Water Baptism Quotes – Motivation and Love

We were all born into sin and separated from the love of God. But God loved us so much that he sent his son Jesus to take our punishment for us on the cross. That’s why we celebrate water baptism. It isn’t about joining a church or being clean, it’s about becoming a child of God.

Water baptisms are a way to formally welcome someone into the faith and mark a new beginning. Christendom believes that you must be baptized to get into heaven. The sacrament washes away Original Sin and allows entrance into the Christian faith. Baptism also creates a direct link between the child and God.

Water Baptism is a sacrament of the church. It is an outward sign of inward grace and has spiritual and salvific significance. Here below are the best water baptism quotes I hope you would really love. Celebrate this new chapter of your life with these baptism quotes that are perfect for framing in your home

Water baptism is…the seal of an inward cleansing from sin, one that has its efficacy not so much from the outward sprinkling of water as from the inward application of the Spirit. Baptism is not a sign that you are saved; it is a sign that you want to be saved.

1. We baptize each person to have a deep relationship with Jesus.

2. When I was lost, the Lord found me. And when he found me, he called me and loved me and cared for me. This is what I want to share with this child in Baptism today. May God be with you always.🙏

3. It is in dying that we awake to eternal life, just as it is in Baptism that we die to sin so that, like a child, we may enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4. Wash away your sins and walk with Christ for a new beginning.

5. As you step into this new phase of your life and relationship with the Lord, we pray that you will walk in a newness of life. Let these waters that have cleansed and reborn you do so in even greater measure. In Christ, we pray.

6. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen

7. You are baptized into Christ’s death. Your whole body is buried in the water, and the water is buried in the earth. You die to sin and live to righteousness. You are buried with Christ by baptism into death.

8. Water baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

9. Baptism is a bath for the soul, a bath of regeneration in the Holy Spirit, who cleanses us from sin and makes us children of God. Welcome to the family!

10. I’m giving thanks to God for all the blessings He’s given me. Every morning, I’m making a list of things to be grateful for, and I’m thankful that this is the day that I get to spend with you!

11. The real meaning of baptism lies in the fact that it is not just something we do but something God does to us. It is his gracious act of washing us clean through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ.

12. Baptism is an immersion in water; ablution would be more appropriate to one who had been polluted.

13. Water Baptism is a wonderful way to get all the family involved in Church and it’s such a special milestone for your child.

14. Water Baptism separates us from our old life and symbolizes our new life in Christ.

15. Water Baptism is more than just a ritual; it’s an outward expression of our inward union with the Lord, who is our spiritual nourishment. (Karen Marie Mason)

16. Loving the new name, new life that I’ve found in christ #baptismquotes

17. May the waters of Baptism wash away my sin, creating in me a desire to be close to you.

18. Joyful and hopeful, a day to remember. I’ve been baptized today.

19. Baptism is a powerful act of God’s grace. It is a public confession before the world that we belong to Christ.

20. We are confident that this new life in Christ will be with you forever. Staying true to yourself is no longer a struggle.

21. Baptism is that immersion in water whereby we are initiated into Christianity.

22. Just as Christ was immersed in water and came out ‘alive’, so too those who are immersed in water are spiritually revived by their participation in this sacrament.

23. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change, for it is an outward sign of the inward washing with water through the word.

24. If you want to know what God thinks of baptism, look at the cross. Shedding off the old and entering into the new.

25. The water is a symbol of cleansing and purification. It’s not just physical; it’s a spiritual thing. The water means the Word, the blood of Jesus Christ

26. Every believer should be baptized because Jesus was baptized.

27. Water Baptism is a public declaration that you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular Water Baptism quotes.

28. Water Baptism was the first sacrament received in the old covenant, and it typifies the cleansing of our sins being washed away by Christ’s blood.

29. That’s the way to do it! We’ll be seeing you guys on Sunday for your Water Baptisms!

30. The first element in baptism is water, but that is not all: there is also the Word of God declaring that this water is a sign and seal of an inward washing by his blood and a pledge to us that he will cleanse us from all our sins.

