1. Government challenges: Related to leadership problem is bad governance has among others, been defined as a system of values polices and institution  by which a society manages  its economics  social and political affairs through interaction within the state civil  society and   private sector (Shabbir Cheema, April, 2004, UNDP, 1997, UNDP,  2000).  Thus  governance comprises the mechanisms and processes for citizens and group to articulate their interest, to work together  and mediate their deference  and exercise the legal right and obligation with  rules institutions and practice that set limits and provide incentives for individuals organization and  firms  good  governance  refer  to the  question

of low  a society can organize itself to ensure quality of opportunity and equities (social  and economic justice )    for all citizens (Shabbir Cheema, April. 2004)  it also  promotes people centered development

2.  Corruption Challenges: Although corruption is a global scourge, Nigeria   appears to suffer  the most form it because  the leaders are  pathologically corruption every one appears to believe that the nation has a culture of corruption  (smith  2008). Over the years, Nigeria  has earned huge sum of money from crude oil, which has gone down  the  sinkhole created by corruption in an articles, oil giant that  runs  on grease  of politics, Nigeria was described a rich nation floating on oil wealth  but  almost none of it flows to the people (san Francesco chronicle, march 1  2007)  top public  servants are   very rich because  they harbor  the mendacity that   public money belong to no one. National  dailies area wash with news of how  public officials are acquiring million dollar homes (within and outside Nigerian ) and stock piling stolen public money in financial institution  abroad.  

3.  Macro economic  challenges: policy in consistency and greed are among the  causes of the hemorrhage in the economy(Eichenggen, 2004). Every administration that comes on board take on a new policy initiative instead building on the previous ones. As a result, Nigeria has toyed with a series of ineffective and poorly implemented polices.

For instance, as chief economic adviser to Obasanjo, Charles Soludo instituted the national  economics employment, reducing poverty and guide values reorientation. But the needs failed to  achieve its objective because of the reason already elaborated in the preceding sections. The late Umaru Musa Yarardua administration (inherited by Jonathan)  dumped  the NEEDS and  adopted the vision of the administration to transform Nigeria into one of the first  20 largest  global  economics by the years  2020 . These program that now appear dead gulped huge sum of money, which could   have been sued to resolve some of the social economic and political challenges facing the nation.

4.  Human development challenges: Human resources  play an immense role in the success of failure of  any organization or nation in terms of capability and strength of  character of the workers or leaders  in Nigeria , most of the problems facing the  economy are  reflection of the poor quality of human  development and the economic health, of the nation  has been neglected for decades (Kruege March, 2002 )  one has to understand   the  problems facing the educational institution to really appreciate the magnitude  of  problem facing the Nigerian economy.  

5.  Market challenge : lack of genuine competition in the system is among the challenges facing the economy. Real capitalistic economics are controlled by market forces or what Adam Smith brands the invisible hand of the market (see the theory of moral sentiment 1759). The self-regulating nature of the market determines where one live and work, how much one earns, and what one can buy.  Although every economy (developed, developing or undeveloped) needs some form of government   intervention, Nigeria leaders are yet to need the advice of Adam Smith in 1776 that the state should not  unnecessarily interferer in  the economy.  In Nigerian,  the federal government  has virtual monopoly of setting  the price  of petroleum products and other  goods and services. Recently the federal government arbitrarily, the  raised the price of gas by  HOD percent (daily trust, may  28, 2010)  without considering the distributive  negative consequences on the economy

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