
The aim of this paper is to find out the important of internet to those students in higher institution of learning, such as internet discussion group, internet online and website which helps student to communicate with people in different part of the world. That is why internet is said to be the global connection of different computers. Therefore, internet game experience provides a lot of entertainment to students.

77.8% of college students and those in other higher institution of learning needs internet so as to improve their knowledge such as discussion group, internet news, search engine and file transfer services. Although 17.8% of the students consider the internet as a source of amusement (chatting), this implies that internet helps student to read broadly concerning their courses of study because internet is global in nature.    


One of the products of development in modern Nigeria education system is the inclusion of computer education as a discipline in the school curriculum. The Nigeria government having realized that computer education is the pivot of social and economic lives of the people of a nation decided to plan its future through the development of sound computer education programmes in her higher institution. Computer education is a vital programme, which equips the beneficiary with the knowledge skills and competencies needed to be productive citizens.

            It provides various occupational opportunities in office as well as in teaching as computer teachers/lectures as the primary, secondary and higher institution (Federal Ministry of Education, FME, 2004). In Nigeria, especially in Ebonyi State educators, administrators, students and researchers are seeking ways to effectively utilize technology to gather information, construct knowledge, develop skill and collaborate globally for life-log learning and work. Determing the utilization of internet in higher institution of leaning would be of benefit to students based on their awareness of life long learning by taking responsibility for their own learning. It will also discourage examination mal-practice. 

internet is an acronym for ‘’international Network’’. According to Ikwun (2004), the internet is information super highways that enable users to share information or date via appropriate communication devices and computers as the facilitators. Mohammed (2004) defines internet as a network of information source brought together under as authority and made accessible through the use of the computer. Agama (2004) conceived internet as the connection of all the computer and computer network in the world linked together through international phone systems, and all the systems in the network communicate in same language. Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities etc. internet   can therefore be conceived as a worldwide interconnection of computers and computer networks using common network standards and protocols.

            Today internet has miniaturized the whole world into a global village where the system uses basic telephone and radio broadcast principles and allows massage, sounds, films, texts, etc to be transmitted simple and simultaneously from one computer anywhere in the world to another. Internet is fast introducing new vocabularies, new access to information instruction possibilities, new ethics, new crimes and new security measures. With internet trade and commerce all over the world had entered a booming era-import and export produces are made easy, as things like profoma invoice, bill of loading, price list and funds transfer can now be provided electrically on the internet.

            Internet has become a veritable tool in Information Technology

(IT).Experience has show that, the globalization of any nation depends on its extensive internet connectivity.

Meanwhile introducing internet as one of the things that those who are in higher institution should know means that internet implies access to services such as e-learning e-maill, e-commerce, e-shopping,

e-business, e-conferencing, information resources (library and research services), hypertext liking talent, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), etc. The internet services have helped to enforce the principles of globalization, which has gone a long way to standardize business operations across the world. In line with internet services or access it can also service people with the following areas: e-mail, use internet World Wide Web (www), file transfer protocol and new knowledge, sharing of common resources, provision of variety of services and opportunities, flexibility in timing uses speedy access and delivery of information, reduction in service cost and timely provision of information.

            Hornby (2002) defined higher institution as education and training at college of education and university. Higher institutions contribute immensely to the development of a nation through high-level relevant manpower training major innovations have taken place in Nigeria education, particularly at the higher institution level. Example (ICT) information and Communication Technology. According to Steward (2003) internet is fast becoming a household language, a subject of wide range of discussions and studies and thus, making headlines on newspapers, workshops, conference and seminars around the glob. Based on his explanation, he noted that internet is in the forefront of promoting new technology, is changing the nature of educational institution. It is turning learning to open learning. It helps students to confer with their colleagues as well as the lecturers and to obtain research materials available on net. Steward regarded internet as education facilities because both lecturers and students receive experiences, institution, messages and research materials in computer and other areas like cyber-café.

Honby (2002) defined utilization as making use of, finding a use for or put a useful purpose. By these definition or explanation, it means that internet could be use for various purposes, specifically for achieving the objectives for establishing it-‘’global intergration’’. Teachers use internet to collaborate in online teaching with other facilities and students from around the world.

The Association of African Universities AAU (2003) in sharing similar view presented the summary of the utilization of internet in teaching as follows:

1.   Teachers use internet to reach out many student as a time, thereby spending less time in class, less repetitive teaching, active and more time to new knowledge.

2.   It enables the teachers to have a more added value content with their students.

3.   Teachers use internet to evaluate the training process and result online.

4.    Teacher use internet to have vital meetings and teleconferences, workshops and seminars with colleagues and students.

5.   Teachers use internet to acquire new knowledge, idea thereby up-dating their intellectual ability.

6.   Teachers use internet to collaborate in online teaching with other facilities and students from around the globe.

Internet offers access to a vital class/school, inform of web-bases technology to build an integrated learning environment that supports the following areas:

(a)    self-placed learning

(b)   collaborating project team

(c)    teleconferencing

(d)   Online learning systems and online submission of student assignment.

Internet should be utilized in higher institution of learning in the sense that it makes learning to be active instead of passive because student can now control their own learning they must think about and interact with what is on the computer screen.


The need of utilizing internet in higher institution of learning:

1.   Internet has a strong impact on the development of information Technology (IT) due to it vast information that facilitate easy communication both nationally and internationally.

2.   There are various information facilities on the internet that are very useful especially to the lecturers and the students of tertiary institutions understudied. Such facilities include: usenet, search engine, e-mail and e-commerce.

3.   The knowledgeof information processing through internet working system will further help to improve productivity in tertiary institutions.

In summary, the utilization of internet higher institution of learning should be taking into consideration for the fact that the world we are now is said to be global world. Therefore, internet should be utilized in tertiary institution so as to improve the standard of education in our country as well as the whole world. Internet today is like a road which every body passes in order to reach a particular place. So, students suppose to know every thing about the world we are living (global).


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Hornby, A.S (2002) Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

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            Management and secretarial practice in Nigeria. The journal of Business Education (JOBE) Vol.2 155-162

Steward J.K (2003), The cyber-café and community.

            From htt./www. Cyber captive.com.date

Agana, M.A (2004), Gate way to Computer operations and Networking.

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