31. Baptized. Dipped. Washed clean of sin. Reborn.

32. If you have not been baptized, don’t live with the regret of not knowing God. He can take away your past and make all things new! Contact us today to schedule your baptism.

33. Take a dip. Join us in the water, because all things are possible when you believe.

34. Water baptism means our sins are forgiven. Now, let that be a springboard for the rest of your life.

35. When we baptize, we are not merely dipping the candidate in water; we are plunging him into Christ.

36. God wanted you to have his pure and perfect love. He wanted you to know that there is nothing you can ever do to make him love you more. And he wants those around you to see that he is devoted to you.

37. We are saved by grace through faith. We rest in Christ and our trust is not in our works. This is the most wonderful news that someone could ever hear.

38. Baptism is the immersion into Christ in order to be buried with Him and raised with Him.

39. Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

40. Roll away your sins like big thunderclouds; The water of baptism does not cleanse us from all sins; but only from those for which we have been regenerated by the Spirit of God.

41. Baptism is not a mere sign or external ceremony, but it is an act of solemn religious worship, wherein the party applying himself to be baptized vows a Christian life, and consecrates himself to God.

42. Water Baptism is a sacred milestone in the Christian life. Celebrate this momentous occasion with your family and friends.

43. Water Baptism – a journey of a lifetime. A dedication to faith and following Christ, symbolized by water and witnessed by friends and family.

44. There are many amazing things that can happen during baptism. From the moment we step into the water and meet with Christ, to the day we leave our physical bodies behind when we die. The work of God is often a mystery but His promises are never unknown. He has promised to be with each of us and our families every step of the way leading us home to Him.

45. Water baptism is soaking in the goodness of who He is and what He has done for us.

46. Baptism is a picture of what God has planned for us. A brand new life with him through Jesus.

47. Commit to Jesus and be baptized, and you will receive God’s gift of eternal life.

48. Baptism is your first introduction to the Church. It is the sacrament by which you enter into her life of grace, being reborn as a child of God.

49. Soak it all in.

50. The heavens were opened as God welcomed you with a baptism of love.

51. Today we celebrate the gift of a new life, As God welcomes you into our family 📚 🎉

52. How you live this week challenges what you believe.

53. Putting on the new self is a lot like taking off a suit you’ve been wearing for years. The new you won’t always be perfect, but it will always be growing.

54. We’re all looking for a place of refuge.

55. As you come to the end of this journey, and look back on your life, what would you say were the moments that changed everything?

56. Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. -Proverbs 31:10

57. Water Baptism is a public covenant in Christ to die and rise again with Him. The only way to receive this new life is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

58. water baptism is a symbol of new life, as we are born into the Kingdom of God

59. As you feel the water on your head, remember that God is over you and around you—like the waters of baptism. –Dieter F. Uchtdorf

60. God gives us Baptism so we can wash away our sins and receive the gift of new life in Christ.

61. When I go to the beach, it feels like a baptism. The waves are endless and just like in life, when we are baptized into Christ, our sins wash away each time the water touches us.

62. With God’s help and your baptism, you can be forgiven for your sins and free from the punishment of eternal fire.

63. We remember how, when we were baptized, we were buried with Christ. Through baptism, we have been raised to new life with Christ and now share in his resurrection.

64. It is with deep gratitude that we welcome you to the family of Christ. We pray you will begin a new life in Christ and grow daily in the grace and knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

65. Let go of what you can’t control. Embrace the unknown. Come one, come all to @churchofchuck 👩🏿👧🏽👪 🎟️FREE entry w/ this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/god-is-good-welcome-to-the-waterfront-tickets-46235935741 #baptism #godisgood

66. Sometimes you have to sink before you can swim.

67. It’s time to take the plunge. On Saturday, October 6th we will be celebrating Riverbaptized at Waterrock Knob. For more details, please contact Hannah Dillard @ 828-766-4092 or email info@firstassemblyasheville.org

68. Baptized into Christ, you were also baptized into 6B. Now, live in the light of that truth.

69. We’re grateful for all of our customers, who have allowed us to come this far. Here’s to a bright and promising future!

