
Table of contents


Roles of microorganism in food industries

Different industries and roles of microorganism in them

Baking industry

Bacteria in baking industry

Mold in baking industry    

Wine industry



            There are various types of microorganism that are used for large scale production of industrial items. For example corynebacterium species which are often used to mass produce amino acids utilized in food processing.

            The ability of specific microorganisms to produce specialized enzymes and protein has been exploited for many purposes in industry-industrial microorganisms are used to produce many things, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and construction material, but here we are going to specialize on the roles of microorganisms in the food industries.    


            Microorganism are essential for the production of foods such as cheese, yogurt, other fermented food like bread, bear, wine, microorganism like yeast, especially saccharomyces cerevisiae, is used to leave bread, brew beer, and make wine, certain bacteria including lactic acid bacteria are used to make yogurt, cheese, hot-sance, pickles fermented sausages and dishes such as kimchi.

            The common effect of these fermentation is that the food product is less hospitable to other microorganism including pathogens and spoilage causing microorganisms, thus extending the food’s shelf life.

            Some microorganisms are used to manufacture food or to increase the quantity of industrial products. Numerous microorganisms are used within industrial microbiology. These include naturally occurring organisms, laboratory selected mutants, or even genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food sources is gaining both momentum, with more and more supporters on both sides. However, the use of microorganism at an industrial level is deeply rooted into today’s society. The following is a brief over view of the various microorganisms that have industrial uses and of the roles they play.

            Coryne bacteria are characterized by their diverse origins. They are found in numerous ecological niches and are most often used in industrial for the mass production of aminoacids and nutritional factors in particular, the amino acids produce by coryne bacterium, glutamicum, include the amino acid glutanic acid. Glutanic acid as used as a common addition in food production where it is known as monosodium glutamate (MSG) corynebaterium can also be used in steraind conversion and in the degradation of hydrocarbons.

            Xanthomonas, a type of proteo-bacteria is known for its ability to canes disease in plant. The bacterial species which are classified under xanthomonas axibit the ability to produce the acids exopoly saccharide commonly marketed as xanthan gun used as a thickening and stabilizing agent in foods and in cosmetic ingredients to prevent separation.

            Another type of micro-organism utilized by industry includes various species of aspergillums. This genus species of aspergillums include several hundreds types of molds, aspergillums has become a key component in industrial microbiology where it is used in the production of alcoholic beverages and pharmaceutical development. Aspergillums is most commonly used to produce citric acid, which is used in numerous products ranging from house hold cleaners, pharmaceuticals, foods cosmetics, photography and construction aspergillums is also commonly used in large-scale fermented in the production of alcoholic beverages such as Japanese sake.


Baking Industry

            Yeast which causes bread to rise is a microbe without fermentation by yeast, which is a living and natural product, we could not obtain the equivalent of bread of Viennese pastry. In the process of fermentation yeast, produces carbon dioxide, alcohol, and other compound which enable dough to rise and modify it’s physical properties when the fermentation is correctly achieved depending on the quality of flour among other things, the baker will obtain the proper external and internal characteristics (grain and texture) suitable for a determined finished product.

            Why bread has holes and grows molds yeast the most fundamental biological process in bread making is fermentation initiated and sustained by the life activities of a unicellular plant, a microscopic yeast cell. Baker’s yeast cerevsiae species and is actually a member of the mushroom family. It is a biological leavening agent and possesses the basic attributes of all living things, which are respiration and reproduction, it’s role in bread making is to convert sugars to carbon dioxide gas and thus leaven the dough. Yeast fermentation is also involved in the maturation of the dough and like wine or bear, contributes greatly to the production of bread taste.


