Use Your Brain Not Your Heart Quotes

Do you know that the brain is responsible for 50% of our behaviour? Sometimes it can be easy to make decisions using our emotions, leading to poor decisions and maybe regrets later on. However, if you first use your brain and then your heart, you’ll have a better chance of making the right decision.

We should fully utilise the power of our brain to make us human instead of being guided by the heart, where everything is confusing. Using your brain instead of your heart is the answer to most issues in life. Ignoring what other people might think or feel and simply going with your gut instinct solve many of life’s problems

Applying these use your brain and not your heart quotes in your life can help you make far better decisions for yourself and those around you. They will also help you take action when needed instead of sitting around and waiting for things to come to you. When you start applying these quotes in your life, you’ll be astounded at the changes they can make.

Check them out.

Use your brain, not your heart; it is more productive and will yield better results. Be a smart, rational person who uses their brain, not their heart. Don’t just listen to what your friends say, but use your intelligence to determine what’s best for you.

1. Don’t underestimate the power of your mind. It is your greatest asset and can be used to accomplish things you never thought possible. Use your brain, not your heart. Don’t let fear rule you. Be smart, not emotional.

2. Your brain is what you use to make the decisions that define your life. Use your brain, not your heart. Don’t let your heart guide you when making decisions; use your brain. Your brain is your best friend, not your heart. Stop thinking like a heart and start thinking like a brain.

3. Your brain is a muscle that must be used, not neglected. Use it to defeat all the day’s worries and make each moment count. We don’t need the heart; the brain is all we need. Make your decisions based on an analysis of the situation, not because it’s what your heart wants.

4. When your heart is in it, you can’t think straight. Use your brain instead. Your heart, your mind, and your head are all important. But don’t discount the power of your brain. It will help you find the right path to follow, no matter what that is.

5. Your heart doesn’t want it; your head knows it’s better for you. Use your brain. Don’t let anyone take your intelligence away from you. You’ve got to be smart enough to protect yourself and do so with a strategy. Always remember to use your brain, not your heart.

6. Your heart will always be your guide, but use your brain to keep it on track. Emotions are great. But for thriving, you need vision—and clarity of thought. Realise the value of your intelligence, and don’t live in the shadows of others’ ignorance.

7. The brain is the only organ that can be strengthened with exercise. If you’re not getting results, it’s not because you’re lazy. It’s because your brain tells you something different than your heart says. You don’t have to be a genius to use your brain, but it helps.

8. Brain over Brawn. Don’t let anyone define your limits. Don’t let your heart guide you; use your brain to make the right decisions. Don’t let your heart dictate your decision. Use your brain and make the right decisions.

9. The brain is the biggest organ in your body. It is the only organ that can create more complex things out of simple stuff. It’s capable of making you smarter, faster and stronger. You have to use your brain, not your heart, to be successful and live life. Don’t let your heart be the one that makes all the decisions. Use your brain to figure it out.

10. Your brain is the most powerful organ in your body. Use it to make smarter choices and live a better life. Don’t use your heart to make decisions; use your brain. You can’t let your heart take over when it comes to investing. Use your brain instead.

11. You don’t have to follow your emotions. You can use your brain, too. That’s what I do whenever I’m not sure what to do. That way, my heart still ends up doing what it should: helping with decisions like which side of the bed to sleep on, who needs a hug and which shower head is best for your hair.

12. Don’t be a slave to your emotions. Use your intellect, not your heart. Brainstorming is thinking hard, not using your heart. When you use your brain, your heart tends to follow suit.

13. Your heart is the engine, but your brain is the fuel. You’re smart. You’re beautiful. You’re unique. You are enough just the way you are. Don’t listen to what your heart wants you to hear; listen to what your brain knows.

14. The first step to success is putting your mind to work. The second is using your brain. The third is making sure your heart is there too. Don’t be scared to think outside the box. The heart may be a good place to start, but it won’t get you anywhere if your head is in the clouds.

15. Your mind can be your best friend, but it can also be your worst enemy. Sometimes the most logical and practical thing to do is the one that will hurt the most.

16. You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice. Use your brain, not your heart. Don’t let others make you feel bad just because they think differently than you do.

17. Our emotions are powerful, and we can’t always rely on them. Use your brain—it’s the part that tells us what to do when we need it most. Try using your brain, not your heart.

18. Don’t let your heart control your brain. Don’t fall into the trap of buying based on emotion; instead, use your brain and make sure to exercise your critical thinking skills while buying.

19. Don’t use your heart; use your mind. Don’t let your heart get in the way of making smart career decisions. If you use your heart, it will break. Use your head, and things will work out fine.

20. You can’t see something with your heart and your mind at the same time. It would be best if you used both of them. No matter what your heart says, always listen to your brain. Use your brain, not your heart.

