VII Corps Desert Storm Veterans Association Scholarships (2022)

VII Corps Desert Storm Veterans Association Scholarships

Each year, veterans and family members of the US Army’s VII Corps receive scholarships through the VII Corps Desert Storm Veterans Association.

Over $350,000 worth of scholarships, ranging from small amounts up to $5,000 each, have been given out by the organisation.

Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 are offered by the VII Corps Desert Storm Veterans Association.

Candidates who are pursuing or about to pursue higher education at two- or four-year colleges are eligible to apply.

Only academic standing will not be used to evaluate applications.

The applicant must have participated in one of the support base activities or have served with the US Army VII Corps in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Provide Comfort, or be an immediate family member of someone who did.

Applications will be accepted from candidates who are pursuing or about to pursue higher-level education in two or four year institutions. Applications will not be rated solely on academic standing.

Consideration for selection will also include extracurricular activities:

  • Community activities and/or involvement
  • Professional organizations
  • High school organizations and/or activities
  • Other self-development skills and abilities obtained through on-the-job training/experiences, or correspondence courses.

Applicant must have served, or be an immediate family member of those who served, with the US Army VII Corps in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm or Provide Comfort or one of the support base activities.


Scholarship Directive

Scholarship Qualifications & Application

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How The Scholarship Work

They raise money from members’ dues, contributions, and their annual Golf Tournament and Member’s Dinner.

Scholarship applications are accepted online and by mail. The scholarship panel then meets to rate each application and pick the top recipients.

Fifteen to twenty scholarships are handed out ranging from $1000 to $5000.

These funds can be used to pay for tuition, housing or other university related expenses.