Bacteria also contribute either positively or negatively to the overall quality of the finished loaf in sour dough bread, bacteria cultures are categorized under the rather poorly defined “wild yeast” category. This is in reference to ambient yeast and bacterial microorganism already present in the flour, mater, air, on your hands contacts with the dough. Bacterial growth, like yeast, is affected by moisture, ph, temperature, food supply salt, sugar, oxygen supply and light most bacterial grow well in moist environments with temperatures ranging between 25-400C, however and like it colder (just over freezing and some like it hot (60-80%) bacteria thrive at a PH around neutrality (65-80) most chemical will kill bacteria. Since bacterial will not grow in mediums with large amounts of salt, salt plays a contributing factor to the leavening of sour dough bread, it is important to note that not all bacteria is beneficial to bread some cause infections that have negative effects on the finished product. High hydration doughs are more susceptible to bacterial infections like ropy bread and particularly interesting “Bleading Bread”.


            The presence of mold in baking ingredients, equipment or product is deterious and undesirable. Molds constitute a principal group of spoilage organisms most of the ingredients used in baking are subjects to molds infections as well as finished leaves. There are two types of the most common molds mucor. Bluesih mold

Rhizopus: black mold.


In the wine making process, yeast cells are kept short of oxygen, causing sugars. In grape juice to ferment forming alcohol and carbon dioxide, in making of cheese and yoghurt, bacteria perform a similar job, turning lactose into lactic acid. Rennet is then added to separate the curds and whey.

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are responsible for many fermented food such as saver krant, pickles and yogurt. They have also been isolated from mines at various states of vinification, in wines they are responsible for malolactic fermentation (MLF) which can be beneficial in some cases and undesirable in others.

Besides conducting (MLF), these bacteria under certain conditions can also cause undesirable changes in wine flavor which renders the wine undrinkable. Many species of LAB do not conduct MLF and their growth in wine an cause some serious wine spoilage.


Microbial and bacterial contamination of wheat flour has seldom been a concern due to the fact that it has low water activity level, water activity (AW) refers to the availability of mater in a food or beverage and represent the amount of water that is available to microorganism pure water has an AW of 1.00, A water activity level of greater than 0.95 is required to support the growth of bacteria.

Wheat flour generally has an Aw level of 0.87 or lower depending on flour moisture and temperature the concern with wheat flour is that bacteria can be carried or stored and emerge from dormancy when the flour is further processed when the flour is further processed into a food product in the milling process prevention and reduction of microbial or bacteria contamination are good alternatives with elimination options growing in acceptance, but adding significant cost to production.


            Viruses unlike bacteria, cannot multiply in foods. The main mode of transmission therefore by food handlers and the use of dirty utensils, which transfer the virus to food where upon it is ingested by humans.

·        Rotaviruses and nor walk virus are the major causes of gastroenteritis

·        Viral hepatilits A ontbraks are mainly caused by asymptomatic carriers which handle food.


Many parasites, such as the helminthes, have a complex lifecycle involving more than one host. The major route of transmission for these parasite to humans is by the route of food the consumption of undercooked prok or beef, or the consumption of raw salads washed in contaminated water seems to be the trend.

            The most commonly used microorganisms are yeast, bacteria, moulds, or a combination of these. A goo example of microorganism usage in food production is the process of fermentation which result in the production of organic acid, alcohols and esters. 



Baker’s yeast which is sacchromyces. Cerevisiae is widely use in many food industries for example in bread industry it is used to leaven bread dough convert sugars to carbon dioxide gas in wine industry yeast cells are kept short of oxygen, causing sugars in grape juice to ferment forming alcohol and carbon dioxide. It is also used to brew beer.

Bacterias also play enough roles again in the food industries for example in the making of yogurt and cheese bacteria is used to convert lactose into lactic acid. Lactic acid bacteria are responsible for many fermented food such as saver krant, prickles.

With this I will say that microorganisms are good friends to food producers if they are ready to make them friends.              



Bartowsky, E. J., Costello, P. J. Abrahamsen, C.E. McCarthy, J.          M, Chambers, P. J. Herderich, M. J. & Pretorius, I. S.            (2009) wine bacteria wine industry journal 24(2). 

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