21. Use your brain, not your heart. Be rational, practical and responsible. Don’t let your heart drive you this week. Use your brain and think about what’s important.

22. Don’t follow your heart; follow your brain. Use your mind, not your emotions. Don’t listen to your heart; use your brain. Your heart wants to believe, but your brain knows better.

23. Don’t fall for thinking that your heart is your most important part. What you think is what you become. Don’t let your heart cloud your mind.

24. Don’t let your heart lead you. Use your brain, not your heart. The mind is a powerful thing. It’s the only organ you have that can think for itself. If your brain isn’t working properly, there’s no way to be happy.

25. Use your brain, not your heart, for a better life. Your heart is the only thing standing between you and success. Use your brain, not your heart.

26. Send a message to the brain, not your heart. Truth is always bright and will guide you through the darkest days with confidence. But to see the truth, you need to use your brain, not your heart.

27. Don’t let your heart and feelings take control. Use your brain instead! Sometimes it’s best to use your brain instead of your heart. Don’t use your heart when you’re ready to take the next step. Use your brain.

28. Use your head and not your heart. Your brain is better at separating fact from fiction, so use it! You’ll get more done, make smarter decisions and feel better.

29. Don’t let your emotions tell you what to do. Use your brain and make the right decisions for you. Using your heart for every decision is a recipe for heartbreak, failure and regret

30. If you’re not using your brain, you’re wasting time. But if you’re using your heart and still have no progress, it might be time to use your brain again. You don’t have to be a victim. Take control of your life, make better decisions and work towards a better tomorrow.

31. don’t listen to your heart. Listen to your brain. It’s time to let your brain think. It can help you save time and money, get things done, and make life easier!

32. It’s not in your heart; it’s in your mind. A mind is an amazing tool that can do incredible things but can also be used to exploit, harm and manipulate. Your heart wants what your head knows is best.

33. He who reasons with himself is better than one who argues with others. The heart wants what the brain knows is best. Keep your mind open, and use your head instead.

34. We’ve all got one—or two, or three—lives to live. If you want to find happiness, follow your heart. If you want to find success, follow your brain.

35. Your brain isn’t made for happiness. Use it to make smarter decisions. People who are smart and motivated will achieve their dreams. And the ones who have great hearts will always fall short.

36. As your brain is the source of all your thoughts, ideas, and memories, use it to inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Make yours great. Use Your Brain, Not Your Heart.

37. Do not let your emotions overtake the facts. You don’t have to write your script—use your brain, not your heart. Don’t let your heart make decisions for you. Use your brain!

38. Don’t let your heart guide you; use your brain. Use your head and not your heart whenever you can. Your heart is a muscle. Exercise it. Your brain is a computer. Use it!

39. Don’t use your heart when you can use your head. It’s okay to do something for the heart, but don’t forget about the brain. When you use your brain, you can make a better life for yourself.

40. Your heart is the most important muscle in your body. It governs your emotions, but it doesn’t govern your thoughts. Your brain does that. Don’t use your heart; it’s only good for being broken; use your brain

41. It’s your brain that keeps you alive, your heart that gets you into trouble. Don’t use your heart; use your head, and you will be safe. We only get one life; use your brain, not your heart.

42. You are worthy of love and friendship. You deserve to feel valued, believed and respected. So start by acting in the way that will make those things happen for you. Use your brain, not your heart.

43. Don’t let your heart dictate your happiness. Use your brain, not your heart. As hard as it is, don’t let emotion get in the way of making an important decision.

44. Don’t just rely on your heart. Use your brain, too. Don’t follow your heart — use your brain. If you try to use your heart and your head simultaneously, you’re asking for trouble.

45. You can’t be a people pleaser and win at life. Use your brain, not your heart, to make wise decisions that will benefit you in all areas of your life.

46. Don’t let your emotions get in the way. Use your brain, not your heart. Use your brain, not your heart. It’s easier to get what you want without feeling bad about it.

47. Be relentless in your pursuit of success. Use your brain, not your heart. The greatest enemies to success are doubt, fear, and laziness.

48. When you use your brain and not your heart, you’ll be better at making decisions in the long run. Your heart is a muscle that can be strengthened, but your brain is what makes you powerful.

49. Your heart can take the easy way out, but your brain is the one that keeps you on track. Don’t let someone else determine how you feel about yourself, your life or the world. Put your heart aside and think about the answer.

50. You are not your heart; you are made up of more than just feelings. Your brain is the key to success; it’s up to you to use it wisely. Don’t let your heart get in the way of your brain. Use your brain, not your heart.

It’s easy to become swept up in emotion, but without rational thought, you can find yourself stuck in uncomfortable situations. That person might be the love of your life, but until you can think logically about the situation, you won’t be able to deal with it healthily. So if this applies to you, take a step back, calm down, and assess the situation rationally.

Feel free to share these use your brain not your heart quotes with your family and friends. Thanks.

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