We Will Get Through This Quotes

In life, when we are passing through difficult times, the best gift we can give ourselves and others is to study the ‘art’ of getting through things. Learning how to find happiness and positivity in negative situations is a skill everyone should develop.

From time to time all of us will experience difficult times in our lives. We may lose a job or be affected by financial crisis. A relative may become seriously ill, a friend or spouse may suffer a serious loss. These are all very personal experiences that no words can take away, but there is something we can do; encourage ourselves and try as much as possible to move out of difficult times.

As we go through our journeys in life, there are going to be times when things will go down pretty hard. It’s easy to feel alone and that no one has ever gone through similar things. However, this is not always the case.

Take a look at some we will get through this quotes below, It’s about getting through difficult times and situations together and coming out stronger.

Always remember that life goes on and that no matter how bad things get, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep working towards it and you will get there eventually. You will get through the hard times.

1. You will get through this, because you are strong and because you are resilient.

2. Life gets hard. But when you’re with someone strong, it does not have to be alone.

3. I can’t promise you that things will be easier or that you won’t get hurt again. But I can say this, I will stand by your side through it all, even if it’s just as a friend and we shall get through this together.

4. We will get through this, the same way we’ve gotten through everything else: together.

5. In your darkest hour, there’s a light that leads you through the storm. Stick together.

6. Tough times never last, they only last as long as you make them, if you learn to live with them, they go away.

7. Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.

8. We will get through this because that’s what families do; stick together.

9. We can’t change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails to always reach our destination.

10. We will get through this because we have a history of getting through things.

11. We will get through this because that is what people do. They endure hardships, they struggle to survive, they take care of each other, they keep going even when it seems like all hope is lost.

12. We will get through this together, and you know what, we’ll be stronger for it.

13. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm is all about.

14. We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.

15. We are not here to put up with each other, we are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is.

16. Together, we can overcome any challenge, we can achieve anything we want, and we will be the best at whatever we do.

17. Tough times never last, but tough people do.

18. I know I’m a better person because of you. And I know you are too. Together, we can do anything and get through anything.

19. We may have to take some turns and detours along the way, but if we stick together, we’ll make it to our destination eventually.

20. We will get through this together. The only way out is through, so we might as well face it together.

21. We will get through this together! Stay strong and know that everything will be okay. You are stronger than you think!

22. We’re together because we know our struggles are the same, and we will get through this stronger.

23. We may stumble and fall but we will rise again, stronger than ever.

24. Life is a lesson that teaches us how to live without regrets we hope for the best but expect the worst for the ones we love, for our friends and ourselves, but we will get through this.

25. We will get through this because that’s what friends do.

26. What do you think I’m going through? I know I’m feeling down. But I don’t have time to cry. I have too much work to do.

27. We will get through this. This trying time will be a walkover for us as long we have each other, we will get through this.

28. I believe in you and I know we will get through this because we have each other

29. We will get through this, I hope that we can see the end when all of the tears are dried, we will get through this.

30. We will get through this, when we believe in each other and when we don’t give up on each other.

31. we will get through this. We will get through this with love.

32. We will get through this, even if the road is long, we will get through this, we will come through it all united.

33. we will get through this, and we will grow stronger. We will take on this challenge and we will be victorious and our victory will be a testament to who we are and what we are capable of achieving.

34. No one has ever gone through this, but we will go through this and survive.

35. we will get through this under the darkest of skies, through the deepest of valleys, under the brightest of skies and we will get over it as long as we have each other.

36. We will get through this. One day. I have faith. We must. Whatever happens, we’ll be okay.

37. As long as we have each other I don’t think we will ever give up because we know that behind us is a better way. We will get through this

38. We will get through this and face each day with a smile on our faces.

39. Come on let’s go down and play, everything be fine, I’m alright, as long as we’ve each other to turn to.

40. The darkness can’t be all that bad when we have each other, there’s no need to worry, we will get through this.

Having to face difficult challenges and hard times is what makes us better people. It helps us learn things about ourselves that we never would before, and it lets us do things that we never would have dared to do before.

41. In this world of sorrow, in this world of pain, in this world of doubt, in this world of hate, we will hold our heads up high, I will walk high and get through these difficult times.

42. I will get through this. I will find our way through the thick dark and I will find my way to the light.

43. As long as I have great support systems, I will get through this dark time and will thrive in all the light.

44. I will get through this dark time. It will be a walkover for me. I have to stay strong, and I will get through this.

45. I can get through this. I will find a way out of the dark tunnel and I will see the light.

46. You will get through this, you can do this because you are strong.

47. If we have each other, we’ll get through this, we’ll be okay, we’ll survive.

48. As long as we have each other, getting through this dark time will be a workover for us.

49. They may hate what we know, we may be the only ones who understand but we will get through this.

50. I do not know how we’re going to get through this, but I know that we’re going through it together.

51. I know we will get through this no matter how bad it gets, we will survive.

52. Even in the darkest of times, I will be there for you, you know that I would do anything to make things right

53. As long as we have each other, we’ll get through this dark time together and see the light.

54. There is no time like the present hard time but I am hopeful that we will get through this.

55. As long as I have you, we will get through this, we’ll get through this tough period, I know we will.

56. As long as we have each other, we will get through this dark time, see the light, and know that everything is alright.

