a Signature and your Contact Info

Close your email by including your signature and contact information. Choose a professional and friendly closing such as “Best,” “Sincerely,” or “Thank you.”

Examples of Interview Follow-Up Emails

Here are several examples of follow-up emails you might use during the hiring process. Also, we will discuss when and how you should send each and the procedures for writing them.

1) Short Interview Thank You E-mail

A short follow-up version may be most appropriate to send a thank you email after a phone interview. In the short version, you’ll want to be concise:

Subject line: Thank you for your time

Dear Mr Kelvin,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the marketing coordinator role. It was great to meet with you and learn more about the position.

I’m very excited about the opportunity to join Horizon Marketing and am particularly interested in the details you shared about the upcoming launch of the brand campaign.

I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of taking on some of the project management and bringing my experience in successfully coordinating cross-functional initiatives to the table.

After our conversation, I’m confident that my background in marketing and my interest in brand growth will enable me to fill the job requirements effectively and support the vision of Horizon.

Thanks again,
Jerry Nelson
[email protected]

2. Long Interview Thank You E-mail

In the long version, you have more opportunities to explain your skills in detail (although you’ll notice that this long version is still relatively short).

 This is appropriate after an in-person interview or other meaningful interactions during the hiring process.

Subject line: Thank you for your time

Dear Mr Jackson,

Thank you very much for your time yesterday, it was a pleasure speaking with you about the account executive role. From our conversation, it’s clear that ABC Inc. has the energetic and hardworking environment I’m seeking.

I especially enjoyed discussing your need for someone who can create value and insight during client conversations.

It’s an interesting challenge, and I’ve continued reflecting on it since our meeting. Over the last few years, I’ve encountered many of the same roadblocks we discussed: tightening client budgets and lengthy decision-making processes.

Prioritizing the quality of the conversation over simple information delivery has been one of my most successful tactics in overcoming those roadblocks and one reason I’ve routinely exceeded my quotas.

In my relationships with clients, I focus on building trust and boosting credibility, and I’m excited about the prospect of bringing that skill set to ABC Inc. 

Thanks again,
Jaime Peterson
[email protected]

Keep in mind, particularly for the longer version, that you’ll want to spend time customizing the elements to your specific experience and the interview conversations.

The more you customize these general examples, the more you’ll stand out as an applicant.

3) Checking In E-mail

If you haven’t heard from a potential employer after your interview or after your post-interview follow-up, you can send a “checking in” email, ideally to the recruiter.

You should send this email if you haven’t heard after two weeks since your interview.

Keep it concise. Indicate that you’re looking for more information without being overeager:

• In the subject line, include the job title you interviewed for.

• Send this email to the recruiter. They are the most likely to be up-to-date on what’s going on in the hiring process.

• Keep it to one paragraph, indicating that you are still interested in the job and looking for an update. Offer to provide additional information if they need it. Sign off with a thank you.

Subject line: Checking in RE: marketing coordinator role

Dear Sonia,

I hope you’re well! I’m checking in on the marketing coordinator role. It was great to meet with the team earlier and I’m looking forward to your update.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to assist in the decision-making process.

Thank you,
Rachel Sylvester
[email protected]

You don’t need to worry that checking in makes you seem desperate or annoying. The truth is that these decisions take a different amount of time at each company.

You are simply giving them a gentle nudge for an update. And, if you really want the job, there’s no harm in reiterating that.

4) Staying In Touch E-mail

If you still haven’t heard back after checking in or you’ve learned that you didn’t get the job, you can still venture to stay in touch with the hiring manager. The goal of this follow-up email is to establish professional relationships with a person who can help you grow.

Just like your checking-in email, this follow-up is short:

• Send this email to the hiring manager. This person is probably at a senior level and could be a potential mentor if you’re looking to grow in this field.

• In your first paragraph, mention what about them you found interesting or inspirational.

• Limit to two paragraphs and include a proposed timeframe for a phone call or coffee meeting.

Subject line: Staying in touch

Dear Robert,

Hope you’re well. I’m reaching out to say thank you again for your time and consideration. I sincerely enjoyed my conversations with you and others at ABC Inc.

In particular, I found the details you shared of your own career path very inspirational. As someone who’s aspiring to build my career in manufacturing, I’d love to learn more about how you’ve developed and applied your skills.

