WAEC GCE Hausa Questions 2021 Objective and Theory Answers Update

WAEC GCE Hausa Questions 2021 Objective and Theory Answers Update.

WAEC GCE Hausa Questions 2021: Expo questions for the 2021 Hausa WAEC GCE examination are now available on our website. In this article, I will be showing you past WAEC GCE Hausa random repeated questions for free, and you will also understand how these exams are set. Continue reading to see these and many more examination details.

The (WAEC) is an examination board that conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), for University and Jamb entry examination in West Africa countries. In a year, over three million candidates registered for the .

WAEC GCE Hausa Questions and Answers 2021

1. (a) Ways of blocking the activities of cultists in Secondary Schools.
Hanyoyin dakile ayyukan kungiyoyin asiri a Makarantun Sakandare.

(b) Things I do every day.
Abubuwan da nake yi a kowace rana.

(c) Continuity or single tenure, which is the ?
Ta-zarce ko mulki sau daya wane ya fi dacewa da Nijeriya?

(d) Write a letter to your uncle expressing your joy when you spent the last holidays with him.
Rubuta wasika zuwa ga kawunka ka bayyana masa irin jin dadin zama da ka yi da shi a lokacin da ka yi hutu wajensa.

(e) The king is not the problem but the Courtier
Rijiya ta ba da ruwa, guga ya hana.

2. (a) Define a Long Vowel.
(b) Mention two ways of identifying Long Vowel with two examples each.
(a) Me ka fahimta da tsawon wasali?
(b) Kawo hanyoyi biyu na nuna wasali mai tsayi a Hausa tare da misalai biyu na kowannne.

3. Compare the articulation of these sounds /b/ and / b /
Kwatanta furucin /b/ da na / b /

ANS: This is also a and it requires the candidates to compare the articulation of /b/ and / b / sounds.  Thus: / b/ da / b/ , gurbin furucinsu daya ne (wato lebawa ne).  Haka kuma dukansu sautuka ne masu ziza, sannan a yanayin furucinsu, sautin / b / tsayau ne, / b / kuwa hadiyau ne.

4. (a) Define a neutral gender
(b) Mention the masculine gender of the following words:
(i) tawaga;
(ii) giwa;
(iii) kaza;
(iv) kura;
(v) tinkiya.
(a) Me ka fahinta da jinsi Hadaka?
(b )Kawo jinsin maza na wadannan

5. (a) Mece ce dangantakar Suna da Sifa?
(b) Kawo jimloli biyar masu ?auke da Sifa.

6. (a) Kawo abubuwa uku da suka raka ?antsako yawon duniya, a tatsuniyar ?antsako Da Layar ?anzo.
(b) Bayyana abin da ya faru tsakanin ?antsako da Kura a lokaci rabuwarsu.

7. Habaici da zambo na daga cikin jigogin maka?an sarauta. Yi ta?aitaccen bayani a kan su tare da misalai guda-guda na kowanne.

8. Bayyana yadda ake yin wasan tahen “Zuciyar mai tsumma”

9. Wadanne darussa ’ya mace za ta koya a wasan ‘Mai Wasa Da Maza Karya’

10. “Yi cikakken bayanin daya daga cikin wadannan:
(a) goyon ciki
(b) kaciya.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real WAEC GCE questions but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidate understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to take note of every questions provided on this page.


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