70. Baptism…is not only a sign of belonging to Christ but also an expression of faith in him and his death, burial and resurrection for our salvation.

71. Water Baptism strengthens you for the demands and challenges of daily living.

72. As you are water baptized, I will pray for you. My prayer is that the Lord would keep us together in the faith. And may no one cause any of you to stumble, or to fall away from this faith…

73. Water Baptism is a sacrament of the church by which individuals confess their faith in Christ and are cleansed both spiritually and physically.

74. We are born into this world with nothing except for sin and we don’t even know why. Baptism is the symbolic start of a new life in Christ and from that point forward we begin to know why.

75. Baptism is about beginning a lifelong journey of faith with God. It’s about saying ‘yes’ to the ultimate adventure of following Jesus.

76. Just as the ocean forever rolls onto the beach, God’s love is an endless wave that never stops for you.

77. Baptism is a bath that cleanses us from sin and makes us children of God; it conforms us to Jesus Christ; it makes us members of his Body.

78. Water baptism is a symbol of the new birth and of God’s promises to us in Christ. It is a testimony to the faithfulness of God who keeps His promises.

79. Jesus doesn’t want us to live a life of regret. He came to offer us a new life and a better way one of which is water baptism.

80. Our hope is the good news that is bigger than us, bigger than our loss, or our mistakes. We are no longer defined by our past. You have given us new life and purpose. Thank you for redeeming us, God.

81. Soar into the new season with confidence and courage. You’re never too far from grace.

82. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Highest dwells.

83. Call on the name of the Lord, and ye shall be saved.

84. The water of Baptism cleanses, but it does not make perfect; it cleanses all other sins, but itself is not cleansed, and it preserves us from the sin unto which we are inclined by nature, and makes us heirs of eternal life if we keep its commandments.

85. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward grace that has already been obtained.

86. Water baptism is not just a pledge of faith, but also a drowning of the old self and a rising to new life.

87. Today’s the day to remember your baptism. To mark this day, here are some fun baptism quotes and sayings.

88. Baptism is more than just the sprinkling of water with a few words spoken. It is the beginning of a lifelong promise to follow Jesus and share his good news with others.

89. Baptism is the gateway to the Christian life

90. When you were baptized, you were born into God’s family. You became a child of God and an heir to eternal life.

91. Celebrate your child’s Baptism in style.

92. Baptism is the first step of an exciting journey into a new life in Christ.

93. Today, we welcome a new life into our family. We pray that your journey will always be blessed.

94. Baptism is an outward expression of what God did inwardly.

95. Water Baptism is the first step in becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. We are baptized by immersion. This is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By baptism, we show our faith in Jesus Christ and our commitment to follow Him.

96. We believe that baptism should be performed only after one has reached an age of accountability.

97. The next step for a new believer is baptism. Here are water baptism quotes to inspire and encourage new believers before their baptism.

98. Is it just me, or does the warm weather and sunshine make you feel like it’s Christmastime? 😎

99. Water Baptism is a beautiful way to publicly proclaim your faith in Christ and the next step toward eternal life. We offer both private baptisms (allowing you to invite family & friends) or group baptisms (for large groups like Sunday schools).

100. Water baptism is symbolic of a cleansing from sin, and a union with Christ. At the same time, it is an act of obedience symbolizing our faith in a resurrected Savior. As we are immersed and come up out of the water, we show that we have died to sin and our old way of life, just as Christ was raised from the dead.

101. Purify your soul in the waters of Baptism—a sacrament that makes us children of God. Water Baptism is a life-changing decision.

102. Baptism is not just a pretty picture on the wall. It’s about something real and life-changing!

I hope you enjoyed going through these water baptism quotes and please don’t forget to comment about the post below, it’ll be appreciated.

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