I know you’re busy, but if you have 20 minutes to spare, it would be great to get on your calendar. Are you available for a phone or coffee chat sometime in the next few weeks?

Thanks again,
Henry Romie
[email protected]

Be aware that if you received a firm “no” on this job, it is highly unlikely that this email will change that.

What it can do, however, is reinforce your interest in the company and indicate to the hiring manager that even though you may not have been the right fit for this job, there may be a future role for which you are well suited.

Tips for Writing Your Own Follow-Up E-mail 

If you don’t receive a response to your emails, follow up one more time. Most people aren’t ignoring you on purpose. They may be genuinely busy and your email has likely slipped their mind.

As long as you are gracious and polite rather than pushy, these follow-up emails are simple indications of your interest and goodwill.

Here are some additional interview follow-up tips you should consider when writing your own:

• If there’s something you forgot to say or want to elaborate on from your interview, this email is a great place to mention it.

• Send your interview follow-up email within 24 hours.

• Start with the name of the person who interviewed you. Use their first name if you are on a first-name basis. If not, include both their first and last name.

• Choose an appropriate length. More concise is appropriate for most cases.

• Close the letter with your name and contact information, including your phone number and your email.

• Carefully proofread before you hit send. As with everything else you’ve sent to potential employers, give your follow-up a final edit before you send it.

• At this stage in the hiring process, it may be wise to prepare to talk about your salary expectations.

If you’re unsure where to start, visit Indeed’s Salary Calculator to get a free, personalized pay range based on your location, industry and experience.

How to Send an Engaging Follow-Up Email After Your Interview

After a job interview, it’s only natural to need an update on the hiring process, especially if you feel it went well.

However, there are several potential pitfalls to avoid when sending a follow-up email after the interview.

 If you come across as pushy, sloppy or too informal then you could damage your chances of landing the job.

i) Choose the Right Time to Send a Follow-Up Email

Leave time for the dust to settle. There’s a good chance your interviewer is speaking to other candidates, so there’s little to be gained from contacting them on the day.

Wait a few days before sending that all-important follow-up.

ii) Tone of Voice

Regardless of the tone of your interview, keep your follow-up professional and courteous.

This isn’t the time for humorous self-deprecation. Be clear about the purpose of your message.

Presumably, you’re simply looking for an update on the recruitment process, so get to the point and don’t waste time and words on unnecessary small talk.

How to Write a Follow-up Email after a Phone Interview

• Thank them for their time and interest.

• Emphasize your interest. Be as specific as possible: say what parts of the job excite you and why.

• Enclose your resume and a cover letter to explain your motivation and outline your key selling points.

• Keep it short.

A) Follow-Up Email after a Phone Interview

Let’s take a look at this sample.

Subject line: Thank you for the opportunity, (Hiring Manager’s Name)!

Dear (Hiring Manager’s Name),

Thank you for talking with me today. I really appreciated learning more about (Company Name).

However, it was great to learn that you share my approach to (industry/business). I particularly liked the way you (specific detail about the company you learned during the interview).

I’m looking forward to meeting with you in person and discussing our cooperation further. Please find attached my resume and cover letter with detailed work experience.


(Your signoff)

B) Second Follow-Up Email after a Phone Interview

Subject line: Following up on an interview for (the name of the position)

Dear (Hiring Manager’s Name),

I thought I’d check in as, during our last interview, you mentioned that you’d be making the final recruitment decision for the (the name of your position) by (the established deadline).

However, please, let me know if you have an update and if there are any additional details I could provide you with to facilitate the hiring process.


[Your sign-off]

And here’s another example of a follow-up email after a job interview in case you were offered another position.

C) Sample of Second Follow-Up Email: Competitive Job Offer

Subject line: Following up on an interview for (the name of the position)

Dear (Hiring Manager’s Name),

I would like to let you know that I have been offered a position with (Company Name). My deadline for accepting or rejecting it passes on (the established deadline).

However, I’d be happy to turn down that offer if you decide to choose me as your new (the name of the position).

Also, please let me know if you’re likely to reach a hiring decision before the deadline I established with (Company Name).

If you need any additional information from me, please let me know.


(Your signoff)


How Long Should You Wait After an Interview to Follow Up?