57. As long as we have each other we will get through these difficult challenges as our dreams come true and as we all stand together.

58. We will get through this, we will make it through and we will survive this storm.

59. We will get through this, we will get through this, with our faith and will, and we will be strong.

60. Life is about the ups and downs, every day, so hold on to what you’ve got, if you want to make it through this rough patch.

Sometimes we’re faced with life challenges that seem impossible to overcome. When these come into our lives, often our first emotional response is to give up. However, it is only when we push through difficult times and situations that we become stronger individuals.

61. I will never be afraid of the dark. I will always be there to guide you. I will always be there in times of need. I will always be there to love you and I am so sure that we will get through these difficult times together.

62. We will get through this challenge because we have each other. We’ll be strong and we’ll fly like the butterfly we were meant to be.

63. What I’ve learned is that even in the darkest of places, there’s always a light that you can come back to. I’ve learned that even if you’re face to face with death, it’s not the end.

64. As long as we have each other, we will get through these difficult challenges. We will find a way to be stronger and stronger.

65. We will get through this if we stick together, we will get through this if we smile, we will get through this if we work hard and never give up, we will get through this if we have each other.

66. As long as we have each other, I will get through these difficult challenges, for my love for you is like the sun, it will never fade and never grow cold.

67. We will get through this, we will get through this, we will not let this ruin our lives, we are stronger together than apart.

68. As long as we have each other, we’ll get through this difficult challenges.

69. Love is a force – a powerful force and so we’ll find a way, to overcome this terrible time, and we will get through this together.

70. As long as we have each other, we will get through these difficult challenges, that is my promise and my vow to you.

71. As long as we have each other, we will get through these difficult challenges, and as long as we have each other, we will be the same as we were before.

72. Together we stand, together we fall, together we live and die. In the end, we will always stand together.

73. As long as we have each other, as long as our love endures, as long as we have each other, we will get through this difficult challenges.

74. We will do it together, we will do it ourselves, and we will get through this difficult time.

75. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, when all seems lost and there is no hope when you take a step and realise, that no matter what happens, we will get through this together.

76. We will get through this difficult time, we live like we don’t have a problem. we will not waste your time crying for time is short.

77. We will get through this difficult time, we’ll face it and take it as a lesson learned.

78. We will get through this difficult time and come out stronger than before.

79. We’ll get through this hurt like we did before, we will get through this, we will be okay.

80. We will get through this difficult time and we cannot give up our faith.

81. We will get through this though it may seem out of reach we will get overcome and come out strong.

82. We will get through this though it seems the hardest thing to do.

83. We will get through this difficult time, just like we have gotten through, all those other times.

84. We will get through this, tougher than we ever thought, we will get through this, tougher than we ever thought.

85. In times of tragedy, it’s not the time that’s lost, but only the things that can’t be replaced.

86. Tough people have to be who they are, and just do it. When tough times come and go, the tough people stay.

87. We will get through this together as a family. I know you’re watching us, you’re holding your breath, waiting for us to fail. But we will get through this.

88. We will survive and we will get through this together, there’s nothing to be afraid of, we will be there for one another, we will have each other’s backs.

89. We will get through this together no matter how hard it gets. And we will work as long as it takes.

90. Life is to be enjoyed, you have to go through tough times, it will only get better, just keep on moving forward.

91. I am going to make it through, I am going to see it through, it’s not the end, it’s just the end of a chapter, and that’s how it goes,

92. We will get through this you and me and together we will be strong.

93. We all make mistakes, we all pray, we all cry, but we will all get through this together, as long as we have each other.

94. We will get through this together, and come out stronger on the other side.

95. Life on earth is like a game, just keep on playing, don’t give up, and you’ll win the game.

96. Life is a gift. You must have the courage to accept it. When you are in the midst of life’s storms, remember, the greatest strength is the ability to hold on.

97. We will get through this, the tears that fall, the broken trust, the angry words. We will get through this, the distance that grows, the dreams that linger due to love. We will get through this,

98. You were born to be a warrior, not a victim, not someone who can’t fight because you’re strong enough to overcome the dragons and the cyclones that come your way.

99. The wind gives you the sails you need and the wind takes them away so I must choose to let the wind take away my hope or to keep my hope alive

100. We will get through this, it’s only a bump in the road, together, we’ll make it, we will get through this together.

101. If we can get through this, we can get through anything.

102. We can find the strength we need to get through any difficult times by remembering that we are never alone.

103. We are stronger together than apart and we will get through this together.

104. I can’t guarantee that everything will be OK, but I can guarantee that I’ll be with you when it’s not

Through these quotes, we can remember that even though times are tough, we can get stronger when we learn to accept struggles as a part of our life. I hope these quotes will give you the motivation to move on toward success.

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