Virtual University Administration (Personnel Management)


Personnel is service-oriented towards and entails day-to-day activities of units some of whose functions overlap and involves of staff, retirement of staff, of appointment, processing of request for leave.

Staff training and development, pension funds administration, health management organization, etc., and will be easier, faster and secure adopting a virtual approach rather than its manual counterpart.

This project work will establish the need, importance and usefulness of Electronic Data Interchange, Enterprise Forms Automation, Content Management System, Enterprise Right Management and Identity Management system and how these technologies can be used to reduce universities over dependence on paper.

The Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design methodology was used in the analysis, design and development of the system with the following Unified Modeling Language (UML) techniques: use case diagram, class diagram and sequence diagrams.

Implementing a virtual system in our university administration will enable us to have much better control over processes, workflow will be faster, less of paper, less tonner for printer will be used and lesser printers are needed, fewer employees are needed, leading to a lesser cost in the overall system.


Title Page……………………i
Certification Page…………………….ii
Approval Page …………….iii
Table of Contents……………………..vii-viii
List of Figures………………………………..ix

Chapter One: Introduction

1.0 Background of Study……………………1
1.1 Statement of Problem ………………..1
1.2 Objectives……………………2
1.3 Significance of the Project……………………2
1.4 Scope of Study………….3
1.5 Limitation of Study……………………..3
1.6 Organization of Study…………………………..3
1.7 Definition of Technical Terms……………………4

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….6
2.1Theoretical Background…………………………………………………………6
2.2 Review of Related Literature……………………………………………………7
2.2.1 Technologies for Attaining a Paperless Office………………………………11
2.2.2 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)………………………………………….11
2.2.3 Enterprise Forms Automation (EFA)……………………………………….12
2.2.4 Content Management System (CMS)………………………………………14
2.2.5 Enterprise Right Management (ERM)………………………………………15
2.2.6 Identity Management (IM)………………………………………………….16
2.2.7 Computer Applications in Personnel Management…………………………17

Chapter Three: Methodology and System Analysis

3.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………19
3.1 Description of the Existing System……………………………………………19
3.2 The Proposed System …………………………………………………………23
3.3Analysis and Design Methodology ……………………………………………23
3.4 Flow Graph of the Proposed System………………………………………….23
3.5 Object-Oriented Analysis of the System………………………………………25
3.6 Description of the Boundary Diagram…………………………………………27
3.7.1Class Diagram of the System and its description……………………………27
3.7.2 Sequence Diagram of the System…………………………………………….30
3.7.3 Database Design…………………………………………………………….33
3.7.4 The Architecture of the System……………………………………………..35
3.7.5 Deployment…………………………………………………………………35

Chapter Four: System Design and Implementation

4.0 Introduction ……………………..……………………………………………37
4.1 Choice of Development Environment…………………………………………38
4.2 Implementation Architecture …………………………………………………38
4.3 Software Testing ……………………………………………………………..39

Chapter Five: Summary and Conclusion

5.0 Summary………………………………………………………………………43
5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….44
5.2 Recommendations ……………………………………………………………44
Appendix A:..……………………………………………………………………..47
Appendix B:………………………………………………………………………87


1.0 Background of Study

Paper has been the most common medium of documenting information. In our university system, the use of paper-based communication has created some challenges that contribute to make university administration expensive.

These challenges include time and paper consumed during processing of personnel files, poor storage and insecurity of the paper files. Paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduced. This is done by converting documents and other papers into digital form.

This project work presents a virtual system that enables all activities involved in a university personnel administration to be carried out without paper.

The manual method in administering personnel services in a university is characterized by the following:
It takes da
ys and sometimes weeks to complete the process of staff recruitment and retirement, resignation and termination of appointment, health management and pension funds administration schemes.

Paper files and personnel records easily get missing due to human negligence and poor manual storage facilities undermine data integrity and security as well as ease of reference.

The amount of stationery required for typing, printing, photocopying and circulation within personnel services units attracts some overhead cost coupled with the issue of duplication of duties among units through overlapping functions.


Saxena Karunesh & Tiwari Pankaj (2009), “A Study of HRM Practices in Selected IT Companies of India”,AIMS Journal of Management, Vol.1,No.3,pp.29-44.

Malone, Thomas W. “How Do People Organize Their Desks?: Implications for the Design of Office
Khatri N.,(1999),” Emerging issues in Strategic HRM IN Singapore “, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.20,No.8,pp.516-529.

Rundle,S.J.(1997), “Flexibility , adaptiveness and responsiveness (FARness) as the key success factors in market entry in the south east Asian growth wedge “, PhD thesis,Department of Management, Monash University,Victoria

Barney, Jay, (1991) “ Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management,Vol.17,pp.99-120.

Lado .Augustine A. and Mary C.Wilson, (1994), “Human Resource Systems and Sustained Competitive Advantages: A Competency Based Perspective,” Academy of Management Review,Vol.19,pp 699-727.

StudentsandScholarship Team

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