You should follow up in five business days after your job interview if you haven’t heard feedback from the employer.

Or, if the employer-provided an expected date for feedback after the interview, follow up one business day after that date has passed.

For example, if the hiring team said that they would inform you about the next steps within three days of your job interview, wait four days, and then send a follow-up email.

The idea is that it will help you avoid looking too eager and desperate.

Note that you should also send a thank-you email within 24 hours of the interview!

Don’t use these follow-up templates to email the company a day after your interview; employers need time to make their decision.

However, companies appreciate a brief “thank you” before they’ve even made a decision.

What Else to Do While Waiting for Interview Feedback

Keep in mind that delays happen and the hiring process takes time. So the best thing for you to do while waiting for a status update is to apply for more jobs and try to get more interviews scheduled. 

You shouldn’t stop doing this until you’ve signed a job offer!

No matter how well you write your follow-up email, it isn’t going to get a company to move its process faster, bypass delays, skip over other candidates, etc.

This is why you should keep applying for jobs until you’ve signed a job offer. No exceptions.

Because you never know if a company is interviewing 10 other people, considering promoting an internal candidate, or any number of other things that could cost you the job even if your interview went well.

What if the Employer Says They Don’t Have Any Feedback Yet

In some cases, the hiring manager or recruiter will reply to your follow-up email and say they’re still in the middle of the hiring process and don’t have information about the next steps yet.

At times, they’ll be specific about what they’re working on behind the scenes (for example, they might say that they’re still working on getting the whole team together as a group to discuss various candidates) but often, they won’t tell you the specifics.  

Either way, I recommend responding with a brief email to keep the conversation alive and ensure that you stay in touch. By using the following email template, you give yourself an opening to follow up again if needed, too.

• Sample Email Response if Employer Says They Don’t Have Any Status Updates

Hello ,

Thank you for the information.

When would be an appropriate time for me to check back in?

I’m excited about the opportunity and want to stay in touch, but I know these things take time so I don’t want to follow up too often here.

Any information that you can share about the process would be great. 

Thank you,

What if the Company Hasn’t Responded to Multiple Emails After the Interview?

If you sent the first and second follow-up emails from the samples provided earlier and still didn’t hear back from the employer about your status as a candidate, here’s what to do:

• First, make sure you’ve waited one or two days for a response to your most recent email (not counting weekends).

• Then, send a follow-up to the same person, replying to the same email you already sent and keeping the same email subject line.

Sample Email Body:

Hi ,

I just wanted to follow up again, make sure you saw my last email, and ask whether you have any status updates regarding the position that I interviewed for on .

I’m looking forward to hearing back about potential next steps when you have a chance. Thank you so much!

Thank you,

How to Conclude Your Interview Follow-Up Email

In the sample emails above, you’ll notice a mix of different ways of “signing off” and concluding the email. You can choose whichever option sounds natural for you, as some are more formal than others.

Here’s a complete list of good, reliable options for how to end your interview follow-up email (in order of more formal to less formal):

• Thank you for your time and consideration

• Sincerely

• Best regards

• Thank you for your time

• Thank you

• Thanks for your time

• Thanks so much

• Thanks

You can also decide whether to write your first and last name or just your first name.  Choose based on your previous interactions with the hiring manager or employer, and what you feel fits with the industry and company culture. 

After Interview Follow-up E-mail and No Response for Two Weeks

Two weeks after the interview and no response? what does it mean? Uncertainty is worse than failure.

Also, you did everything you could, and there is no response for the whole two weeks. What the heck does it mean?

Employers can decide to not contact you for two weeks after the interview for a variety of reasons. Some are expected and some are rather surprising, or even bizarre. Let’s have a look at them, one by one.

1) They Pick Someone Else for the Job

Let’s face the reality. Nobody likes the role of a bearer of bad news. Interviewers and HR managers are also people. They have their worries and concerns, and they avoid unpleasant conversations whenever they can.

Hence if the policy or company directive does not implicitly oblige them to inform all job applicants about the result of the interviews, including the losers and the unsuccessful, they will simply ghost you.

Do not take it personally though. You weren’t the only one ghosted. Perhaps just the chosen one got a call, and the second-best applicant, so they have an alternative for replacement if their first choice decides to not accept the employment contract.

