University Libraries Support Initiative for E-Learning in North-Central Zone of Nigeria

University Libraries Support Initiative for E-Learning in North-Central Zone of Nigeria.


The study investigated university libraries support initiatives for e-learning, technologies involved in e-learning, problems of e-learning, and the strategies to be adopted to enhance e-learning.
The design of the study was descriptive survey design. The area of the study covered the north central zone of Nigeria, three universities libraries were selected from the zone to represent other university libraries.
The population of the study comprises of one hundred and twenty librarians and para professional librarians from the three selected university libraries.
The instruments used for data collection, were questionnaires, checklist and interviews. The questionnaire was titled “University Libraries Support Initiative Questionnaires (ULSIEQ),” which contained six (6) sections, with a total of one hundred and ten

(110) items. The questionnaires were administered to the respondents directly. The data collected was analyzed using percentages, frequencies, mean scores and standard deviations.

The findings of the study indicate that most of the electronic resources  and services required for the development of e-learning exist in university libraries, that the level of information literacy skills of library staff was satisfactory.

That online catalogues, abstracts, indexes, institutional repositories, CD-ROMs, library databases, open access initiatives etc, are the university library support initiatives for e-learning.

Table of Contents

Title Page                  i

Approval page                         ii

Certification page                    iii

Dedication                             iv

Acknowledgement                       v

Table of Contents                           vi

List of Tables                              ix

Abstract.                           x


Background of Study                       1

Statement of Problem                       6

Purpose of the Study                         7

Research Questions                            7

Significance of the Study                  7

Scope of the Study                       9


Conceptual Framework                              10

Concept of university library                      10

Library support initiative (LSI)                    10

Concept of e-learning                                 13

Electronic resources and services of university library                  18

Technologies involved in e-learning                   22

Problems hindering the success of e-learning               22

Strategies that enhances the success of e-learning                23

Theoretical Framework                                                 24

Ranganathan five laws of library science                         24

Review of related empirical studies                                   25

Summary of Literature Review                               31


Design of the Study                             33

Area of the Study                              33

Population of the Study                      34

Sample and Sampling Techniques            34

Instruments for Data Collection               34

Validation of the Instrument                    35

Methods of Data Collection                        35

Methods of Data Analysis                            36


Research question One                                     37

Research question Two                                 39

Research question Three                              40

Research question Four                           42

Research question Five                               43

Research question Six                                44

Summary of the Result                             45


Discussion of findings                          47

Implication of the findings                  51

Recommendation of the Study                52

Limitations                                                53

Suggestion for Further Research                    54

Conclusion                                                 54

REFERENCES                                     56


1.1 Background of Study

Towards the end of the 21st century, library automation and the internet has revolutionalized access to information resources and library services around the world.

The university libraries which are libraries found on the campus of university institutions to support the process of teaching, learning and research taking place in the institution, are able to take advantage of this development in information and communication technology (ICTs) to facilitate the processes of teaching, learning and researching.

(ICTs) is the application of computers and other electronic technologies for the purpose of ordering, acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information.

New methods of accessing information have emerged as a result of the internet and the World Wide Web.

Library users are now able to access current and up-to-date international literatures as soon as they are published on the internet.

This had been possible most especially in academic libraries, particularly the university libraries. Libraries in this institutions can now provide information access to off-campus students where ever they are located, even to sites hundreds and thousands of miles away.

Services in university libraries had evolved from the days of closed stacks, through shelf browsing, card catalogues, punch cards and OPACS, to the concepts of; open access, institutional repositories, online catalogues, abstracting and indexing, electronic reference services etc.


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