Utilization of Serials Publications by Post Graduate Students for Research in Two Federal University Libraries In South East Nigeria


The of this work was to study utilization of serials by post graduate students for in two federal university libraries in South East Nigeria. The researcher selected university of Nigeria Nsukka and Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.

The purpose of the study were to find out serials materials available, students objectives for using them, their extent of utilizing , the problems encountered and to proffer strategies for .

The population of the study was made up of eight thousands, five hundred and twenty (8520) post graduate students from the two universities  for 2009 2010 academic year. The sample size was made up of eight hundred and sixty eight (868) from the two universities.

Descriptive survey interview and observation check list were used to collect data from the respondents. The data was analyzed using frequency table and mean scores.

From conclusion we are made to know that post graduate students realized the importance of serials publications in research work.

In spite of the fact that these students realized the importance of serials publications in research work, these students are not satisfied with available serials publications in libraries.

Some of the recommendations made were provision of access tools like indexes, abstracts, bibliographies, and the use of ICT to facilitate and to enhance the accessibility of serials.

User education programmes to be used for the impartation of skills essential for effective utilization of serials. The use of SDI services to encourage the use of serials among researchers.


 Title Page        –           –           –           –           –

Approval Page-           –           –           –           –

Certification Page       –           –           –           –

Dedication      –           –           –           –           –

Acknowledgements    –           –           –           –

Table of Contents       –           –           –           –

List of Tables –           –           –           –           –

Abstract          –           –           –           –           –


Background of the Study       –          –

Statement of the Problem       –           –

The Purpose of the Study       –      –

Research Questions    –                           –           –

Significance of the Study       –           –

Scope of the Study     –                          –           –


Conceptual framework           –           –

An over view of serials in libraries – – – –

Serials made available in university libraries –             –           –           —          18

Use of serials publications for research in University libraries            –           24

Extent of satisfaction with the use of serials publications for research in University libraries          29

Problems that hinder postgraduate students in use of serials for research in University libraries          31

Strategies for enhancement of serials utilization in University libraries         34

Review of Related Empirical Studies –           –           –           –           –           38

Summary of Literature Review           –           –           –           –           –           45


Research Design        –           –           –           –           –           –           –           46

Area of Study –          –           –           –           –           –           –           –           46

Population of Study    –           –           –           –           –           –           –           46

Sample and Sampling Technique        –           –           –           –           –           47

Instruction for Data Collection           –           –           –           –           –           47

Validation of Instrument        –           –           –           –           –           –           48

Method of Data Collection     –           –           –           –           –           –           48

Method of Data Analysis        –           –           –           –           –           –           49


What are the serials materials available to post graduate students

for research?                –     –           50

What are the objectives of the post graduate students in use of

serials in their academic work?            –                  51

To what extent do the post graduate students utilize these serials in

their academic work?  –           –      –           –           52

To what extent are the post graduate students satisfied in use of serials

in their academic work?          –               –           53

What are the problems that hinder post graduate students in use of serials? 54 What strategies could enhance students in use of serials in university libraries? 55 Summary of findings        56


Discussion of Findings                      58

Conclusions     –              –           63

Implications of the Study       –    –           64< /p>

Recommendations      –          –            64

Suggestions for Further Research          65

Limitations of the Study         –           66

Summary         –  –           66

References      –       –           68

Appendices     –        75


1.1 Background of the Study

Serials include publications of indefinite duration which appear in series or regularly. As the name implies it is a publication that is constituted by  appearing regularly with distinctive title and issued in successive parts, bearing numerical or chronological designation and intended to be continued indefinitely.

However, serials are known to be direct and accurate in dealing with any subject area designed purely for teaching, learning and research.

Most serials indicate the subject coverage of the document with dates and numbers. Characteristics of serials publications are: They have a remarkable propensity for change. Serials are issued on a continuing basis, often with a regular frequency (e.g. Annual, monthly, etc).

Many serials do not have a title page. Instead, the title is found on the cover or at the beginning of the text. This is particularly the case with periodicals (magazines, journals etc.) and newsletters.

Serials have designations numbers or dates or combinations of both that distinguish the individual issues. Serials do not usually have personal authors.

Most persons associated with serials are editors or compliers. Serials are more often the work of one or more corporate bodies that have “issued” the serial. Serials titles are often given in more than one place in the issue and sometimes in different forms.


Abdulahi, H.B. (1990). Serial collection: A study of acquisition, organization and Dissemination in Ramat library. Unpublished project report, Dept of library Science. University of Maiduguri.

Aguolu C.C, and Aguolu, I.E. (2002). Libraries and information management in Nigeria. Maiduguri: Ed – Linform Services.

Adio F.W. (2005). Management problems of serials in a selected Nigerian Academic Library: Sahel analyst 7 (1): 188-194.

Aina, J.O. (1988). The use of subscription agency services by Nigeria university libraries serials Librarian. 14. (1&4), 8.

Aina L.O. and mabawonku, I.M. (1996). Management of a scholarly journal in Africa: a Success story, African journal of library, Achieve and Information Science, 6 (2):63-83

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