There is also a bright side to this situation. It probably isn’t such a great company to work for, if they ghost people after interviews. Time to forget them and move on, applying for a job with someone more serious.

Special Tip: If it happens to you often, that they choose someone else, and you are left waiting for a phone call that will never come, have a look at our Interview Success Package.

Up to 10 premium answers to basically every question you can face in your interviews will help you make an unforgettable impression on the hiring managers, and stand out from other people who compete for the job with you.

2) The Hiring Process isn’t Finished Yet

Corporations around the world do not follow some standard template when trying to fill a vacancy. One company may interview dozens of applicants in a single week.

The interview sessions start on Monday and end on Thursday, and everything is clear on Friday. They know who got the job, and can let everyone know their decision.

But other companies may take weeks or even months to interview all shortlisted candidates for a particular position. 2 weeks in nothing from their perspective. This happens especially when we talk about prestigious jobs or some specialty engineering careers.

Candidates may fly to the interviews from different parts of the globe, and obviously, quality people have their commitments, and not everyone is able to interview for a job during the same week.

If you happen to be one of the candidates in this scenario, they may let you wait simply because the interviews haven’t ended yet, and they do not know whether or not they’ll offer you a contract.

In an ideal world, they’d update you about the situation, asking you to wait, explaining the reasons. But we do not live in an ideal world, corporate people are busy, and do not always do the most correct thing.

If you cannot stand waiting, give them a call, and politely ask what’s going on, and when they will let you know their decision.

3) They are Testing your Attitude

If you really want something, with all your heart and soul, you will go after it. You won’t wait for someone else to call you and tell you their decision, be it two days, or two weeks after the meeting.

When the time is right, you will simply call them, or even walk into the company and ask to talk with the recruiter.

I experienced this years ago, participating in the interviewing panel which I was not leading. The interviews were really close, and we had three great candidates for the job. But the company wanted to hire only one.

The CEO set the rules:

We won’t call anybody from the candidates. No thank you note either, no response to their follow up letters. The first two phone calls from any candidate will also be rejected.

The one who’d persistent enough, who calls the third time, will get the job–as long as it is one of the three shortlisted candidates.

And that’s exactly what happened. We gave the job to the guy who was persistent in their effort to find out the outcome of the interviews, who kept calling.

Because they clearly demonstrated how much it meant for them, how badly they wanted the position…

Maybe they aren’t calling you, because they want you to make that final step. Think about it for a moment

4) They Lost your Contact Details

With spam filters getting ever more strict, this happens to many companies. And many businesses also do not have their mail server set properly.

However, Emails from serious businesses seeking partnership or cooperation end up in our spam folder.

Also, emails containing download details to a product our customers purchased from us, never reach their inboxes. this happens especially with Hotmail, yahoo and some .edu main addresses.

Have you checked your spam folder? And what email provider do you use for your communication with the employers? Gmail is safe and will pass almost all spam filters.

But if you communicate from yahoo or some shady account on some rigged server, it may easily happen that an employer will never get your follow-up emails.

This can also be the reason why there is no response two weeks after your job interview.

5. They are Waiting for Approval from the CEO or Other Executive

HR Generalists of Managers do not control the budgets. Hiring you will be costly, and often also risky business for the company. Typically someone with a higher rank has to give a final green light.

This is an occurred situation sometimes because the CEO might not talk to you and other candidates in person.

They just read some reports from HR people, who might recommend you as the best applicant for the job, and shared a short profile of you with the CEO.

Now the decision-maker can be hesitating for several reasons. They may consider conducting one last round of interviews the final interview when they will talk to you and one or two other shortlisted applicants.

And since they are busy it can take time until they let the HR people know and they let you know, and so on.

Another reason for their hesitation can be the uncertainty in the air. Things are ever more unstable with global warming and pandemic threats.

More Information

They might approve a new vacancy a month ago, but now, after the recent development in the world economy, they aren’t so sure about hiring someone new anymore.

It may happen that nobody gets the job in the end because the CEO eventually cancels the new position.

Whenever you have a phone interview, plan to send a thank-you email message following the conversation. Not only is this good manners, but it also demonstrates personal initiative to your potential employer.

