Webmaster Job Description and Salary Information

Webmaster Job Description: Most businesses, self-employed professionals and organizations recognize the need for an attractive, functional website. Webmasters work within organizations, or as a third-party consultant, to develop and administer sites, ensuring that the websites operate correctly and in accordance with the goals of the website owner.

This article will provide you with the necessary information you need to know more about the job or position of a Webmaster.

Who is a Webmaster

A Webmaster develops and maintains an organization’s website or . Coordinates across the organization to publish or develop new content. Being a Webmaster designs the look and feel of the site.

Monitors site traffic and helps scale site capacity to meet traffic demands and performance expectations.

Additionally, the Webmaster performs backups, manages databases, and administers security. Must have a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and SQL. Typically requires a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Typically reports to a manager.

The Webmaster gains exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work.

Job Description of a Webmaster

A Webmaster develops and maintains an organization’s website or intranet site. Coordinates across the organization to publish or develop new content. Being a Webmaster designs the look and feel of the site.

Monitors site traffic and helps scale site capacity to meet traffic demands and performance expectations.

Additionally, the Webmaster performs backups, manages databases, and administers security. Must have a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and SQL.

Typically requires a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Typically reports to a manager. The Webmaster gains exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work.

Although a webmaster sometimes assumes the role of a web designer, the main job of a webmaster is to monitor, improve, and update the performance of existing Web sites.

The webmaster must know about the client’s business and the industry to which it belongs. If the goal is to sell products or services to customers, the webmaster must learn about the client’s marketing policies and sales objectives.

A webmaster works with many different people in an organization since he or she is often the only one with the technical expertise to answer questions about or troubleshoot problems with the Web site.

The ability to work and communicate well with others is, therefore, an important skill for any webmaster to possess.

The webmaster must perform a variety of technical tasks to make sure that a Web site works properly and can be accessed quickly by as many people as possible.

These tasks include making sure the server (a computer in a network that provides services to other computers in the network) and browsers (the different programs used to access the Web site) can properly handle e-mail, transmit news, and download files.

Customers using a variety of browsers or operating systems such as Windows or Macintosh should be able to access the site equally well.

These duties require the webmaster to keep up with changing technical standards in areas such as HTML (hypertext markup language), HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), and XML (extensible markup language) that affect the workings of the Web site.

Once a Web site is created, it is the job of the webmaster to maintain the site so that it remains a valuable resource for the client and the client’s customers.

Maintenance is a more routine task than site design and creation, but it occupies the majority of most webmasters’ time and effort.

They must update the information contained on the Web site or in databases linked to the site and check the links on the site regularly to make sure that they are still working and that the information they provide is still current.

The webmaster may spend a great deal of time surfing the Web to become acquainted with new developments and ideas and to discover new pages to link to the client’s Web site.

The site itself must be checked for bugs or other problems such as images that do not load properly.

Webmasters Job Requirements

Many webmasters have college degrees in computer science, mathematics, engineering, or design-related fields; however, many others have only a year or two of college training or perhaps none at all.

It is common for webmasters to be self-trained, learning their skills by working with the World Wide Web and its related computer applications.

Technical skills are of the utmost importance for a webmaster.

These typically involve experience in programming languages such as C++ and Java. Knowledge of the Unix operating system is also important, as is familiarity with Internet applications such as HTML, HTTP, and XML.

The webmaster also needs to keep up to date with new, rapidly changing Internet technologies.

Certification in the field is offered by the International Webmasters Association. The level of certification attained depends on a webmaster’s experience and performance on an examination geared toward one of three skill levels.

In addition, there are certain skills required of a Webmaster alongside the above stated. These skills include:

  1. Computer skills: Webmasters are expected to have strong computer and internet skills. They should be able to complete online research, troubleshoot typical hardware and software glitches, and use standard software packages such as Microsoft Office.
  2. Coding languages: All web professionals are expected to have an understanding of HTML. In addition, a developer or administrator may also be expected to have proficiency in JavaScript, Python, or Swift.
  3. Graphics creation and management: Even if a webmaster outsources graphics creation or makes use of stock photography services, he will be expected to know how to resize, crop, or edit graphics using Photoshop.
  4. Content Management Systems: Many developers and administrators make use of content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla! Employers will often specify in job ads the level of proficiency the applicant is expected to have with these systems.
  5. E-commerce platforms and payment systems: E-commerce websites often incorporate a third-party shopping cart and payment systems. Again, employers will usually disclose their systems in job listings, with the expectation that applicants will be familiar with the back-end administration of these products.
  6. Strong writing skills: Poorly written websites can cause significant damage to a company’s reputation. Webmasters who are responsible for content creation and maintenance must have strong language and writing skills. These skills include the ability to edit and proofread content produced by others.
  7. Analytical skills: There are many different options for monitoring website statistics and visitor behavior. However, an administrator is also responsible for or being able to analyze this data and to make use of it to develop and target web traffic, user retention, and sales. Web administrators should also be able to prepare readable, understandable reports.

Salary Information of a Webmaster

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics includes webmasters under, “Information Security Analysts, Web Developers, and Computer Network Architects.” Webma
sters earned an average annual salary of $81,670 as of May 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The top 10 percent made over $124,860 annually.

Pay for webmasters depends on location, the type, and size of the company for whom they work, and whether they are salaried employees or freelance consultants.

Entry-level salaries are highest on the West Coast. Salaries at California-based companies start at $53,000 per year. The median annual salary for a webmaster is $66,105, but the pay can range up to $100,000 for an experienced and talented webmaster.

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