Violence Against Women In Nigeria Experience

 – Violence Against Women In Nigeria Experience – 

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Background of Study

Violence against women or domestic violence has been a serious problem in most societies throughout history especially Nigeria, and this is prevalent on women.

This would make most of this work concentrated on women. Women in Nigeria like their counter parts the world over, suffer domestic violence irrespective of age, class, religion, or social status.

Table of Contents

Physical violence in particular is very common among intimate partners in both developed and developing countries.

Physical violence is the intentional use of physical force with the potential for causing death, and it includes but is not limited to scratching, pushing, shouting, slapping, and shaking, choking .

Violence refers to any abusive treatment of one family member by another, mostly the female gender (girl and women), thus violating the law of basic human right.

includes battering of intimate partner and others, sexual abuse of children (girl), marital rape, and traditional practices that are harmful to women. Female genital mutilation is also a form of domestic violence.

Incidents of violence against women include honor, battery, beating, torture, acid bath, widowhood right; male child preference and even death through honor killing..

It has been estimated that one in every three women suffers domestic violence from the hands of those who claim to love and protect them.

Also, it is estimated that one in every five women falls some forms of violence during her life time, leading to serious injury or death in some cases. In Nigeria, report reveals shocking ‘high’ level of violence against women.

I know a man in my village who said that he will not stop impregnating his wife until all the eggs in her womb finishes, that the women or wife is his property. All there are violence against women mostly found in Igbo land or culture.

Amnesty international , reports that a third (and in some cases two thirds) of women are believed to have been subjected to physical sexual and psychological violence carried out primarily by husbands, partners and fathers which girls are often forced into marriage act are at risk of punishment if they attempt to escape from their husbands.

Apart from CEDAW and other international instruments which Nigeria is signatory to that forbid violence against women, the Nigeria constitution itself forbids it.

The provision in section 42 of Nigeria constitution, guarantees all Nigeria including women, the right from discrimination on basis sex.


O.N Ailic, ‘prevalence of Domestic violence in Nigeria: Implications for counseling (2009) 2 EJC, 1.

Heidi. H (1998). A feminist Reading of Security in Africa, 20. Caring Society in Africa, pp. 126-131

Garner, B.A, et al, Black’s Law dictionary (2nd edition, Minnesota; west publishing company, 2009) p.323

Prof. C.A Umobi, Domestic Violence against Women in Nigeria: A Legal Anatomy. Onitsha: Folmech Printing and Pub, (2008)

Prof. C.A Umobi, Domestic Violence against Women in Nigeria: A Legal Anatomy. Onitsha: Folmech Printing and Pub, (2008) p.8.

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