It also confirms that you are still very much interested in the position, and helps keep your name “top of mind” as the organization narrows its list of candidates to those its recruiters are interested in meeting in a face-to-face or video interview.

For some jobs, a phone interview may be the only interview you have, so it’s important to take the time to follow up with the person who called you. Gather Information during the Interview.

In preparation for writing this email, take notes during your phone interview.

Make sure that you have written down the name of the person who conducted the interview (having inquired about the correct spelling if you’re not sure) and their title.

If need be, confirm that you have the correct email address for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most asked questions 

1) When to put in follow up email after the interview?

The sooner the better. The same day as the interview or the next, but definitely no later than 24 hours after the interview.

2) How Long Should You Wait After an Interview to Follow Up?

You should follow up in five business days after your job interview if you haven’t heard feedback from the employer.

Or, if the employer-provided an expected date for feedback after the interview, follow up on it one business day after that date has passed.

For example, if the hiring team said that they would inform you about the next steps within three days of your job interview, wait four days, and then send a follow-up email.

3) Why should I Send a Thank-You Message?

It’s a good idea to jot down questions that were asked during your conversation and, in particular, note any issues that arose that you feel you did not fully cover.

Your email will be a perfect opportunity to mention anything that you wished you had said during the phone call. Your thank-you message is also another way to reiterate how you’re a strong candidate and a good match for the job.

4) What should be Include in the Email Message?

It’s important to keep your thank-you message short and focused. Most people skim email, so you want to be brief and to the point. Your email message should include:

• Subject (Your Name – Thank You)

• Greeting

• First paragraph (thank you for the interview)

• Second paragraph (what you have to offer the employer)

• Third paragraph (offer to answer any questions)

• Closing paragraph (looking forward to hearing from you)

• Signature (include your wider contact information (phone, Skype ID, LinkedIn URL, etc.), so it’s easy for them to respond)

5) How Can I Write a Thank You Email Message?

As with any thank-you note, this message gives you an additional opportunity to share relevant qualifications and experience.

This letter is also where you can highlight any skills you neglected to mention during the phone call or clarify an answer to a question that you did not respond to as well as you might have.

Be sure to express in the letter your appreciation for the interview and for their consideration. And as you’re writing your letter, keep in mind your main goal: to move on to the next step in the interview process. Include details that will support this goal.

End with a statement of your continuing enthusiasm for the job and your hope that you will have the opportunity for further consideration for the position or a second interview if the employer plans on continuing the process.

6) When to Send the Email

Ideally, you’ll send the note immediately after the phone call. If that’s not possible, aim to send your note within 24 hours.

Phone Interview Thank-You Email Samples

The following are examples of thank-you email messages that can be sent after your phone interview. Use these letters for inspiration as you write your email. 

a. Sample Thank You Email Message 

Subject Line: Thank You – Marketing Assistant Interview

Dear Mr/Ms. Last Name:

I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the marketing assistant position at the ABCD company. The job seems to be a perfect match for my abilities and interests.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong communication skills, flexibility, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.

During our conversation, I noted that one point you stressed was your need for a Marketing Assistant who can work overtime and/or on weekends during product roll-outs and during the height of your sales season during the holidays.

Please know that I am more than happy to “go the extra mile” and can ensure that I will be available to work extra hours as these are warranted.

I appreciate the time you took to interview me, and look forward to having the opportunity to meet with you in person.

Again, thank you very much for your time and for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

FirstName LastName
Email Address
Phone Number

b. Sample Thank You Email Message

Subject line: Thank You – Martha White Interview for Senior Developer

Dear Mr Martins,

Thank you so much for meeting with me today to discuss the Senior Developer position at Tech Company. I really enjoyed our conversation, and I believe my background in developing apps makes me a strong match for this position.

As I mentioned in our conversation, I’ve developed similar apps for Companies X and Z. I’m skilled in several programming languages and am comfortable working as part of a team to ship products on time and as bug-free as possible.

While at Company X, one of the apps that I helped develop won a prize. More importantly, the app achieved a top 20 position in the iTunes store.

My proven track record developing successful apps would be an asset to Tech Company, and I am very enthusiastic about this opportunity.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any additional questions for me or if I can provide additional information to help with your decision making process.

Thank you again for the opportunity to speak today, and I hope to hear from you soon.


Martha White
Email Address
Phone Number


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