What Do Men Look for in Your Online Dating Profile?

Top Dating Coach Evan Marc Katz Reveals What Men Look for in Your Online Dating Profile

Tons of single women are now putting their chances in online dating to find love. But one thing is putting a pause to their love life— creating a dating profile.

It can be daunting for successful women to create the ideal profile without being egotistical. Missing to stand out in this part will leave you disappointed especially when it comes to what do men look for in your online dating profile?

Luckily, top Dating Coach Evan Marc Katz shares his knowledge for your dating journey.

Here are some of this personal trainer’s recommendations on creating a dating profile that might lead to a lasting relationship.

Do Not Believe That Everything is About Pictures

The “looks are all that matters” stance in any woman’s dating profile is obsolete. This thinking convinced Dating Coach Evan Marc that some women got men wrong.

It is partly true that a stunning picture is a good start, but it will not make you stand out in the game. There is plenty of fish in the sea, and making a few men slide into your inbox is a tough mission. Because whether you like it or not, there are a lot of pretty faces out there.

Stereotypical boys will hook by looks, but good men go beyond the surface.

How will you pull it off and take home the bacon? This Love U Dating Coach’s advice is to customize your profile. After all, your pictures do not speak for you, but your bio does.

Cliches are a Goner

Swipe right and I can be your wife.

Looking for a partner in crime.

Smart, passionate, and fun.

Google is everyone’s best friend, but not for your dating profile. Writing your profile in this manner is not a smart thing to do. Don’t just trust Google in this one, or you will risk your dreams of being a wife.

Relationship coaching by Evan Marc Katz advises against cliches. Don’t just make a list of adjectives to describe yourself, either.

Instead, show what kind of person you really are. When you say something about yourself, make sure to…

Establish the Story You Wish to Convey

Like a novel or short story, your profile should be unique and expressive of your personality. Show who you are and what type of life you live.

Are you an athletic traveler? The introverted geek? A career woman? Think about what you want your online profile to express.

The only thought that matters to making a good profile is your own.

Look in the mirror, then ask yourself, “Who am I showing up as? What am I telling about my life?”

Coach Evan Marc Katz claims that a story is not a breathless run-on sentence. It is a snapshot of an event or a moment in time.

For example, I like watching videos on Facebook, that are not a story. But, I joined the military and saved a thousand lives—that is a story.

Show a Glimpse of You

When writing your online dating profile, go deeper than listing your hobbies, job, and favorite things. By being clear about who you are, warts and all, you become more memorable to the right person.

If you find yourself jaded about your writing, ask someone. They might give you a fresh perspective and some new ideas. Do you sound too much like other women on dating sites? Are you highlighting your best qualities?

One of Evan Marc’s dating coaching tips is to show your confidence. Give them a glimpse of what’s in it for them when they date you.

If you like to show your strong commitment to finding lasting love, tell your story. You might also narrate your success story in your career.

Once you follow this advice, you just might develop lasting relationships and end up happily married.

Embody Positivity

You cannot avoid getting approached online by certain persons you do not want to date. It is part of the game.

But you can minimize these instances and attract the right people by being positive.

Negativity is not appealing! Highlighting your wrong qualities gives you a bad image and will probably attract people you don’t want to attract.

Remember, the better you are at pursuing good relationships, the more likely you will attract the right person.

Grammar Sometimes Matters

Since we are talking about building a profile, spelling and grammar are essential.

There is a lot of sloppy spelling and grammar in the world nowadays. Tons of online profiles mention spelling errors and poor language as one of their pet peeves. But some of the same folks have spelling errors and poor language in their online profiles as well.

There are plenty of individuals who will overlook errors. But do not take the chance of alienating someone because you did not use a simple spell-check tool.

The time and effort you put into your profile are seen and appreciated by those who come across it. So, put some effort into correcting your errors before publishing your profile.

It’s time to get started on the fun part, the dating part! With your profile written and a few photos uploaded, it’s time to hit the “go” pedal for what do men look for in your online dating profile?

The introduction of online dating has completely changed how people meet, where they meet and how often they meet. To be successful at online dating you need to know what men are looking for and you’ll need to put yourself out there.

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