What Causes Cardiovascular Disease – Recent Symptoms to Observe

What Causes Cardiovascular Disease – Recent Symptoms to Observe.

What Causes Cardiovascular Disease: Cardiovascular disease defines certain numbers of heart conditions. Which comprise heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, and some others and all these are as a result of a poor state of the heart and faulty of the heart in its special areas of functions.

Research made by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine reports that cardiovascular disease is in more percentage in both men and women and that. The cardiovascular disease normally refers to circumstances that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.

Other heart circumstances, such as those that concern your heart’s muscle, valves or rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease.

There are many diverse types of cardiovascular disease. Symptoms will differ, depending on the specific type of disease a patient has.

However, typical symptoms of a core cardiovascular issue include:

  • pains or pressure in the chest, which may show angina
  • pain or uneasiness in the arms, the left shoulder, elbows, jaw, or back
  • shortness of breath also acknowledged as dyspnea
  • nausea and fatigue
  • light-headed or faint
  • cold sweat

Cardiac or heart-related, diseases and circumstances include:

  • angina measured both a cardiac and vascular disease
  •  arrhythmia, where there is an uneven heartbeat or heart rhythm
  • congenital heart disease, when a problem with heart purpose or structure is present from birth
  •   coronary artery disease (CAD), which is not good with  the arteries that feed the heart muscle
  • dilated cardiomyopathy
  • heart attack
  • heart failure, when the heart does not work correctly
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • mitral regurgitation
  • mitral valve prolapse
  • pulmonary stenosis
  • rheumatic heart disease which can be a difficulty of strep throat

Vascular diseases are diseases that influence the blood vessels: the arteries, veins, or capillaries.

They include:

  • peripheral artery (arterial) disease
  • an aneurysm
  • atherosclerosis
  • renal artery disease
  •  Raynaud’s disease (Raynaud’s phenomenon)
  • Buerger’s disease
  • peripheral venous disease
  • stroke, a type of cerebrovascular disease
  • venous blood clots
  • blood clotting disorders

There are many common causes like being overweight, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition and smoking. Some causes we can not do much about – such as having a family history of cardiovascular disease.

And there are some lesser known causes to think such as depression and feeling isolated from loved ones and friends. significant causes of cardiovascular disease include atherosclerosis when fatty deposits mount up in the arteries.

Damage to the circulatory system can also outcome from diabetes and as the result of other health conditions, such as a virus, an infection, or a structural problem that the person was born with.

It often entails high blood pressure, but this can be both a cause and a result of cardiovascular disease.

Below are the causes of Cardiovascular Disease and how these damages take place.

High Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure is a situation where an individual consistently have a high blood pressure and damages artery walls, the heart and other organs and as well increase your risk of heart attack and stroke and can be stopped by an annual check on your blood pressure

High Total Blood Cholesterol:

This results to cardiovascular disease when a certain percentage of cholesterol is needed for the normal functioning of the body, but too much of it is dangerous and when a blood cholesterol interpretation is high, it usually means LDL levels are high. High (LDL) cholesterol can build up in arteries,

narrowing them and making it harder for blood to pass through and a compact artery leads to the shortage of oxygen to the heart or to the brain (a stroke). The remedies to these problems entail a healthy diet, exercise, weight management, and medication.


Smoking is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease, a few cigarettes a day can damage the blood vessels and decrease the amount of oxygen available in our blood as Smoking causes artery walls to become ‘stickier’ and increases the risk of clots forming which can result to a stroke or heart attack.

Smoking and intake of contraceptives by women results to a greater part of the cardiovascular disease. Patients experiencing this should avoid smoking.


  • Diabetes causes damage to blood vessels so diabetes is the main factor in developing cardiovascular disease. augmented weight often accompanies type 2 diabetes and this is another factor which increases a woman’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Patients experiencing these should embrace a healthy diet, exercise, weight management and managing of alcohol intake.

Family history:

Being part of a family with a history of heart disease is a significant display of whether a woman has an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In this situation, it is pertinent to inform a doctor.

Excess Weight and physical inactivity:

  • Excess weight, particularly around the stomach area, increases a woman’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease and lack of physical activity makes it worse. Adult women of Caucasian background have an amplified risk of cardiovascular disease if their waist circumference measures more than 80cm and even greater risk if it is more than 88cm. excess weight can be gotten rid of healthy living for individuals interested in losing weight.

Depression and feeling Alone

Research shows having depression and feeling socially isolated enhances the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.[5]

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